Espoir Case Study

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1. Natasha Singh, the global marketing officer of Espoir cosmetics, would like to introduce a global brand-building strategy by starting to advertise in movies. Jacques Dubious, the European marketing head, agrees with Natasha that product placement in movies will help rising brand awareness. However, he does not believe that a standardized website for ordering customized products would work for the European market as, in his opinion, the European website needs to have “a different look and feel from the American site”. Vasylko Mazur, the Eastern European marketing head, is not happy with Natasha’s proposition.

He does not think that advertising in movies would raise sales in the Eastern European market. Eastern European customers are best reached with, for example, beauty queen as the face for Espoir. He wants a “quick, tactical and responsive” campaign that meets local needs. Furthermore, the kind of promotion Natasha is suggesting is cutting his budget significantly. Ravi Narayan, the Southern Asia marketing head, does not agree with Natasha in all points. He points out that the market is changing rapidly and faster than expected by Espoir. The Indian market, for example, is not as it used to be.

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Being able to offer certain prices that are affordable for everyone is not the main concern anymore. Therefore he believes that a global strategy will work in India, if it is combined with local campaigns. 2. Natasha Singh should not enforce her current plan. If her goal is a global brand she needs to see it as a long-term objective that needs an implementation that is thought-out well and communicated clearly throughout the organization. Pushing the regional marketing heads towards campaigns and cost they do not approve, will only lead to a harder relationship with them.

Right now she seems too confident because of her previous success in India. She needs to clarify her role and role of the regional marketing divisions. To implement a global brand strategy an organization-wide common understanding of the brand is needed. Only if everyone has the same values and beliefs when it comes to the brand, a clear customer view of the brand can be created. In order to ensure everyone has the same goal she could implement country teams that meet on a monthly basis to exchange ideas.

Natasha needs to understand that a global strategy does not necessarily mean having the same marketing-mix worldwide. There can be a shared vision, namely name and look of the products, positioning, quality standards and a set of global colors. At the same time there can be local responsibilities such as packaging, local colors, pricing and distribution. This way the local budgets can be used individually. The locals will know how to find inexpensive material for packaging, which colors are preferred in their region and which way is the best to distribute their products.

Processes and measurement systems could help monitoring the worldwide advertising campaigns. Advertising can still be done locally if guidelines are implemented by the headquarters. This means that as long as the regional marketing department meets these guidelines they can tailor their campaigns towards local market needs. For Eastern Europe, for instance, this could mean being able to use beauty queens in their ads as long as they use, for example, the same logo and music that is used globally.

The advertising channel can also be picked locally according to how customers can be reached best. Natasha should also keep in mind cultural differences. Right now she is assuming that, for example, the “independent woman” is the same globally. She forgets that there may be cultural differences in the understanding of the word “independent” and the role of women. Overall Natasha Sigh should come up with a structured plan on how to implement a global brand. She must not forget the cultural difference and leave some power to the regional offices by not standardizing the whole marketing-mix.

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Espoir Case Study. (2019, May 02). Retrieved from

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