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Essays on American History

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Essay Examples

News in the era of the American Civil War



Reconstruction Era


Words: 1375 (6 pages)

In the post-Civil War era, published news was accessible to the citizens of the United States more than it had ever been before, allowing stories to travel across the nation at a rapid pace. In the South during this time period, the Ku Klux Klan was committing horrid acts of violence against Republicans and African…

An Analysis of the American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party

Boston Tea Party

Words: 485 (2 pages)

In 1773, the East India Company of Britain faced a significant challenge as it had a surplus of tea that could not be sold in England, putting the company on the brink of bankruptcy. To salvage the situation, the government enacted the Tea Act of 1773. This act granted the company the exclusive right to…

The Boston Tea Party and the Laws That Sparked the Revolution in Colonial America

Boston Tea Party

Words: 520 (3 pages)

Leading up to the late 18th century, Colonial America had been running and watched over by Great Britain. Even though they were two separate continents, America was deemed as Britain’s property, and everyone living in Colonial America was expected, and some could say forced, to follow the law of Britain. Some laws seemed so ridiculous…

Jenny Smith and Her Role in the Civil War


Reconstruction Era

United States

Words: 1282 (6 pages)

Both women from the Union and The Confederate Army played a huge role in the Civil War. From things as important as tending to wounded soldiers on the front lines, to simple things such as providing a sense of hope for soldiers serving in the war, women were a key part in the war effort….

The Demonstration of American Support by the Boston Tea Party and Stamp Act Congress

Boston Tea Party

Words: 559 (3 pages)

“It is inseparably essential to the freedom of a People, and the undoubted Right of Englishmen, that no taxes be imposed on them, nut with their own Consent, given personally, or by their representatives.” Explain how the Boston Tea Party and the Stamp Act Congress demonstrated American support for this statement. “It is inseparably essential…

Fahrenheit 9/11 – A Close Look at the Presidency of George W. Bush




Words: 1584 (7 pages)

Fahrenheit 9/11 is a film and a documentary that was made by a political commentator who is also a director and a film maker in USA in the year 2004. The documentary film covers the presidential period of George W. Bush, the war on terror and how all this is covered in the media as…

How the Post 9/11 Treatment of Muslims is a Witch Hunt 




Words: 435 (2 pages)

Studies show every one in twenty-five defendants who are sentenced to death in the United States are later found innocent (Gross). Many people are wrongfully accused. Throughout history, groups of people are targeted with inaccurate information and are accused of crimes they did not commit. This is called a witch hunt. After 9/11, Muslims lives…

The Ride to Reconstruction

Reconstruction Era

Words: 1153 (5 pages)

John Brown, an American abolitionist once wrote “Slaves are, and of right ought to be as free and independent as the unchangeable Law of God, requires that All Men Shall be.” His goal was to carry out and accomplish the abolishment of slavery, however, he died before the Thirteenth Amendment was passed in 1865 abolishing…

A Day that all of America will Never Forget


Words: 671 (3 pages)

September 11, 2001, was a day that all of America will never forget. The attacks that hit the Pentagon, a crash in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and the World Trade Center in New York City, New York, took the lives of more than three thousand people in total. This historical event affected the country in multiple ways…

We’re Safter Post 9/11




Words: 484 (2 pages)

Most people are still terrified that the world is still in danger when it comes to dealing with terrorists and terrorist threats. Today people make it seem as if we’re in harm’s way and that authorities are doing nothing to protect us. When it comes to 9/11 most of us that are in college now…

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