Conclusions From the Laboratory Work: Concentration of Enzymes

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Decision: Based on the consequences obtained from the experiment it can be concluded that the concentration of enzymes influences the rate of a chemical reaction. If enzyme concentration is decreased so the reaction rate will besides diminish. If there is sufficient enzyme to adhere with substrate so the reaction will continue fast and if there are deficient enzymes present so the reaction will decelerate down

Discussion: It was predicted that with the addition of concentration of amylase solution. the clip took to interrupt down amylum would diminish. This was proved right. if establishing on merely these tests. The graph shows how with every individual addition of the concentration. the sum of beads until the mixture fails to give a bluish black coloring material with iodine solution disappear decreased. This continually happened. without any outliers.

The trend-line of the graph shows the predicted additive line in the relationship between concentration of amylase solution and the sum of beads until the mixture fails to give a bluish black coloring material with iodine solution. The sum of beads until the mixture fails to give a bluish black coloring material with iodine solution with a amylase concentration of 0. 1 % was found to be 12 beads. which was plotted on the graph.

It can be presumed that a higher concentration of amylase is better because it does non take much clip to interrupt down the polyose ironss and a higher concentration helps to rush up this procedure. The amylase concentration of 0. 1 % took merely 12 beads until the mixture fails to give a bluish black coloring material. while the amylase concentration of 0. 05 % took 21 beads. the amylase concentration of 0. 025 % took 24 beads and the amylase concentration of 0. 01 % took 28 beads.

Because the intent of an enzyme is to rush up a reaction. it is logical that amylase would hold a higher concentration so it can take less clip for it to make its intent. At higher amylase concentration the clip taken until the mixture fails to give a bluish black coloring material with iodine solution. Despite this. there are beginnings of mistake that need to be acknowledge. The test proved hard for some. sometimes giving no consequences. Another beginning may be the commixture of the concentration.

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Conclusions From the Laboratory Work: Concentration of Enzymes. (2017, Jul 18). Retrieved from

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