The Different Steps of the Critique Process

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The research below will be about the steps involved in the critique process. It has commenced by explaining the meaning of the process and its importance. The research has also mentioned the study” Sources of stress in nursing students: a systematic review of quantitative studies” as being the best passage for the topic. That stems from the fact that it is a qualitative research work which otherwise makes critiquing it crucial to ascertain the facts stated. The research below has also discussed the processes of comprehension, comparison, analysis and evaluation that are all necessary steps when conducting a research critique. The first step i.e. comprehension will encompass understanding the terms and concepts vital to the study. Comparison, the second phase is vital for the promotion of the rules in any research work. The third step i.e. analysis will mention the ways that important principles and elements have been utilized. Lastly, evaluation is used in understanding the meaning and importance of the entire study.

The critique process is a method of providing feedback for possible improvement in the future. Its purpose is embedded in determining whether the findings of research are usable to the concerned parties. For one to gain the perfect comprehension and appreciation of the critique process, recognizing the expectations for performing it is fundamental. Besides, it will permit the careful examination of the endeavor associated with the process or element that is being subjected to critique. Therefore, that the following paper will discuss the first four steps of the critique process. The discussion will be centered on the elements of comprehension, comparison, analysis and lastly evaluation.

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On the first account, the best passage for the topic is about the sources of stress for the nursing students. It is a research work that has an aim of identifying the primary causatives of stress among the nursing students. It is the best since nurses must often make a critical contemplation and evaluation of studies for determining the right concept to practice (Boswell & Cannon, 2015, p. 405).

In addition, the passage is a quantitative study thus making the process of critique be essential for its optimum comprehension. Critiquing quantitative studies as the one mentioned above would be imperative for proving both the validity and reliability of facts presented in the article. For example, if a research was designed purposefully for exploring depression but it looked into anxiety, it will be considered as invalid. Critiquing will thus assist in determining whether the quantitative study has adhered to the research requirements. For reliability which is a consistency of measure in any quantitative study, Heale and Twycross (2015) states that the process of critique will incorporate it so that almost similar outcomes are accrued when conducting various tests aimed at reaching a conclusive deduction.

Step One-Comprehension

It is the first step in any critical appraisal process. It encompasses the comprehension of the terms, as well as, the concepts mentioned in the report. It also identifies the critical steps of a research process e.g. problem, design, methods of measurement, data collection and the findings. As the first step, it will include conducting a review of the abstract, going through the whole research and also carrying out an examination of the references used. Besides, the research will be evaluated by determining the clarity and conciseness of the work, use of relevant terms and the identification of the primary sections of the research.

Step Two-Comparison

In this phase, the assessor must make an examination of the extent that the rules applicable in any ideal study are followed. The steps of the research should also be examined to determine whether they correlate with the content presented. Other significant elements of this phase include mentioning both the strengths and weaknesses of this study and whether it was rigorously developed and implemented. This step and the following step i.e. analysis are often conducted simultaneously when critiquing.

Step Three-Analysis

In this third step, a focus in the manner in which both the important principles, as well as, elements have been used in the organization of the work is crucial. The step is needful for the collection of clues regarding the entire process of critique. It encompasses studying in great detail the ideas that have been presented in the work. Coughlan, Cronin, & Ryan (2015) mention that when conducting an analysis, the researcher ought to identify the statistical tests that were conducted. Also, the step should mention the reason for carrying out these tests and the consequent results obtained. These statistical tests should also fully answer the question posed by the research while also specifying their levels of significance.

Step Four-Evaluation

During the evaluation step, both the meaning, as well as, the significance of the research are put into perspective. The evaluation catapults into a summary of the quality of the research that will build on the conclusions that have been deduced during the initial three stages above. The step will thus involve the reexamination of the findings, conclusions, challenges, implications associated with nursing and even the suggestions necessary for further study. (Burns, Grove, & Gray, 2014, p. 427)


The above study has discussed the first four steps of the critique process. It has mentioned the concept of comprehension, comparison, analysis and also evaluation. Through the successful completion of an effective process of critique, the reviewer will become aware of the possible shortcomings of the project. The identification of the concerns will also enable the efficient incorporation of the results based on the comprehensiveness of the deductions. Therefore, the processes discussed above are important for receiving the necessary feedback from any research process of interest.


  1. Boswell, C. & Cannon, S. (2015). The Research Critique Process and the Evidence-Based Appraisal Process (1st ed., pp. 404-433). New York:
  2. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Retrieved from
  3. Burns, N., Grove, S., & Gray, J. (2014). Understanding nursing research: Building an Evidence Based Practice (1st ed., p. 592).
  4. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier/Saunders. Coughlan, M., Cronin, P., & Ryan, F. (2015). A step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1: Quantitative research. British Journal of Nursing, 16(11), 658-663.
  5. Heale, R. &Twycross, A. (2015). Validity and reliability in quantitative studies. Evidence Based Nursing, 18(3), 66-67.

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