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Essay Examples

The Yanomamo Culture


Words: 711 (3 pages)

The Yanomamo Indians are located in the Amazon Basin in both Venezuela and Brazil. The Yanomami are believed to be the most primitive, culturally intact people in existence in the world. They are literally a Stone Age tribe. Cataloged by anthropologists as Neo-Indians with cultural characteristics that date back more than 8000 years, these are…

Culture Wars: Forster’s A Passage To India


Words: 3387 (14 pages)

To India In this age of cross cultural considerations in everything from education to the design on Kleenex boxes, it is refreshing to find a novel that incorporates the issues inherent in a situation where cultures are necessarily brought together. E. M. Forster’s A Passage To India, brings the art of narrative to the rescue…

The Traditional Disney Princess Culture


Disney Princess

Words: 639 (3 pages)

Without Cinderella’s unattractive stepsisters or the seven dwarfs accompanying Snow White, our childhoods would have been very different. These fairytales, along with others, have been passed down for years. The traditional Disney princess culture is celebrated and cherished for entertaining young girls. Nowadays, it is widely accepted and most parents cannot imagine not incorporating these…

Art & Visual Culture


Words: 912 (4 pages)

Description The five works of art that I chose were all from the National palace Museum, seeing that their collection offered a rich variety that is refreshingly different from Western Art. The pieces are different in forms – there is metal work, a bronze Buddha and stand from the Northern Wei Dynasty, an inkstone, a…

Music: Embodiment the Culture and Different Generation



Words: 2803 (12 pages)

Music in Culture If there is one thing about music that amazes me, it is its power to represent and embody the culture and times of a specific people and generation. I grew up in a household with the most diverse tastes in music. Sunday mornings would see my dad listening to his collection of…

Why Is It Important to Learn About Different Cultures


Words: 729 (3 pages)

Why is it important to learn about different cultures? Does it really matter? Why should we take time off to learn about a person who is different? What does this do for us? These are very important questions which are asked frequently. I think we all are different but are the same at the same…

Saree Defines My Culture


Words: 627 (3 pages)

A. Attention: Hello, good afternoon everyone, today I’m here to talk about one of the cultural artifact, and I chose Sari, which I chose a special kind of cloth in our culture. B. Sari is a traditional apparel of the Asian Indian woman. The essential simplicity of the sari—an untailored cloth measuring about 5 to…

Horticulture Pests & Diseases Assignment



Words: 1974 (8 pages)

Flint and Van den Bosh (1981) define a pest as any organism that diminishes the accessibility, quality, or value of a human resource, such as crop plants. This report specifically focuses on pests with respiratory abilities and mobility. Two specific organisms within the pest category will be analyzed: Greenhouse White Fly and Woolly Aphid. Furthermore,…

Ethical Business Culture



Words: 599 (3 pages)

Introduction Business owners always want to excel in their operations and achieve unparalleled success. Ethical business concepts set values and policies for businesses to identify what’s good for their business and what’s not. However, it’s often observed that organizations with higher expectations and market pressure, fail to practice ethical culture in their business operations. According…

World Culture Chinese Farmer



Words: 665 (3 pages)

The year is 2006, my name is Ashley, and I am a Chinese farmer who lives in the North China Plain with my husband and three children aged newborn, six, and eleven years old. We are located about ninety miles from Beijing in which we commute to by means of a fast train when needed….

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