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Essay Examples

Are HBCUs Still Important?

Behavior Modification



Words: 534 (3 pages)

Fredrick Douglas once said, “if there is no struggle, there is no progress”. Historically Black Colleges and Universities is evidence that black people have overcome years of struggle. HBCUs were designed to educate African Americans, in fact most HBCUs were founded and built by uneducated slaves. HBCUs have educated black people and other races for…

What Is Happiness? You’re Born, And Things Start Getting Complicated From There

Personal Values

The Pursuit Of Happiness

Words: 2136 (9 pages)

You’re suddenly on a wild-goose chase, bumping shoulders with not one person in particular, but rather seven billion; more or less. If you think that you’re not part of this race, then I have to tell you that you’re either on the wrong planet or that you already won. The pursuit of happiness has always…

Opposing Views on Media Violence



Media Violence

Words: 970 (4 pages)

By the time the average U.S. school child finishes elementary school, he or she will have seen about 8,000 murders and 100,000 other acts of violence on television, and if the child also has violent games, films, or cable TV these numbers are even higher (“Denial”, par. 1). There has been intense debate about whether…

Something Unusual by the Riverbank


Words: 500 (2 pages)

Last dark I was walking home following to the river Thamess. When something unusual happened to me. It was tardily at dark and I’d had a long and hard twenty-four hours at work. There was a big full Moon in the sky and everything was quiet. I was tired and lonely and I’d merely had…

A Letter to Myself

Self Reflection

Words: 1128 (5 pages)

I thought of different ways to structure this. I have finally decided to write a letter to myself. From the me of today to the me a decade in the future. Dear Satyaki of 2030, I hope you are happy! I distinctly remember you, sitting in room N204 of UCD Smurfit, wondering what success means…

Three Ways Young Adults Can Develop Their Self-Awareness


Self Awareness


Words: 1033 (5 pages)

Self-awareness is an essential factor for being able to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as it is beneficial for the mind and body. To be self-aware is to have conscious knowledge of one’s actions, thoughts, feelings and desires. As someone who may be classified as a young adult, it is essential to be able to be…

The Structural/Ego Psychology inThe Case of ‘Rat Man’




Words: 2500 (10 pages)

The first session of this essay introduces the core assumptions of contemporary structural/ego psychology, including the explanations of key theoretical prepositions of the theory. The second session illustrates the explanation of structural/ego theory in the etiology of pathological symptom formation and character traits, along with the case conceptualization of Freud’s classical case history, the ‘Rat…

The X Chromosome and Sex Bias in Allergic & Autoimmune Diseases


Words: 1201 (5 pages)

Some scientists have proposed the “X Chromosome Nucleolus Nexus” hypothesis to explain XCI escape. This hypothesis states that when the cells are exposed to stress such as viral infection, it leads to nucleolus expansion. Since the nucleolus is very active, if the Xi is located near the nucleolus it can be disrupted. The nucleolus contains…

Research Related To Socratic And Plato’s Insights



Words: 1167 (5 pages)

Socratic insight alludes into Socrates’ comprehension of the points of confinement of Socrates insight in that he just realizes what he knows and makes no supposition of knowing much else or less. The prophet’s reaction is that no human was shrewder than himself which left him stupefied, so he set out on a journey to…

Grit and Success: Navigating the Intersection of Talent, Effort, and Opportunity




Words: 513 (3 pages)

Grit is a term that has gained popularity in recent years, with researchers and psychologists recognizing its importance in achieving success. While talent, effort, and opportunity are all important factors in achieving success, it is grit that separates those who reach their goals from those who fall short. Grit is defined as the combination of…

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