Storytelling Page 4
We found 51 free papers on Storytelling
Essay Examples
Tinker of Toledo
Short Story
Long ago, there was a tinker, named Pedro, who came to the town of Toledo. Everyday, he would hear people talk about the haunted stone castle. People would say that everyone who came there never came back, died or vanished forever. So, he declared to the town people, that on All Hallow’s Eve, He will…
Flannery O’Connor’s Everything that Rises Must Converge Critical Analysis
American Culture
The Story
Flannery O’Connor’s short story could be interpreted in many ways: some people would say that it is a cruel and exaggerated anti-racist moralistic tale while the others would see it as African-American manifestation of hatred. However, both approaches would be biased and, therefore, virtually wrong after all, O’Connor was doing anything but propagating violence and…
The killer in the back seat – creative writing
Short Story
Anne was driving on narrow deserted country road without any front lights; she was only 20 years of age, with long black hair, blue eyes and no other family that she knew of. It was a cold, gloomy and dark night; Anne could sense the danger waiting for her just around the corner. As she…
A Short Story About Lost People
Short Story
“Where am I?” thought Amber, trembling. Looking around, she saw a shaft high, high above her, letting in a little moonlight. She was alone in a huge cave. She was lost, lost as a duck on land. Her face was freezing cold and she felt hot tears running down her face. Suddenly, a shower of…
The Last Men on Earth
Short Story
After a cryptic pestilence wipes out most of the world’s population. humanity is reduced to little concentrated groups held behind monolithic salvaged featuring domes. The storyteller is an undead who merely remembers that his name one time began with an “R” . one of the few who is still capable of idea. R is friends…
Mice and Men Monologue Curley’s Wife
Of Mice and Men
Short Story
Who do they think they are? Pack of bindle bums! Think they are all so damn good. They don’t know me. They don’t know who I am, what I’m about. Who do they think they are treating me like a kid? Bunch of bindle stiffs! They anti no better, they anti goanna amount to nothing’….
The Story That Led Me to My Career Speech
The Story
Every story has heroes, twists, and surprises. I am on my way to becoming a Speech-Language Pathologist. I will come to know each client’s world well: their dreams, their fears, and their expectations. Why is the communication of others my passion? I see a world of everyday heroes. Everyone has a history. I want to…
Telling Stories From Grandma Gives a Good Understanding of the Culture
Short Story
The Story
Storytelling and food From age old ‘ paati kathais’ (grandma’s stories) to public performances like villu paatu and katha kalakshepam, every discourse in our country is a kind of storytelling. “Storytelling is more about body and voice. It creates a cathartic effect on the listeners,” says Eric Miller, Director, World Storytelling Institute. Stories give expression…
Influence on Us From the Stories That Have Been Written or Told
The Story
The power of a story, whether written or spoken, has a lasting impact on the way we perceive almost everything around us. Sometimes they are too simple and a particular story becomes the only way something is understood. The risk of a single story is that one perspective can lead us to default assumptions and…
Is The Revolt of Mother Much More Than Realistic Fiction Story
Song of Solomon
The Story
It was published in September of 1890 in New England right after the civil war. During this time period a story with a woman’s point of view was very rare. Sarah Penn who is known as the mother in this short story was a devoted wife who was patiently waiting for a new home that…