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Essay Examples
“Vampire Diaries” – Supernatural Teen Drama Television Series
Violence against women
The Vampire Diaries is a hit supernatural teen drama television series about a seventeen-year-old girl, Elena, who is caught up in a mystical world between two extremely handsome vampire brothers. It’s very comparative to Twilight and Buffy the Vampire Slayer with the typical ‘teenage girl falls in love with a vampire’ story. It first aired…
The Feasibility Of Makahiya Edited Sample
Introduction Dengue is the most common arthropod-borne viral ( arboviral ) unwellness. It is transmitted by the mosquitoes of the genus Aedes which are widely distributed in tropical or sub-tropical states peculiarly in the Philippines. The AedesAegypti Mosquitoes are the vectors of Dengue febrility and the eggs have the ability to last dehydration for long…
Wind Power in Kerala
Wind power
The country is facing acute power shortage. The power deficit has touched an all time high during summer 2008. The peaking shortage was 13% with an energy shortage of 9%.. During the 10th plan period, the generation capacity addition was just 21,180 MW, a mere 51% of the original target of 41,110 MW. For the…
Microbiology Unknown Paper
Understanding the identity of microorganisms is crucial for several purposes. These include identifying the causative agent of a disease in a patient, which is essential for determining the appropriate treatment. Additionally, knowing the correct microorganism is necessary for producing specific foods or antibiotics. In this study, I employed all the methods I had learned in…
Purification of Acetanalide by Recrystallization
Chemical Engineering
Materials science
Phases of matter
Physical chemistry
Objective: Separate and purify acetanilide from a mixture by recrystallization. Compare the melting points of crude and recrystallized acetanilide. Introduction : The most common method of purifying solid organic compounds is by recrystallization. In this technique, an impure solid compound is dissolved in a solvent and then allowed to slowly crystallize out as the solution…
The Importance of Industrial Minerals in our everyday lives
Natural Environment
Natural Resources
Industrial Minerals what it is all about? Is it really important to us? When I read the topic, my curiosities begin to start & ask questions in my mind. Industrial Minerals are geological materials which are mined for their commercial value, which are not fuel and are not sources of metals. They are used in…
Functionalists on Age Inequality
Old age
Outline and assess the functionalists’ theory of social inequalities The Functionalist theory believes that Social stratification, including age inequality, is necessary for the functioning of a healthy society. Their perspective of social inequality is the belief that “inequality is not only inevitable but also necessary for the smooth functioning of society’. Functionalists believe that Age…
Reflection Paper in FCL
Second quarter has finally ended. Another chapter has unfolded its content and now as the Third quarter if fast approaching, I’d like to reflect and ask things about the daily program that we have during class discussions in FCL. After discussing, unlocking and learning facts and ideas, I’d like to ask few things- Does the…
The Production of Pyruvate and Acetaldehyde During the Fermentation of Glucose
The glycolysis pathway is nearly universal in biological systems. Glycolysis is the sequence of reactions that converts glucose to pyruvate with the concomitant formation of ATP. Three fates of this pyruvate produced exist. In this practical the production of pyruvate and acetaldehyde by fermentation of glucose is established. A series of test tubes was set…
The sexual response cycle
The term ‘sexual response cycle’ was first used by William Masters and Virginia Johnson (1966) to describe the bodily responses or the changes in the body of men and women when they become sexually aroused. There are four identified stages that occur in the sexual response cycle – the excitement stage, plateau, orgasm, and the…