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Essay Examples
Summary and Analysis of Breaking Out by Marge Piercy
Marge Pierce who was born in Detroit, is known as a feminist writer. Her poem, ‘Breaking Out’ was first published in the Harbor Review in 1984. The poem portrays the double oppression faced why a girl, for being a girl child and a child, at the same time. The poem depicts how the girl wants…
Discovering the Mystery of Eleven Test Tubes
Abstract Eleven mystery test tubes labeled from K-1 to K-11 contained: 6M H2SO4, 6M NH3, 6M HCl, 6M NaOH, 1M NaCl, 1M Fe(NO3)3, 1M NiSO4, 1M AgNO3, 1M KSCN, 1M Ba(NO3)2, 1M Cu(NO3)2 respectively. The contents of the test tubes were determined by chemical experiments. Solution K-1 contained NiSO4 because when solution K-9, ammonia which…
Theory of Relativity
Black Hole
Theory of relativity
Introduced by Albert Einstein in the early 1900s, the theory of relativity provides insight into the workings of the universe. This theory is divided into two parts: the special theory and the general theory. Each part offers explanations and comprehension to a certain extent. The special theory focuses on understanding atoms and small objects, while…
Comparison of Marx and Hegel Concepts
Karl Marx
G. W. F. Hegel (1770 – 1831 A.D.) is referred to as an idealist, who believed that the only thing that is truly in existence is “the ideal” rather than the ordinary. This “ideal” came from the “Absolute Mind,” which was a perfect mind in Hegel’s opinion. He believed that the Absolute Mind evolves itself…
Willa Cather’s “Paul’s Case” Analysis
Paul’s Case: A Struggle in Self-Identity. Willa Cather’s “Paul’s Case,” is filled with both symbolism and hidden meaning. Inferences can be made regarding Paul’s sexuality, apparent learning disabilities, abusive father, and motherless household. While there are countless things that go unspoken in the story, a theme of struggling to find one’s self-identity is prevalent throughout….
Aristotle and Descartes on Human Person
Descartes Meditations begun by attempting to doubt everything then moved on to build up from that to those few things which we can know with certainty. These mediations were written during the time when the recognized sciences were Aristotelian; therefore, it implies that the philosophy of science that prevailed was also Aristotelian. Descartes mediation on…
A Comparative Analysis Between Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx
Emile Durkheim
Karl Marx
Introduction Emile Durkheim was a great French sociologist who lived from 1858 to 1917. He believed that the main role of any sociologist was to explain the causes of social phenomena and their functions in society. According to Durkheim, society should not be explained by individuals, but rather individuals should be explained based on their…
Compare and Contrast Five Ethical Models
Ethics play an integral and necessary part in our lives. An individual’s course of action is dictated by which ethical model they adhere to. Ethics answers the question, “What do I do? ” It is the study of right and wrong. “At a more fundamental level, it is the method by which we categorize our…
How the Labeling Theory Can Explain the Behavior of the Shooters in the 1999 Columbine School Shooting
School shooting
Looking at back at the Columbine tragedy there are many ways to interpret what happened and what caused such an act of violence and anger. With the information known about both shooters, Harris and Klebold, it is apparent that there were signs that these boys exhibited anger and other anti-social behavior, and it is Labeling…
Transference and Counter-Transference
Clinical Psychology
Transference and Counter-TransferenceThe idea of transference was first thought of by Sigmund Freud. He realized that sometimes when performing therapy with an individual that there were some fantasies that the individual would have about him as the therapist. With transference a person is taking something that has recently happened and blending the ideas with…