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Essay Examples

The Tabby Cat: Common Colors and Patterns




Words: 631 (3 pages)

The Tabby cat has a variety of coat patterns and colors. The primary colors are brown, silver, red, blue, black, and cream. They can be identified by their stripes or markings. A Tabby should have a butterfly shape on the shoulders, three stripes running along the spine, an oyster-shaped spiral on each flank, and narrow…

“My Family and Other Animals” by Gerald Durrell Character Analysis



Words: 1573 (7 pages)

My Family and Other Animals is a novel concerning an English family, the Durrells, who suddenly leave their home in Britain in order to move to the Greek island of Corfu. This book is told from the viewpoint of Gerald Durrell, the youngest member of the family, who gives a detailed account of certain incidents…

Gorillas in the Mist


Cognitive Psychology

Human Activities

Words: 1090 (5 pages)

The book “Gorillas in the Mist” by Dian Fossey provides a remarkable depiction of her thirteen-year study on gorillas in the Virungas Mountains. Fossey’s work challenges the commonly held perception of gorillas as terrifying creatures. By conducting thorough research, she successfully enlightens the public about gorilla behavior, social structure, and their unique individuality. In September…

Biological Essay – The Platypus



Words: 291 (2 pages)

The Platypus Platypus- a semi-aquatic mammal that lives in Eastern Australia. Together with the four species of echidna, it is one of the five nearly extinct species of monotremes, the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth. A platypus is a mixture of a duck, beaver, and otter. The platypus is among nature’s…

A Response to Olson’s Animalism


Words: 904 (4 pages)

A Response to Olson’s Animalism 1. Introduction There is a human organism located exactly where you are located. Eric Olson argues that you are identical to that organism. This view is known as animalism. His “thinking animal” argument takes the following form: There is a human animal where you are located; If there’s a human…

The Ptychozoon Kuhli: An Incredible Animal


Words: 337 (2 pages)

Physics of Animal Adaptations: Ptychozoon Kuhli The Ptychozoon Kuhli or more commonly known as the Flying/ Parachute Gecko is one of the most unique and incredible animals you could ever come across. This primarily nocturnal animal belongs to the Reptilian class in the Gekkoniade family of course in the Animal kingdom. These animals can be…

Small Animal Surgery, Splint and Collar


Words: 526 (3 pages)

An Elizabethan collar or space collar (sometimes called a cone) is a protective medical device worn by an animal, usually a cat or dog. Shaped like a truncated cone, its purpose is to prevent the animal from biting or licking at its body or scratching at its head or neck while wounds or injuries heal….

Spotted Owl, Flying Squirrel, Truffle Symbiosis




Words: 1723 (7 pages)

Throughout the world there are many animals, plants, fungi and numerous other living organisms that are influenced by the overall condition or adaptations of other organisms. Whether it is a symbiotic relationship or a predator/prey relationship there are many ways in which animals and other living organisms operate and live; both dependent on others and…

Polar Bears Research Paper


Words: 861 (4 pages)

The Polar Bear males can mensurate up to nine pess long, and can weigh 770-1430 pound. The pelt of the Polar Bear covers their full organic structure except their olfactory organ and tablets of their pess. The Polar Bear ( Ursus maritimus ) is the largest life carnivore on the planet Earth. The polar bear…

The Innocence anf Guilibility of the Animals in Animal Farm


Words: 1085 (5 pages)

All Meetings were led by the pigs, namely Snowball and Napoleon, who were lways in disagreement. The most intelligent creatures, who were the pigs and dogs, had learned to expertly read and write. On the other hand, most of the others were illiterate. The sheep, which were the most senseless, were known to at random…

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