Junk Food: American Crisis

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The issue of junk food consumption in America is leading to a health crisis, with diet-related obesity, diabetes, and heart disease becoming the nation’s number one public health program. The National Director of the Organic Consumer Association, Ronnie Cummins, argues that a tax on junk food, along with other incentives, would help reduce these costs. However, he fails to address the fact that people still have the choice to eat what they want, and stricter laws on junk food may not work in all states. Furthermore, a Boston University statistician suggests that it is difficult to make a definitive conclusion based on the study that shows strict laws on junk food may help curb childhood obesity. Andrew Morris, a professor of law and business at the University of Alabama, argues that taxing unhealthy foods is not a good solution and may cause more problems. Overall, people have the right to eat what they want and live their life how they want.

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It hasn’t been a problem in the past, so why is it such a problem now? If people want to live a certain way, then let them. Its not our responsibility to make sure that everybody is eating “right”. Junk food consumption in America is leading to a health crisis, but should it be taxed? In his article ‘ ‘Tax on Junk Food Can Help the Costs of Diet-Related Diseases”, National Director of the Organic Consumer Association Ronnie Cummins argues that a hefty tax on junk food, along with other incentives, would help solve the problem. Cummins ascribes the unhealthy effects of junk food.

He goes on to describe how it costs Americans not just health wise, but financially. He states, “Diet related obesity, diabetes and heart disease are now the nations #1 public health program, generating an estimated $1 50 billion in health-care costs every year. ” Cummins asserts that the government could reduce these costs by putting a tax on junk food. Despite government efforts so far, obesity is still on the rise. Therefore, Cummins argues, the government must stop us obsessing the growing of unhealthy foods and farming practices and starts absconding organic foods and sustainTABLE farming.

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Cummins fails to address that the American people have the choice to eat what they want and must know that they will still buy the junk food, even if the taxes are raised. Junk food has been linked to the childhood obesity epidemic in America, so some states are enacting strict laws regulating its consumption. In the article “Study: Junk Food Laws May Help Curb Kid’s Obesity,” AP Medical Writer Indies Tanner reports that a new study shows that states which enforce stricter junk food laws have a lower childhood obesity rate.

The study showed hat fifth through eighth graders in states with stricter laws gained less weight than their peers in states without the laws. Additionally, kids who were obese in fifth grade were more likely to reach a healthy weight by eighth grade in states with strict laws governing junk food. States were considered to have strict laws if they contained specific nutritional requirements rather than vague statements that weren’t well defined. Strict laws on junk food may work in some states, it may work in all states, but that still doesn’t address the fact that people that want junk food will still o and buy it if they really want it.

Also, this study was only done on 5th graders. How are we supposed to know what the rest of the country is like? According to a Boston University statistician, however, it is difficult to make a definitive conclusion based on this study alone. Dry. David Ludwig, a Boston obesity specialist, states, “The challenge is that there are a great many factors that coalesce to influence body weight. ” This could be interpreted that fat IS not the only thing that contributes to a person’s weight. Other things, such as one or muscle mass also play a role in weight.

Andrew Morris, a professor of law and business at the University of Alabama, tackles the question, “Should Congress tax obesity-producing foods? ” In the article “bad Food’ Tax will clog our Economic Arteries beyond Repair” he argues that taxing unhealthy foods is not only a bad solution, it will actually cause more problems. (Morris, Andrew). In conclusion, I disagree with having a higher tax on junk food in America. As stated in my introduction, we have the right to eat what we Want and live our life how we want.

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Junk Food: American Crisis. (2018, Feb 07). Retrieved from


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