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Scholarly Article on The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri Research Paper

American Culture

Human Activities

Words: 957 (4 pages)

Scholarly Article on “The Namesake” By Jhumpa Lahiri The article I chose is titled, “From Hybrids to Tourists: Children of Immigrants in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake,” written by Natalie Friedman. This in depth article focuses on the inner personal struggle of an immigrant family to the United States with emphasis on Gogol Ganguli. Friedman distinguishes…

The Possibility of Evil Essay


Words: 492 (2 pages)

Must conflicting personalities dominate our interactions? “The Possibility of Evil,” a short story by Shirley Jackson, centers around the peculiar actions of Miss Strangeworth. Despite her consistent demeanor, people are unaware of her true malevolence. Throughout the story, Miss Strangeworth composes anonymous letters containing cruel remarks about her fellow townspeople. Her enjoyment in crafting spiteful…

Dualism: Culture & Personality



Words: 2024 (9 pages)

Dualism of Culture and Personality In the modern age, many anthropological studies of personality in primitive cultures have shown intimate relation of personality and culture. These studies have shown that man is far more cultural being than imagined by the psychologists. In this connection, the discoveries by Ruth Benedict, Ralph Linton, and Abram Kardiner are…

Analysis of “The Last Leaf” by O.Henry

Human Activities

Words: 870 (4 pages)

The text presents a piece of narration with the elements of description and dialogue. The text is written in the 3rd person. The author is an objective looker. The title of the story corresponds to its plot. The plot revolves around two artist girls Sue and Johnsy, who have their own studio in quaint old…

Pauline Williams: Cheerleader or Activist?


Words: 869 (4 pages)

The main problem is that Pauline Williams will be removed from the cheering team due to her personal stand against cheering on Dyson Stevens. She has a past case against Dyson which was annulled by the court and despite the ruling; she opts not to cheer for Dyson, saying she can’t do that for a…

Biography of the American Philosopher John Dewey

John Dewey


Words: 2606 (11 pages)

EARLY LIFE “If I were asked to name the most needed of all reforms in the spirit of education I should say: ‘Cease conceiving of education as mere preparation for later life, and make of it the full meaning of the present life.’” – John Dewey John Dewey, an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer,…

Tri-R Gardenia Reaction Paper



Human Activities

Words: 1051 (5 pages)

Tri-R Allied Company is indeed one of the leading business in auto parts manufacturing industry. And as we visit the plant in our plant tour, there are many observations that I’ve seen in their manufacturing plant.. In my first impression, their overall plant was good, and an excellent place for manufacturing production, a place that…

Analysis of Feminist Criticism



Words: 773 (4 pages)

One of the most prominent characters in Nathaniel Hawthorn’s “The Scarlet Letter” Is Hester Prone, the young adulteress whose forbidden actions have led her to become a representation of sin to the Puritanical community around her. However, these negative views of her ironically grant Hester Prone the freedom to govern her own life, without the…

Wings related text COnsumerism Analysis


Words: 646 (3 pages)

Related Text , Text and society wings by Macklemore “Wings” is a song written by rapper Macklemore and produced by Ryan Lewis, from the album “The Heist “2011. The Song is a powerful story about American youth and their struggle to find their way in a culture dominated by consumerism, obsession and wanting to be”…

Nagel’s “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?” Analysis




Words: 1988 (8 pages)

Thomas Nagel argues that consciousness presents a formidable challenge for both physical and mental issues. He contends that reductionists have an incomplete grasp of consciousness and lack a convincing psychological explanation to back up their familiar reductions (Nagel, 1998, 3-30). Consequently, reductionists tend to overlook the significance of consciousness. Nonetheless, Nagel maintains that without consciousness,…

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