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Essay Examples

Organisational Development and Organisational Culture in Today’s Business Environment



Words: 336 (2 pages)

What are some of the challenges for organisational development and organisational culture in today’s business environment? Technological advancement has brought businesses a range of diverse challenges. Technology solutions are constantly being retired and upgraded this exercise requires on-going change management and a skilled and flexible workforce to transcend with the changes. The ageing workforce also…

How to Overcome Culture Shock


Words: 331 (2 pages)

The term Culture Shock is used to describe the emotional rollercoaster that someone experiences when living in a new country. Anyone who has worked and lived in a foreign country will experience culture shock of some sort. Recognizing culture shock is an important way of being able to deal with it. Dealing with it helps…

Relationship Between Structure, Culture and Business Performance


Words: 3006 (13 pages)

Definition of ‘Organizational Structure’ Explicit and implicit institutional rules and policies designed to provide a structure where various work roles and responsibilities are delegated, controlled and coordinated. Organizational structure also determines how information flows from level to level within the company. In a centralized structure, decisions flow from the top down. In a decentralized structure,…

Locavore – Agricultural Movement


Words: 527 (3 pages)

A new agricultural movement has emerged and has become widespread in the past decade called “locavores”. These locavores advocate the consumption of only locally grown foods. This healthy movement would not only change a person’s nutrition but also the sustainability and economics of our world. Eating locally grown food has a higher nutritional value than…

Business Culture of Indonesia Sample



Words: 425 (2 pages)

Religion and civilization:-Most Indonesian business communities are Chinese and largely non-Muslim. -Many are Christians but because Indonesia is dominated by Muslims. it could be violative and impolite to eat during the fasting hours of Ramadan. -Superstitions: There are many superstitious notions in Indonesia due to the folklores and belief in Black Magic. One such superstitious…

My Experience Teaching at the Vacation Bible School in Aruba



Words: 558 (3 pages)

Over the summer of my tenth grade year I received the opportunity to go and help teach Vacation Bible School in Aruba. At first going into this trip I was ecstatic to have the ability to work with a group of Christians from another country and teach, The one event I didn’t expect was to…

Unveiling the Digital Enchantment: Augmented Products Redefining Reality and Imagination



Words: 596 (3 pages)

In the bustling world of commerce, where innovation is a lifeline and creativity knows no bounds, one cannot help but marvel at the remarkable transformations that have shaped the modern market. Amidst this ever-changing landscape, businesses are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their offerings, sparking a revolution that defies conventional boundaries. As the curtains…

The Filipino Cultural Awareness



Words: 786 (4 pages)

The Philippines’ locals, called Filipinos, trace their primary ancestry back to Malays who migrated from present-day Indonesia in Southeast Asia. Prior to European arrival, Filipinos had established connections with China, leading to a blended Chinese-Filipino heritage. The colonial era introduced Spanish-Filipinos, while Filipino-Americans contributed to the population during American occupation. These groups can be recognized…

Cultural Differences in China and America


Words: 938 (4 pages)

If a person were to visit another country who had different cultural and traditional values without prior knowledge, how will they be able to successfully abide by the laws and be respectful towards the other culture? Most unknowledgeable travelers will assume or behave in a way that they think is acceptable based on what is…

Multiculturalism in Canada


Words: 623 (3 pages)

According to Statistics Canada, immigrants make up about 20% of the Canadian population. People from around the world migrate to Canada because they are encouraged to maintain their cultural heritage, while being a part of the Canadian culture as well. Culture is an important part of people’s life, as it influences one’s beliefs, values and…

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