An Expectation and Its Reality

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The thought process is one of the main differences between human being and animal. People have the ability to think, to plan for their future in a specific way than animal. A state of the art building, music, designs of any kind, and assays show in the real world what the artist has been thinking in the abstract. People have that ability to conceive or image everything first in their mind, than try to accomplish what they have pictured in the abstract, where no one can see it. I cannot even go to the restroom with out thinking about going to the restroom first.

Most people live with high expectation about life, people around them, and the government. We have the picture of two worlds: the real world, which is the reality, and the abstract world, which is an expectation. Life seems pretty easy in the imagination because a person can realize most dreams with out too much struggle (exterior force, opposition); in contrast, the real world have many challenges that someone will have to overcome everyday in the path of life. Young people have great dreams and visions about their future: their expectations lead them to go to college to study what they want to be in life.

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College realities drive many students to change their major. Everyone wants to get out the college as soon as possible. Life is not waiting, and why should people wait? Human being lives in a fast world, where most of the things are done in less than a minute. Fast food restaurants offer drive through service, and people don’t even have to get out of their car while buying their food; microwave can make food ready in less then 3 minutes; online shopping allows people to buy with out even moving from their seat; smart phone allows someone to read an email with out going in front of a computer.

If people are not careful about this process of getting everything in less than minute, they might start thinking that everything can be done just as faster as the see in the world-that is not always the cases in reality. While the world of expectation seems easy to think; on the other hand, the world of reality seems hard to realize. College drives students to work hard than they thought they could work, to spend more time in a project than the time it was suppose.

The hardship of a college life brings student to think twice about what they really want to; if a high expectation at the first place has not high motivation; on the other side, the realize of hard work would destroy this dreams (expectation); for example, most of college students work a full-time job, and at same time they are full-time student. Two priorities just show up at the same time; it seems a great idea to work a full time job because it provides financial aid for the student to take care of himself or herself; in contrast, it can be critical.

Let said: I have a full time job with forty hours a week, and I am taking eighteen credits this semester; which means, I will have to spend at least fifty fire hours studying and doing my home work. When I combine my working hours and my studying hours, I find myself with one hundred and four hours working. The reality here will lead me to change my expectation of getting out of college pretty soon because I will have to reduce the amount of credits, which I am taking. Hardship around us tends to shape, or change our expectation.

Most children in their younger ages plan for what the want to be in life, but the reality shows that most their ambitions change while they are growing up. One person might want to study the aerospace engineering, but the reality show up in college that the field require more practices, skill, time, money; Sometime student find that they are unable to pay for what they always want to do, or the field require more effort than what they want to give; even sometime they find themselves in the obligation to travel in another state because that the only place in the country they could study what they want.

Most students give up on their first dream. Another student might get a scholarship, which cover all the school expenses in another field of study; the reality brought a new expectation into his or her life, so a change of the first interest will be made to fallow the second one because of the benefice it has to offer. Circumstance brings many changes in people live.

The reality is not what people have in mind, and sometime it can be close or not. People have high expectations for their future, but life circumstances makes people to even to think twice about what they want to. Realities bring pressure to every expectation; like a boat in the ocean has to survive when wave of any kind comes against it. In the same way any expectation must be strong enough to go behind and above all wave of realities.

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An Expectation and Its Reality. (2016, Nov 13). Retrieved from

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