Child Labor: Advantages and Disadvantages

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Child labor has both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, it can provide much-needed financial support for poor families and allow factory workers to pay children less and get their work done for free. However, the disadvantages of child labor include the fact that children are often not mentally or physically prepared for it, leading to illiteracy and exposure to hazardous materials. Child labor also contributes to social issues by making adults feel ashamed for not being able to support their families. Despite the fact that 20 million children work today, child labor should be banned as it takes away children’s rights and prevents them from pursuing education and their own interests.

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There are some pros of child labor like children providing money for their families, and factory workers earning more money and having less time to woo ark. Since the children were already poor and could not get an education, working help d provide a little more for their families. The factory workers got an advantage out of chill d labor because they paid the children a lot less and practically got there work done f or free.

Some disadvantages of child labor are that the child is not mentally or physics prepared for it. Children being involved in child labor at a young age are perm neatly considered illiterate since they cannot go to school nor have any type of educe action. Many kids employed in hazardous industries are sometimes afflicted with tubercular sis and many other diseases. They are being exposed to dangerous stuff like making crackers, match boxes, etc.

While children are getting jobs in factories and supporting t heir families, many adults are ashamed because they can’t support their family, w which causes social issues. Child labor has been known around the world and still goes on doubTABLE 2 0 million children work today, they don’t go to school and have little/ no time to play. Although many children have the opportunity to go to school for free and still have jobs by a certain age.

Child labor can be seen as a good thing for some people, but I think it should be banned. It is not fair to the kids because they don’t get to do what t hey want, they carry stones in their hands instead of books. Their rights are being taken away from them as they are forced into labor. Children should be TABLE to do whatever the eye want, child labor is a horrible thing and should not continue.

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Child Labor: Advantages and Disadvantages. (2018, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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