An Opinion That Men Aren’t from Mars and Women Aren’t from Venus

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Men arent from Mars and women arent from Venus. Of course theyre not! Theyre from planet Earth. As hard as this may be to comprehend, we still have our minds set to the brainwashed theory of men being from Mars and woman from Venus amidst the volcanic problems that so often blow up between [them]. Although we all have so many distinguishing differences that then label our genders as such, how ever did we come to this comparison? That men will never understand women because theyre from another planet with a different structured thinking pattern, being in no psychological and emotional state to ever understand them.

Comparing men and woman is most often than not, based on ideas from our social groups, our family values, and a major influence is the media that never stops trying to portray the lifestyles of the people. The truth is, is that the average human being will most likely never be able to experience the medias advertisement, but will fall into a fantasy-like world of being there. With this thought, we take on the medias message and see it as reality. Ideas such as married men live longer than single men- but married men are a lot more willing to die. A woman has the last word in the argument- anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument, and ideas such as that To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.

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To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not understand her at all. A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband- a man never worries about the future until he gets a wife, have been around for a long time, but what made this paradigm shift in such a way?  The old has gone, and he new has come. Every century has its memories. It is very interesting to see how our history will change if any in this 21st Century. Will Generation X take on the medias perspective of men from Mars and women from Venus or will they see that despite the differences, theyre all the same. Our differences may be tried to be found on Mars or Venus, or be in the great minds of our media and psychologists, but since when did men and women become in no state to understand each other?

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An Opinion That Men Aren’t from Mars and Women Aren’t from Venus. (2023, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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