Qualities of a successful student

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Organ donation is a significant topic in current public policy discussions, with extensive debate occurring in numerous countries. Its importance lies in its connection to fundamental moral principles and human rights. Governments, religions, equality, constitutionality, and the right to consent are all factors considered.

The Australian government plans to address the issue of insufficient registered organ donors and the growing demand for transplants by making organ donation compulsory. This report focuses on the ongoing debate surrounding mandatory organ donation. Organ donation involves giving consent to donate organs either while alive or after death. The introduction of this law reform has both positive and negative implications for society, but it is contended that it would not have beneficial effects.

The upcoming paragraphs will outline the reasons supporting the preservation of law reform. Some individuals oppose mandatory organ donation due to its infringement on personal freedom and choice. The use of the term “donation” implies a voluntary act, creating an inconsistency. Recognizing that individuals have limited control over their lives, it is crucial for them to retain authority over the disposition of their bodies during and after their existence.

Instead of enforcing mandatory regulations, an alternative approach should be taken to increase the number of organ donors. Making organ donation compulsory would restrict the availability of organs for transplantation since major organs have a limited shelf life and can only survive outside the body for a specific duration.

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Qualities of a successful student. (2018, Feb 03). Retrieved from


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