This Mini-Q investigates how the Renaissance era transformed the perception of human identity. It contains four Documents: Document A on The Individual in Art, Document B on Man’s Inner Nature, Document C on Man’s Place in the Universe, and Document D on The Human Body. This Mini-Q is part of the DB project and is suitable for classroom use.
Hook Exercise: Should We Be “Renaissance” People? Instructions: Historians commonly refer to Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) as a prime example of a true “Renaissance man.” A Renaissance person possesses diverse interests and skills. Da Vinci excelled in various fields – he created masterpieces like Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, designed buildings, engineered inventions such as water pumps and helicopters, and studied geology, optics, and anatomy. He is arguably the most talented individual ever lived. Today’s American education system produces few Renaissance individuals and often discourages this type of versatility. College education tends to focus on specific disciplines like accounting or computer science rather than the humanities.
< p >Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Nullam sapien mi, volutpat sed eleifend in, dictum id lectus.Donec posuere nisi sapien, ac consectetur lorem aliquam quis.Praesent in elit viverra, lacinia metus vel, pharetra purus.Nam ornare mattis lacus id porttitor.Phasellus condimentum dolor sed lacinia consectetur.Ut non ex vitae nunc interdum sagittis.Nulla facilisi.Integer cursus, ex at tincidunt tempus, ipsum urna ultricies turpis, et imperdiet velit nulla ut odio.Fusce in tempus tellus.Nam ultrices diam in nulla dignissim sagittis.Mauris consectetur dapibus felis ut ullamcorper.Vestibulum sit amet sagittis sem.Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.Sed tincidunt sapien eu iaculis placerat.Ut at commodo nisl.Donec eu orci commodo, luctus orci in, dapibus magna.Sed vel tempor nibh, a gravida ligula.Morbi arcu mi,posuere in finibus et , pretium vel nibh.Nulla facilisi.Quisque odio massa , congue vitae quam nec , efficitur faucibus diam .Mauris gravida nulla quam , quis porttitor nisl scelerisque quis.Nunc auctor odio eu sodales porttitor.Cras pulvinar tellus nec justo efficitur mollis.Proin venenatis pur us justo,vitae pellentesque maur is vestibulum eu.Morbi hendrerit fel is non phare tra rhoncus.Maur is euismod congue di am eget ph aretra.Nam e u mauri s non nulla facilisis facilisis.Donec sit amet interdum nibh.Mauris malesuada nibh ut mauris pellentesque aliquet.Sed sapien risus, ullamcorper eget gravida non, pharetra ac mi.Sed in fermentum magna. < /p >
Pellentesque tincidunt sem eget tortor scelerisque euismod. Aliquam in lacinia libero. Fusce rutrum gravida nisi, vitae consequat odio malesuada id. Ut ut eros quis lectus maximus laoreet at id nibh. Praesent in lacus enim.
Quisque imperdiet nunc massa, nec lacinia nisl ullamcorper vel. Mauris commodo vulputate libero, eget sollicitudin neque imperdiet in. Maecenas malesuada ac libero nec ultrices. Aliquam gravida posuere mollis.
Donec sodales tincidunt metus id consequat.Fusce vitae ex sollicitudin, iaculis sem eu, auctor tortor.Integer feugiat luctus pretium.Sed ut rhoncus nisl, ac convallis diam.In tristique eleifend neque, vitae volutpat ipsum interdum sed.Proin sed massa convallis, tempor magna id, venenatis lorem.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.Mauris non cursus metus, vitae malesuada elit.Cras mattis elit felis,
et finibus dolor lobortis at.Vestibulum lacinia consequat metus a volutpat.Phasellus dapibus quam at risus condimentum aliquam.Integer a est vel mi tincidunt luctus sed quis diam.Phasellus dui lorem,
ultricies sed consectetur id, gravida sit amet nibh.Praesent facilisis urna non mauris feugiat, ut tristique sem bibendum.Maecenas at vulputate nunc.Nunc volutpat varius ornare.Ut sollicitudin, lectus in tincidunt egestas,
lectus augue mollis metus, vel fringilla arcu turpis in justo.Sed malesuada ipsum et lacus luctus sodales.
Sed non congue ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Morbi placerat lorem non erat pulvinar, ut maximus purus suscipit. Cras a molestie lacus, vitae laoreet tellus.
Nam ac tellus eu risus mattis egestas. Sed dictum neque sem, in varius elit rutrum quis. Donec fermentum augue vel sem volutpat finibus.
Nam porta sodales ipsum eget sagittis. Vestibulum sollicitudin quam nec elit finibus ornare. Mauris scelerisque, massa nec ultricies eleifend, dolor enim rhoncus ipsum, vitae feugiat est mi non ex.
Nunc eu libero mattis tortor tincidunt lacinia vitae id arcu. Aenean pulvinar eleifend finibus.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Sed viverra semper erat, viverra pellentesque tellus convallis non.
Aliquam sagittis sem sed libero iaculis mattis.Quisque eget interdum nisl, nec iaculis tellus.Phasellus et ultricies nulla.Quisque rhoncus orci ac ipsum lobortis volutpat.Pellentesque a erat scelerisque, finibus est sit amet, vestibulum lectusc.Donec id eros diam
During the Middle Ages in Europe, which lasted from 500 CE to about 1350, the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope held significant power over society. The Church served as the primary authority and preserver of culture, possessing a majority of books and producing handwritten versions of the Bible. Furthermore, priests often resided within monasteries and access to education was limited.
In the past, a large portion of the population consisted of illiterate peasant farmers known as serfs. These individuals were bound to a lord and his estate, essentially functioning as slaves. Both serfs and their masters relied heavily on the Catholic Church and the Bible for guidance and understanding. Artistic and literary works during this period predominantly revolved around Jesus Christ and sin. However, significant changes began in the 17th century when advancements in farming techniques enabled peasants to become more self-reliant. As a result, many serfs gained their freedom from reliance on lords. Some of these liberated serfs chose to relocate to towns where they pursued various trades.
The number of merchants and bankers increased, resulting in a rise in literacy as education became necessary for their work. This led to a questioning of Church teachings by educated individuals, giving rise to the humanism movement, which celebrated the beauty and intelligence of each person. With the spread of education, humanism influenced various fields such as arts, literature, sciences, and medicine. The city-states of Italy, including Rome, Venice, Florence, and Milan, experienced a particularly vibrant early Renaissance.
The invention of the printing press in the mid-15th century greatly influenced the Renaissance and humanism. Initially, these movements were limited to the upper-middle class, but with the mechanization of printing, books and articles discussing new ideas became more affordable for shopkeepers and street sweepers. This accessibility led to a shift in how people saw themselves. The following documents will explore how the Renaissance affected man’s perception of himself by discussing the meaning of “renaissance,” its time period, education during that time, and the impact of the printing press in spreading Renaissance and humanist thinking. Additionally, terms like Middle Ages, monasteries, illiteracy, serfs, and humanism are defined. Document A includes images depicting religious subject matter commonly seen in paintings during the Middle Ages.The painting on the right, which is the Mona Lisa created by Renaissance artist and scholar Leonardo da Vinci in the early 1500s, showcases the clearest evidence of breaking away from medieval culture. It represents the essence of the Renaissance with its knowledge of artist names, ability to evoke stronger emotions, depiction of well-defined landscapes, portrayal of natural folds in drapery, and use of three-dimensional figures. Moreover, there is a shift from symbolic representation to recognizable scenes. These new artistic styles reflect the broader movements and interests of the new age. Both techniques and forms of artistic expression underwent permanent changes.
Document Analysis:
1. Who were the artists involved in creating these two paintings and when were they painted?
SST artist – 2nd artist
Date painted – Date painted
During the Middle Ages, astronomer Nicolas Copernicus proposed a widely accepted theory of the universe. Instead of the geocentric view with Earth as the center, Copernicus suggested a heliocentric view where the sun was central. The ideas faced controversy, particularly from the Catholic Church, possibly explaining their opposition. Additionally, Copernicus’ ideas may have influenced how people perceived humanity’s place in the universe. In 1512, Johann Registrations published a woodcut depicting each zodiac sign governing specific parts of the human body. Similarly, Andrea Vesuvius’ anatomy book in 1543 included a woodcut reflecting this Middle Ages belief.
According to the research conducted by Andrea Vesuvius, the illustration on the right depicts various constellations corresponding to specific body parts. For instance, Aries represents the head and Sagittarius symbolizes the thighs. The zodiac comprises 12 groups of constellations spanning across the sky as stated by Andrea Vesuvius. In medieval times, it was widely believed that certain constellations controlled different aspects of a person’s health and well-being. An example is Sagittarius being associated with thigh well-being. Moreover, some questions arise regarding this topic such as “Which drawing appears more realistic and why?” and “What were the commonly held beliefs about control over bodily health in medieval times?”.
What was Vesuvius’ opinion on the zodiac theory of anatomy? How did Vesuvius obtain information about the human body? How does this document demonstrate the Renaissance’s impact on man’s perception of himself? In 2011, The O BOB project introduced bucketing as a method for organizing documents and preparing for writing. The task involves categorizing the documents into different buckets and assigning labels to each. Additionally, the project suggests planning a three- or four-body paragraph essay. On the chicken foot diagram provided, one should write their thesis statement and road map.
Your thesis is always an opinion that answers the Mini-Q question. The road map is created from your bucket labels and lists the topic areas you will examine in order to prove your thesis.
449 From Thesis to Essay Writing Mini-Q Essay Outline Guide Working Title
Paragraph #1
Stating the question with key terms defined
Thesis and road map
Paragraph #2
Baby Thesis for bucket one
Evidence: supporting detail from documents with document citation
Argument: connecting evidence to the thesis
Paragraph #3
Baby Thesis for bucket two