The Desire for Ice Cream Surpassed Fear

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Have you ever been in a haunted basement? Well I have. I’m going to tell the story of when I was in a haunted basement. You shall be scared.

I was just a normal boy brown hair, blue eyes, stout and I was on my way to babysit the neighbor’s children but I did not yet know that they had a haunted basement. When I finally got there they greeted me with a hello. The parents names were Jean and Keaton. The kids’ names were Billy, Bob, Joe, and Junior. Jean and Keaton said that the kids could have some ice cream.

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Before the kids wanted the ice cream they played Parcheesi, Apples To Apples, and Skull King. Then,Billy, Bob, Joe, and Junior wanted their ice cream. Billy, Bob, Joe, and Junior said that the ice cream was in the basement. When I went down the stairs and opened the door there was a big WOOSH! The WOOSH was like a creepy carrot’s loud obnoxious breathing. In the basement there were three windows. For some reason three of the windows had monsters in them.

One of the windows had Frankenstein and he was bowling with his head. I opened the freezer. I grabbed the ice cream, and I looked at the second window. It had Dracula playing baseball. Then I looked at the third window and there was an old lady that had dark brown hair with brown eyes. She was looking at me and she was quite far away.

I ran upstairs but Billy, Bob, Joe, and Junior told me they wanted whipped cream. The whip cream was in the basement! So I went back downstairs and when I opened the door there was a WOOSH and a BANG! The BANG was like a cannonball that just hit the ground. This time the first window had skeletons playing football. The second window has Sandman doing an Egyptian dance. But the third window still had the old lady. Now she was closer to me and looking directly at me! I grabbed the whip cream from the refrigerator and ran upstairs.

But then Billy, Bob, Joe, and Junior all wanted cherries. I ran downstairs and when I opened the door there was a WOOSH, BANG, CLINK! The CLINK was like a droid scraping it’s metal feet on the basement floor. The first window now had a zombie talking normally. The second window now had a creeper. The third window still had the old lady. Now the old lady was right above the window. I grabbed the cherries and ran upstairs faster than I have ever ran.

I called Jean and Keaton and told them about their creepy basement. They said it was nothing. I went back downstairs to see if it was nothing. When I opened the door it made a WOOSH, BANG, CLINK, BOOM! The BOOM was like a bullet just leaving the gun. Now the old lady was in all the windows. It was bone chilling, and I was stuck frozen in my spot. I walked back upstairs scaredly.

I called Jean and Keaton again and told them about the old lady. They said that they were coming home. When Jean and Keaton got home we all went downstairs. There was no WOOSH, BANG, CLINK, or BOOM. There was no old lady in the windows. But the weirdest thing of all was that there were no windows. We went back upstairs, and Jean and Keaton told me to open the door again. I heard a WOOSH, BANG, CLINK, BOOM, RATTLE. The RATTLE was like a rattle from a rattlesnake. But Jean and Keaton didn’t hear it. I saw the old lady but Jean and Keaton didn’t.

People call me insane for thinking the basement was haunted. But I know what I heard and saw was real. I will never babysit BIlly, Bob, Joe, and Junior again!

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The Desire for Ice Cream Surpassed Fear. (2023, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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