Architect Winston Chu Kum Weng has a sum of 12 old ages of working experience in the architecture field.
His first working experience was as an houseman in an established architecture company – DP Architects. Subsequently, he worked at that place as a undertaking designer for 3 old ages after his graduation. Then, he decided to dispute and further research his calling way, which led him to being the manager of SN Low & A ; Associates. This finding of his has led him to boom in the field of architecture.
Despite of his immature age, he has manage to carry through many great accomplishments through his plants, which were chiefly residential and commercial edifices, both locally and overseas such as Singapore, Vietnam and Abu Dhabi.The Amway ( Malaysia ) Sdn. Bhd. Headquarters office was one of Ar.
Winston Chu’s earlier achievements which was completed in the twelvemonth 2009. Located in between the Petaling Jaya residential and concern territory with a entire built-up country of 18,812 metre square, it consists of a warehouse block and an office block. The edifice sits on a level land next to the Naza World Auto Mall and it consists of sustainable characteristics which reflects Amway’s desire for a greener and eco-friendly milieus. Many of his theories were successfully incorporated into this peculiar edifice.
This undertaking attempts to convey an apprehension of the architect’s architectural theory through a direct observation and analysis of his edifices. Using architecture as primary text, this undertaking claims that the universe of signifier is non arbitrary but displays an internal logic that has the capacity to convey significance. Analytic illustrations are used to uncover the conceptual and experiential order of the architecture. In order to understand architecture, one must be cognizant of the conditions within which they are employed.
Analyzing Architecture
The local clime has ever been the most influential facet in footings of architecture. It is hence apprehensible that constructing typologies found around the universe are ever really diverse from one another.
Climate allows the designer to measure the resources of the site even without the existent measurings of the site. In other words, the clime is a big lending factor in modeling the architectural signifier of the edifice. The Sun subdivision allows designers to measure the handiness of the Sun through the Sun Path Diagram.It helps the designer estimation the times of the twenty-four hours and twelvemonth in which the Sun will be available on a peculiar site so that proper consideration of shadowing devices and design options can be exhaustively explored.
With careful consideration of the sun’s way, there would be advantages such as inactive warming and natural daylighting. However, it may work against you by bring forthing blaze or overheating if non considered decently. ( Brown, 2011 )By puting the sun way diagram onto the site program of the Amway ( Malaysia ) Sdn. Bhd.
Headquarters Office, it is shown that the peculiar secret plan of land is in such that the forepart and rear facade of the edifice would finally have the highest sum of exposure to sunlight because it would be confronting west and east severally whereas the North and south facade would have lower sum of sunshine as compared to it. In most fortunes, designers would prefer to orientate the edifice in a manner where the E and west facade would hold a smaller surface country so that it would cut down the sum of solar radiation received, take downing the overall thermal transportation value.Thus, cut downing the energy required for air-conditioning. However, that is largely non the instance because the facade of the edifice has to be in line with its neighboring context, confronting the bing chief route which is besides the merely accessible manner to the edifice itself.
Therefore, the Amway ( Malaysia ) Sdn. Bhd. Headquarters Office is orientated in such that the E and West facade has a bigger surface country.Furthermore, all four lifts of the edifice consists of many floor to ceiling Windowss particularly the west lift despite the high sum of solar radiation as it is the front facade of the Amway ( Malaysia ) Sdn.
Bhd. Headquarters Office. This was because of the desire of holding Windowss to let for natural daylighting and ocular connectivity as these sustainable characteristics reflects Amway’s desire for a more eco-friendly edifice. Hence, many gaps are uniformly located on every side of the edifice to guarantee that there would be sufficient natural lighting perforating through the edifice, advancing a inactive design while cut downing the usage of unreal lighting.
Despite the hapless determination in the edifice orientation and arrangement of gaps due to the site restrictions, careful considerations were made to get the better of the high sum of solar radiation received. Aluminum louvres were used as a facade intervention, supplying conditions protection and ocular showing, lending to the ocular result of the facade every bit good while maintaining the simpleness design attack of the edifice in head. Large sum of trees and bushs were besides planted to shadow of the sunshine from straight perforating through the window gaps and soften the character of the edifice. It reflects the architect’s love for nature that was developed when he was still a kid.
Furthermore, there is the air current subdivision which allows designers to measure the way, velocity and frequence of air current in a peculiar location by month or twelvemonth through the Wind Rose Diagram. It helps the designer locate the place of the gaps so that it benefits from the predominating air currents.By puting the air current rose diagram on the site program of the Amway ( Malaysia ) Sdn. Bhd.
Headquarters Office, it can be seen that the features of the prevailing air currents are rather similar from all waies. Hence, big sums of gaps were located on all four sides of the edifice to obtain the best result. Most of the gaps are operable Windowss that could be controlled by the user so the prevailing air current can be captured and brought into the edifice to advance natural airing, therefore cut downing the usage of unneeded air-conditioning.
Architecture Theory – ModernismModernism in its broadest definition is modern taught, character of pattern. It emerged in the early 20Thursdaycentury but was non popular until after the Second World War. Modernism was a response to the demand for the new and the different. Modern agencies being up to day of the month.
What was modern yesterday, is authoritative for today and will be old, so antediluvian for all the tomorrows to come. Fascinated by the approaching engineerings of the production of steel, glass and concrete, people began to abstain from the usage of decorations, rejecting what they saw and hold it as the senseless shots.The plants of modernism were more trim and lyrical. ( Weston, 1996 ) Many facets of the modernist design still prevail in architecture today.
As Mies van der Rohe would state, less is more. Through observation and analysis that was carried out, it can be determined that the Amway ( Malaysia ) Sdn. Bhd. Headquarters Office fits in with the architecture theory of modernism.
This is due to the many similarities of the building’s features with the general features of modern architecture.This architecture theory is believe to be incorporated by Ar. Winston Chu due to his love of simpleness, practicality and elegance, which focuses on more geometric and how the experience of infinite is created by natural lighting, airing and the pick of stuffs. First, merely the use of simple and basic geometry can be seen throughout the full Amway ( Malaysia ) Sdn.
Bhd. Headquarters Office, whether it is in footings of its lift or floor program. Merely square and rectangle forms can be perceived. Jam Tschichold one time said that the concluding and most pure signifier of a necessary point is ever constructed of geometric forms.
Therefore, it visually stressing on the additive 90 grades perpendicular and horizontal lines. The Windowss, columns, beams, roof line are all portion of the structural elements that were used by the designer to help in making the additive divine infinite. Second, the changeless repeat of a simple geometric is repeated to obtain a alone signifier. The Amway Headquarters is a alone component itself which is developed by the transmutation of insistent units through alterations in size, constellation, orientation, coloring material and articulation of a basic geometry – the square.
Third, it focuses on the lucidity of signifiers.The edifice is stripped of all the unneeded cosmetic elements in order to showcase the architectural design. Merely the needed characteristics are implemented into the design so that the focal point would be on the infinite be aftering itself alternatively of decorations which have no relevancy with the overall architecture. Fourthly, the programs of the Amway Headquarters Office are unfastened programs.
The thought of an unfastened program is created through the flowing of infinites, accomplishing through the separation of columns where the thought of holding a room as a manner of forming the infinites is non considered.Fifth, the edifice follows the impression where signifier follows map. The designer expresses this thoughts by holding the site and map of the edifice dictate most of the design determinations. It is said that modernist architecture takes inspiration from the edifice itself, and aims to plan for each alone state of affairs to be inspired by its intent.
Following, industrially produced stuffs such as steel, concrete and glass is loosely used throughout the edifice. Last, the designer makes usage of the Windowss extensively to convey in natural daytime, particularly the floor to ceiling Windowss. Therefore, integrating the Windowss as portion of the building’s design.
User / ClientSite Layout The edifice layout of Amway Headquarters is in such that the office block and warehouse block is separated, merely linked by a span on the first floor to supply permeableness. This is the client’s purpose of supplying a clean and unagitated environment for the users and visitants, off from the production noise at the warehouse block. It excessively gives a sense of spacial organisation, districting the private and public infinites with mention to the degree of noise produced.The lading bay is placed behind on the first floor of the warehouse block, accessible through a incline.
The client’s purpose was to put the loading country off from where users could hold ocular connexion, as the position isn’t really delighting. The storage, bringing and packing country are all placed on the same floor so the on the job efficiency would be good. Spatial Layout Public installations were all placed on the land floor of the office block. Office and IT sections are placed on the floors above.
The client’s purpose was to supply a convenient service for all the users. There is a gallery to showcase Amway’s merchandise and a mini market right next to it that sells their merchandise. Detail of Entrance The entryway of the Amway Headquarters is a dual storey high construction which uses merely basic geometry – the square. The chief entryway is a larger construction while the back entryway is a extra of it in a somewhat smaller graduated table.
The client’s purpose was to supply an entryway which gives the users a sense of acquaintance, stripped off all the fanciness to be projected as welcoming, ask foring users to near without vacillation.Landscape as Buffer Zone Plenty of verdures are planted around the edifice to supply noise suspension and effectual ocular barrier between the office block and warehouse block. This is the client’s purpose to continue the ocular and environment character of the office block which would pull and promote users of their merchandise. It besides reflects Amway’s desire for Eco-Friendly milieus.
This was because of the client’s desire of holding big sums of trees around the site and windows to let for natural daylighting and ocular connectivity as these sustainable characteristics reflects Amway’s desire for a greener and more eco-friendly milieus. Hence, many gaps are uniformly located on every side of the edifice to guarantee that there would be sufficient natural lighting perforating through the edifice, advancing a inactive design while cut downing the usage of unreal lighting.3.0 Decision- Need to discourse the designer ‘s theory based on your apprehension of ‘SELF ‘ and ‘the 3 FACTORS ‘ .
Your account have to capture the first portion of the undertaking and the analysis – take note that this is your ain “ theory ” of the designer ‘s architecture. Please make non mention to the designer ‘s statement or declaration of his/her theory. – Conclude by seting in the DIAGRAM ( from undertaking brief ) to sum up your theory on the designer.
MentionsBrown, G. Z. ( 2011 ) .Sun Wind ; A ; Light: Architectural Design Strategies( 2neodymiumed.) .New Jersey: Wiley. Chu, W. ( 2014, April 4 ) .
- Personal Interview. Chu, W. ( 2014, April 5 ) . Email Interview.Weston, R. ( 1996 ) .Modernism. New York: Phaidon.