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Essay Examples
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Human development
Psychological theories
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a popular personality assessment tool, chosen more often than other options available. It is derived from Carl Jung’s theories and uses four scales to identify personality traits. This assessment is commonly used to assess leadership abilities, which can be beneficial for team building in educational and organizational settings. Psychologists have…
Critical Incident Assignment
Reflective practice
Trip’s four approaches focus on the why challenge, personal theory, thinking strategies and lemma identification. I will examine these four approaches and discuss the ways in which I can develop my teaching practice. Moreover, I will outline further recommendations for my future practice which will be suggested throughout this assignment. Pollard (2008) points out that…
Aristotle on Democracy
In sections 3.9-3.13 of his magnum opus Politics, Aristotle puts forward several arguments for democracy within the larger context of his political theorizing. Although Aristotle has some reservations about the democratic system and a few of its implications, he assigns democracy a crucial role in achieving the good of the state and the common interest…
Aristotle on Sleep and Dreams
Aristotle explored various subjects, such as the existence of God, politics, and ethics, in his philosophy. Among these topics, the significance of sleep and dreams was often overlooked but crucial, and Aristotle proceeded to provide explanations for them. In three treatises, namely On Sleep and Dreams, On Sleeping and Waking, and On Divination through Sleep,…
Formal Letter Writing Convention
Human Activities
There are a number of conventions that should be adhered to when producing a formal letter. It is important that the overall structure is as clear and concise as possible and that you avoid the use of colloquialisms. Addresses: Your Address the top right-hand section The Address of the person you are writing to beneath…
Kant and Schopenhauer
Categorical imperative
Schopenhauer objected to the metaphysics of Kant, and yet he is classified as a Kantian. I argue that the conventional designation is a valid one, and that objections put forward by Schopenhauer are only semantic in the end. Schopenhauer finds Kant’s philosophy couched in absolutist terms, and this he finds to be inhuman, and not…
Port Huron Statement Analysis
In 1962 America was going through a tough period, marked by the Cold War, against USSR and its communism. This was also the time of the Vietnam War and the Arms Race, with the possession of the nuclear weapon, and the president of the time, John F. Kennedy was a fervent believer in the “Domino…
Tom Jones Comic Epic
Enjoying the freedom of an artist, Fielding in his ‘Tom Jones’ bursts on the literary scene giving thousands of hours for a kind of writing, which is in his own words, “I do not remember to have seen hitherto attempted in our language”. His immediate inspiration was the Spanish Classic, ‘Don Quixote’. However in discussing…
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Personality disorder
About 3% of men and 1% of women in the population hav an antisocial personality disorder. There are estimate as high as 70 – 80% of the prison population ha antisocial personality disorder. In later adulthood symptoms diminish and the person may not be involve in criminal activity, though some of the basi personality characteristics…
Brutes Proved the Better of the Two
Critical Thinking Skills
Julius Caesar
In his speed chi, Brutes proved the better of the two when employing logos he says, “Had you rather Caesar were living and ii all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men? ” (Act 3, Scene 2 , page 2) This sentence puts a powerful image inside the listeners’ heads, making…