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Understanding Indian Culture: With a Healthcare Perspective
Indian Culture
India is a country in South Asia and it sometimes referred to as the Republic of India. This country houses a culture group known as Indians. Understanding Indian culture is important and crucial due to the vast amounts of immigrants in the United States. After interviewing a man from India, I have a better understanding…
My Personal Code of Ethics
The modern world is not concerned with ethics. More often than not, people’s main aspiration lies in wealth, the appearance of having such or the realities of life without. And yet, for all our advancements and the deepening of our understanding our past and how that may play into our future — human beings are…
Response to W.K. Clifford’s “The Ethics of Belief”
Is blind belief foolish, or even dangerous? According to the writings of W.K. Clifford, a British philosopher, it is both. Clifford was of the opinion that no one should believe anything for which there was “insufficient evidence”. He also claimed that if one did not have the time to fully investigate a matter they wished…
Isaac Newton: God in a Scientific Universe
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, and alchemist. While he was primarily regarded as the father of modern physics, Newton’s greatest passion was theology. In fact he spent more time on biblical studies than on science, as he said, “I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the…
Architecture of San Vitale Church in Rome
San Vitale church is the famous church in Rome where you can find the famous monument of Ravenna. It is known as a big, typical important church which simply under the style of ecclesiastical basilica and one remarkable example of Byzantine Art. According to the list of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ,…
The Wave of Change in the Era of Modernism
A wave of change swept over the era of modernism, people began to question and scrutinize the norms of society. This change Is referred to as postmodernism (Megs & Purses, 2006:466). Postmodernism gave birth to different subcultures, groups of people who behave and believe differently than the norm of society, this as a result makes…
Ethics of Homosexuality
Homosexuality The topic of homosexuality has always been a source of controversy in ethical discussions, as its morality is subjective to individual perspectives. Religion often influences people’s opinions on homosexuality, with the divine command theory and natural law theory playing significant roles. It’s important to understand both theories for a proper understanding. The divine command…
Reverse Euhemerization
Cultural Anthropology
Euhemerization is a process that human being figuratively changes into a god with time while reverse euhemerization according to Chinese scholars, is a procedure through which a mythological creature or god changes to a historical figure, believed to have existed before. Reverse euhemerization happens to people occupied with history than mythology. Euhemerization is a theory…
My sister’s keeper ethical issues Analysis
Outline: Kate Fitzgerald is a 16 year old who was diagnosed with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia at 2 years old. She has an older brother, Jesse, but he is not a genetic match for a bone marrow transplant and has never been able to forgive himself for that. Doctors suggested that her parents scientifically engineer another…
The Gifts I Give to the Body of Christ
spiritual gifts do I give to the Body of Christ? Commitment, Worship, Forgiveness, Love, and Joy. I was baptized at High Street United Methodist Church and through my church family they continue to guide me to live a Christian life. Through Sunday school, The Children’s Sermon, Special Events, Jr & Senior MYF, the Scouting Program…