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Essay Examples

The Comparison of Sociocultural Theory

Jean Piaget



Words: 5502 (23 pages)

The comparison of sociocultural theory to Piaget’s developmental model Any new theory of human development requires analysis; how it goes about testing its concepts and how it compares with other contemporary theories within the same field. Conforming to these requirements allow the merits, place and role of the theory being analysed to become much clearer….

Paulo Freire Letter 6




Words: 305 (2 pages)

Summary In this letter Freire speaks of the relationship that involves the questions of teaching, and of learning. Freire explains that children are extremely sensitive to teachers who do opposite of what they say. Freire explains that a teacher who shows doubt or weakness in the classroom will severely hurt their ability to control the…

Learning Disabilities in Children



Words: 668 (3 pages)

The article “Learning Disabilities in Children: Why Some Children Seem to Struggle” focuses on the invention of an education learning program called Audiblox by Dr. Jan Strydom who holds a doctorate degree in education, among his other notable titles.  This educational tool is targeted at helping children who are identified as struggling with learning in…

The Four Stages of Learning




Words: 5412 (22 pages)

The four stage cycle are: – Concrete Experience (coming across a new experience of a situation, or interpretation of existing experience); – Reflective Observation (reviewing a new experience and reflecting on the experience); – Abstract Conceptualization concluding reflection which gives rise to a new idea, or a modification of an existing abstract concept); – Active…

Counselling Theories Assignment


Classical Conditioning


Psychological theories

Theory of Mind

Words: 1215 (5 pages)

Briefly explain how the concept of stimulus and response applies to Steven. The concept of the Stimulus – Response Theory describes an external neutral signal /event (stimulus) (to unconditionally and automatically trigger (a behavior or reflex. (Response). The theory explains how individuals learn new behaviors by experiencing pleasurable( outcomes and not responding to external stimuli…

My Contribution to FAMU



Words: 514 (3 pages)

When I think of what I can contribute to the university to community, I begin to look at what the university is all about. Florida A & M University is all about warmth and acceptance. It’s all about driving students from all walks of life to perform to the best of their capabilities. More importantly,…

Edward Thorndike Sample




Words: 842 (4 pages)

Edward Lee Thorndike was a boy of a Methodist curate in Lowell. Massachusetts. He became an American innovator in comparative psychological science and was a typical late nineteenth century American scientist. He grew up in an age when scientific psychological science was set uping its topographic point in academic establishments and pulling college alumnuss. Thorndike…

Learning the Brand Samsung



Words: 1915 (8 pages)

Samsung, established in 1938, has been a leading force in the mobile industry of Asia and is internationally acclaimed for its excellent electronic products and services. It is particularly famous as a prominent brand in mobile phones, with 99% recognition worldwide. Although Samsung is primarily recognized for its mobile phones, the company’s product line extends…

The principle of equal opportunities




Words: 1393 (6 pages)

We offer over 500 qualifications across 28 industries through 8500 centers worldwide and award around two million certificates every year. City & Guilds is recognizes and respected by employers across the world as a sign of quality and exceptional training. City & Guilds Group The City & Guilds Group operates from three major hubs: London…

The processess of ELL and ESOL and how they use CELLA


Educational psychology



Words: 639 (3 pages)

Identification and placement are important processes in any ESOL program. Being the first step in the process, the results of identification and placement greatly determine the success and development that the learner will have while undergoing the ESOL program. It is necessary to identify and properly place English Language Learners (ELLs) in the right program….

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