Etch-a-Sketch Ethics Sample; Questions and Answers

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Was it ethical of the Ohio Art Company to travel production to China? What were the economic and societal costs and benefits of this determination? What would hold happened if production had non been moved?

The determination to shut and travel a works raises of import issues about the societal duties of a corporation. To do an ethical judgement. one must look at the impact the determination has on assorted stakeholders. On a macroeconomic degree. both the US and China benefited. The United states gained lower monetary values and later an addition in disposable income ; hapless Chinese villagers gained higher paying occupations and were able to travel from the countryside to the metropolis. Social costs to domestic OAC workers were high. The metropolis of Bryan. Ohio. population 8000. lost a cardinal employment base ; as a consequence. a community was destroyed. The former OAC workers were left idle and had no income watercourse. They were unable to pay their mortgages. which resulted in many place foreclosures and auctions.

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Many were forced to go forth the town and expression for work in other parts of the state. The metropolis lost a steady revenue enhancement watercourse. From a concern position. OAC didn’t interruption any prevalent Torahs. OAC’s determination to offshore stemmed from an inability to lower production costs and change by reversal two old ages of losingss and “sluggish sales” ( p160 ) . In the short term. OAC may hold been able to continue occupations. but finally the losingss would hold amounted to a larger restructuring bing more occupation losingss.

The issue behind the cuts was the fact that retail merchants wanted to maintain the merchandise under $ 10. this force per unit area in unison with high worker rewards and operations costs forced the company into a difficult determination. Raising the cost of the merchandise would cut down demand from consumers and retail merchants. this hits the bottom line and we have a instance of shriveling borders. The long term viability of the corporation comes to halfway phase. If it can non last ( i. e. net income ) . occupation losingss will necessarily happen. Thus it can be argued that OAC made the ethical determination in this instance to maximise net income and stockholder value ( p138 ) . while besides keeping a sense or moral duty by bit by bit off shoring production activities. Though lay waste toing to the town. these moves allowed people to travel on and hopefully happen other manners of employment.

Assuming that the description of working conditions given in the NY Times is right. is it ethical for the Ohio Art Co. to go on utilizing Kin Ki to fabricate Etch-A-Sketch playthings?

Given that the intelligence from the NY Times is right. OAC must weigh the state of affairs from a wide spectrum of ethical and economic theories. The text high spots many different ethical paradigms. Two sentiments seem to take applicability: the naive immoralist and the righteous moralist. Sing the state of affairs from the point of view of a “naive immoralist” one would reason that since Chinese mill proprietors as whole have been known to interrupt Torahs and run sweatshops. it would be ethically all right for a foreign company such as OAC. to follow in suit and non follow local Torahs as “culture” prevails. A “righteous moralist” would reason that one’s “home state standards” are the right 1s to follow.

Hence a company such as OAC should halt making concern with Kin Ki because of it gross human rights misdemeanors. I think that in either paradigm there are obvious defects. The righteous moralist fails to take into history that by using criterions that are applicable in the developed state may invalidate the really ground for traveling into the developing state. The naive immoralist seems brazenly irresponsible and would take to highly hapless promotion. Immanuel Kant highlighted the position that human rights are undeniable. “people should be treated as terminals instead than strictly a means” ( p142 ) .

From a concern point of view we see that OAC made the determination to travel into China was based on the “advertised” human rights conditions of Kin Ki ; happy worker. good repasts. pension. competitory rewards. and these criterions are the same for the part. and are widely accepted. Kin Ki’s failures to run into these minimal criterions are unacceptable. as such ; OAC should reexamine and implement its contract with Kin Ki and do certain the mill is being run in a legal mode. if non they should end their relationship.

Is it possible. as Mr. Killgallon claims that the Ohio Art Co. had no cognition of labour jobs at Kin Ki? Do you believe company executives had any cognition of the working conditions?

It is possible. but improbable. that Mr. Killgallon and the other executives didn’t have cognition of the labour jobs at Kin Ki. if true. this admittance shows gross carelessness of the duties entrusted to the executive board. The cardinal determination shapers would hold had to be in the dark about the grounds behind the low costs. conditions. salary degrees. costs to the subcontractor. etc. This can be understood if this was the companies first clip in China. as concern patterns come through experience. but OAC’s move to China for the Etch-A-Sketch merchandise was non their first clip covering with Kin Ki. in fact they had in concern together for a decennary bring forthing a pocket sized version of the same merchandise ( p160 ) .

This fact reveals that for about a decennary. OAC had been selling merchandises produced through sweatshop labour. In this instance. the executives at Ohio Art Company are to fault for non taking the appropriate stairss to cognize all the information about a provider prior to prosecuting in a concern venture. They are to fault for non inquiring the right inquiries and all the necessary inquiries. They are besides to fault for non look intoing the supplier’s operations both prior to the start of operations and during operations.

Further. the direction of the company had a duty to do the best concern. moral. and legal pick for all the companies’ stakeholders. In their custodies lay the occupations of 100s of OAC workers who were most likely convinced on the fact their layoff was inevitable but that the company that they had put so much difficult work into would go on to stand for their nucleus values and beliefs.

What steps can executives at the Ohio Art Co. take to do certain they do non happen the company profiled in the NY Times once more as an endeavor that benefits from sweatshop labour?

There are multiple stairss OAC can take to better its image and guarantee that it is non profiled once more in The NY Times or another major intelligence beginning as a house that net incomes from the usage of sweatshop labour. First and first. the company needs to clean up its act at Kin Ki and do its betterments known to the populace. This harm control. at the really least. should include:

  • Increasing worker wages to at least minimal pay
  • Enforcing 40-hour work hebdomads
  • Providing pension programs. medical coverage and employment contracts to all workers
  • Allowing at least four interruptions per twenty-four hours in add-on to tiffin and dinner
  • Improving worker repasts and adjustments
  • Allowing freedom of look and workers to unionise

The company should set up a codification of behavior for all subcontractors and institute. at the really least. one-year monitoring by independent research workers and hearers of all subcontractors. The company should besides use in-house regional directors to be in charge of subcontractor dealingss and reappraisals. These directors should be trained in local cultural patterns and be well-versed in typical contract violations in their reappraisal countries. This reappraisal should non be limited to employment conditions. Mangers should be cognizant of environmental patterns. accounting methods. and any other possible misdemeanor countries. They should set up a zero tolerance policy. Although betterments are non limited to the aforesaid amendments. these alterations will clearly assist extinguish the fright of public harm by the imperativeness.

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