The Pursuit of My Desire to Help Others Through a Career in Clinical Psychology

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During my eighteen years of existence, I have always found a passion for helping others and listening to them so that they can resolve their issues. However, during my high school years, I found it quite challenging to choose a career path that I could enjoy and pursue in my life. Yet, with the help of extraordinary counselors and teachers, I found the perfect career that suits me quite well. With extreme difficulty choosing my career path, I believe that a clinical psychologist amuses me and I intend to major in psychology and get all my college degrees in psychology.

Although, this may be a challenge I will strive to accomplish the goals I have planned out for my future and try to help others by becoming an extraordinary psychologist. However, it was not only the inspiration of my teachers and counselors that made me choose a career path it was also another person that inspired me, and she was a psychologist, and her name was Yolanda.

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Since Yolanda has helped me realize that there is always somebody there to listen to our problems even when life may make it seem like we are utterly lonely and useless at some points in time, and she has made an impact on people’s lives. She is an inspiration and my role model, and I live up to being an extraordinary psychologist and making an impact on others life so they will not feel as lonely as I did at one point in time. With all this being said Yolanda worked at the Alliance Against Family Violence & Sexual Assault and she did individual counseling and even group counseling of the survivors of either family violence or sexual assault and also both sometimes. On a daily basis, clinical psychologists are there for people with issues that may feel like the problem has no resolution. However, being a psychologist entails, for a better chance of comprehending human behavior, memory, and even classifying mental disorders.

Even if psychologist may earn $73,270 per year on average, their counseling promotes safety and understand peoples physical and mental health. Although psychologist may be known to counsel people individually or in groups on a daily basis, they also can work in organizations such as the government to even government institutions. With that being said working in a profession, such as an educational workplace or a governmental facility helps the profession of psychology advance for the better. For example, even if most psychologists are not hired by a specific organization the ones that make an impact by improving services and also can determine why a particular place is either succeeding or miserably failing.

Even if psychologists can improve the lives of others, it is quite difficult to find a job nowadays since psychology is one of the few majors that has numerous amounts of people that are unemployed after they graduate with a bachelor’s degree. Nevertheless, becoming a psychologist may be an arduous journey, but I know I will not give up and become one of the few people that become unemployed because it is quite challenging to find a career that few people find a passion for nowadays. Since I am trying to achieve all my goals in the future, I should begin to comprehend all the key terms and significant people that are well known in the study of psychology.

Yet, in order for me to do that, I will need to dedicate a massive amount of time to studying and after I accomplish that I will need to focus on my future goals as a clinical psychologist. Although, it may take me a couple of years to gain my doctorates I will still need another few years to become an intern, but I am capable of doing anything to achieve all of my goals and succeeding and trying to obtain a marvelous future.

Also, my future can make an impact on others and hopefully make others feel like they belong and stop them from being upset and try to make all the people I counsel achieve happiness and forget about the harm that made them feel sad, to begin with. Furthermore, I may not be the brightest person on the planet, but I am certain that I want to be the person that makes an impact on just one marvelous human being to even changing thelives of at least a few dozen. With all this being said I will be successful because I have my mind set to do things in my future for not only myself but to benefit and help others along the way of my career.

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The Pursuit of My Desire to Help Others Through a Career in Clinical Psychology. (2023, Feb 01). Retrieved from

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