About Rape: The Fastest Growing Crime In India

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I just want to sleep. A coma would be nice. Or amnesia. Anything, just to get rid of this, these thoughts, whispers in my mind. Did he rape my head, too? In India, girl is raped every 20 min. The majority of reports reveals youth is vulnerable group for rape victimization. A set of prejudicial, stereotyped, or false beliefs about rape, rape victims, and rapist exist in the community Rape is a persuasive problem in societies around the world. India is well on its way to being the rape capital of the world. For women across India, fear is a constant companion and rape is the stranger they may have to confront at every corner, any road, any public place, at any hour. Rape is a growing problem in today’s society and it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the startling statistics about this crime.

This is becoming the fastest growing crime in India.According to latest data of the home ministry, India stands third, leaving behind countries like Sri Lanka, Jordan and Argentina, when it comes to rape cases. After the very well known case of nirbhaya people started raising their voice against rape. People have started asking questions to court and to religion and to various aspects of society that why only girls has to suffer? Why there is no freedoms for girls or women? Who don’t a father support his daughter for education? Why only a boys have all freedom ? In very famous quotes following are state:- I was happy when you used to kill me inside the womb – Voice of every single women. Who will give them justice ? when the protector is himself an attacker. when our judicial system is of no use. when god also closed his eyes. Chop off their raping tool – Make this as a new law against rape. Thus the court have made many laws against rape and this laws should conducted by every individual.


Rape is defined in most jurisdictions as sexual intercourse, or other forms of sexual penetration, committed by a perpetrator against a victim without their consent. The definition of rape is inconsistent between governmental health organizations, law enforcement, health providers, and legal professions. It has varied historically and culturally. Originally, rape had no sexual connotation and is still used in other contexts in English. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines rape as a form of sexual assault,[23] while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) includes rape in their definition of sexual assault; they term rape a form of sexual violence.

The WHO states that the principal factors that lead to the perpetration of sexual violence against women, including rape, are:

beliefs in family honor and sexual purity;
attitudes of male sexual entitlement;
weak legal sanctions for sexual violence.
No single facet explains the motivation for rape; the underlying motives of rapists can be multi-faceted.

Several factors have been proposed: anger,power sadism, sexual gratification, or evolutionary proclivities. However, some factors have significant causal evidence supporting them. American clinical psychologist David Lisak, co-author of a 2002 study of undetected rapists says that compared with non-rapists, both undetected and convicted rapists are measurably more angry at women and more motivated by a desire to dominate and control them, are more impulsive, disinhibited, anti-social, hypermasculine, and less empathic.

Sexual aggression is often considered a masculine identity characteristic of manhood in some male groups and is significantly correlated to the desire to be held higher in esteem among male peersSexually aggressive behavior among young men has been correlated with gang or group membership as well as having other delinquent peers. One metric used by the WHO to determine the severity of global rates of coercive, forced sexual activity was the question ‘Have you ever been forced to have sexual intercourse against your will?’ Asking this question produced higher positive response rates than being asked, whether they had ever been abused or raped.

The WHO report describes the consequences of sexual abuse:

Gynecological disorders
Reproductive disorders
Sexual disorders
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Pregnancy complications.

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