Formation of the Planet Earth

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The Earth is an extraordinary planet that provides ideal conditions for life. It has the essential temperature and atmosphere needed for plants, animals, and humans to survive. This importance has resulted in the emergence of ecology as a scientific field aimed at comprehending how all living organisms depend on each other to flourish on our planet.

Earth hosts a diverse range of plants and animals, encompassing small organisms to large trees and whales. Although certain species are global, others are limited to particular regions. Some plants and animals flourish in extreme conditions that would be deadly for others. Consequently, some suggest the presence of extraterrestrial life on planets with drastically distinct environments. Nonetheless, numerous people uphold the notion that Earth is unparalleled in our solar system as the sole planet suitable for supporting life.

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Scientists have suggested that there may be primitive life forms on Mars. In 1976, unmanned probes revealed that Venus also had the potential to support life. The constant cloud cover on Venus’s surface has led to speculation about a hospitable temperature and atmosphere that could sustain living organisms.

However, it is now understood that Venus has an extremely high average temperature of 800 F (425 C), making it incapable of supporting liquid water. These extreme conditions would prevent known Earth life forms from surviving.

In contrast, Earth provides favorable conditions for life due to its temperature, which allows for the presence of liquid water on its surface.

More than 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans, but some water near the North and South Poles and on certain mountain peaks stays frozen throughout the year because of low temperatures. The density of the Earth’s atmosphere enables animals to breathe and plants to grow as it absorbs carbon dioxide. However, sunlight can still pass through since the atmosphere is not dense enough to block it.

Despite the abundance of clouds in the sky, sufficient sunlight continues to reach the Earth’s surface for plants to thrive. Sunlight is vital for plants as it enables them to generate their own energy. This interaction between plants and the sun serves as the primary source of energy for nearly all life forms on our planet. Nevertheless, extensive exploration of the sea floor since 1977 has unveiled unique biological communities that do not rely on solar energy. Specifically, active areas of sea floor spreading, found deep beneath where light can penetrate in the eastern Pacific, contain structures known as smokers. These chimney-like formations release mineral-rich water at temperatures reaching approximately 660 F (350 C).

The study of both active and inactive hydrothermal vents has greatly enhanced our understanding of the biological, geological, and geochemical processes in the deep sea. A key finding is that these vents, including their chemical compounds, serve as a source of energy for chemosynthetic bacteria. These bacteria play a fundamental role in the food chain and support various biological communities at hydrothermal vent sites.

Chemosynthetic bacteria rely on the energy obtained from oxidizing inorganic compounds, like hydrogen sulfide, to convert carbon dioxide into organic matter. Although sunlight does reach Earth’s surface, some solar radiation, such as X rays and ultraviolet light, is blocked by the atmosphere. This protection is crucial for supporting life on Earth since these harmful radiations could hinder its growth. Water plays a fundamental role in creating the ideal environment for these organisms to flourish. Out of all the planets known in our solar system, water encompasses all of these advantageous conditions.

The Earth, along with its neighboring planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars, shares similarities despite their unique conditions. Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, followed by Venus. The Earth is the third planet from the sun, while Mars is fourth. All of these planets, including Earth, are primarily composed of rock. While Mercury has a diameter that is approximately two-thirds of the Atlantic Ocean’s greatest width – making it the smallest among them – Mars is larger than Mercury but has a diameter slightly over half that of Earth. With a diameter of about 7,600 miles (12,000 kilometers), Venus is nearly as large as Earth. It should be noted that four out of the five outer planets are considerably larger than any of the inner planets.

The four outer planets, including Jupiter which is the largest, have a diameter over 11 times greater than Earth. Moreover, these outer planets exhibit lower density compared to the inner planets. They appear to be composed of substances that are gaseous on Earth but predominantly solid on the outer planets due to their extremely low temperatures and high pressures.

The size, mass, and composition of Pluto, the farthest planet, are still unknown. However, its orbit is well-known. Situated at an average distance from the sun that is about 40 times larger than Earth’s distance, Pluto resides in the outer regions of the solar system where comets can be found. Comets consist of a nucleus made up of frozen gases known as ices, water, and mineral particles. They also have a coma composed of gases and dust particles. In certain instances, comets even display tails formed by gases and dust particles originating from the coma.

As the comet approaches the sun, it develops tails due to the impact of sunlight and solar wind. Earth’s round shape has been recognized for centuries, with the general consensus being that it is a solid sphere. However, in actuality, Earth is nearly perfectly spherical except for a slight bulge at the equator. At sea level, Earth’s equatorial diameter measures 7,926.7 miles (12,756.8 kilometers).

The distance from the North to the South pole at sea level is 7 900.0 miles (12 713.8 kilometers), which is a small difference of only 26.7 miles (43 kilometers) compared to the overall diameter. However, this discrepancy becomes significant when considering the height of the Earth’s surface features. For instance, Mount Everest, the tallest mountain, stands less than 6 miles (9 kilometers) above sea level. Moreover, there is a slight distortion in the Earth’s shape where it appears slightly fatter in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere, with a maximum difference of about 100 feet (30 meters).

Originally, the shape of the Earth was determined by surveyors who measured mile by mile across the continents. Nowadays, artificial satellites use these measurements to calculate the gravitational force exerted by the Earth on them, giving insights into its shape. These calculations have also revealed a slight bulge in the Southern Hemisphere.

When it comes to determining our planet’s mass, scientists perform a delicate laboratory experiment involving carefully measured lead weights placed near each other to measure their gravitational attraction. According to Newton’s law of gravitation, gravity is directly proportional to the product of the two masses involved. As a result, scientists have estimated that Earth’s mass is approximately 6 sextillions, 595 quintillions tons.

The weight of the experimental mass can be measured easily and is equal to the force of gravity acting on it. Scientists in the laboratory can measure the force of gravity between two known masses. The missing piece is determining Earth’s mass, which can be done through comparison. Knowing Earth’s shape, scientists calculate its volume. Dividing Earth’s mass by its volume allows them to determine its average density, which is 3.2 ounces per cubic inch (5.5 grams per cubic centimeter). This average density considers all material from Earth’s surface to its center. However, not all material within Earth has this same density; most material on continents has roughly half the average value.

The center of the Earth is about three times denser than the average density of the whole Earth. Moreover, disparities exist between the surface and core of our planet, not just in terms of density but also regarding the materials present. The Earth is composed of three primary layers that make up its structured composition.

The Earth’s outermost layer, known as the crust, is akin to a thin skin. Below it lies the much thicker mantle, followed by the core at the center. Each layer can be further subdivided into more intricate structures. The thickness of the Earth’s crust varies in different locations. Beneath the oceans, its average thickness measures 3 miles (5 kilometers), while under continents it averages 19 miles (31 kilometers). This disparity in thickness between continents and oceans is a significant characteristic of the crust. Additionally, these two portions of the crust differ in other aspects such as having distinct types of rocks. Continental rocks like granite have lower density compared to rocks found in ocean basins like basalt. Furthermore, each part possesses its own unique structure.

The concept of isostasy, supported by theories about Earth’s structure, explains that the lighter rocks of continents are floating on top of denser rocks below. This rock formation is present under both ocean floors and continents, indicating a unified basaltic composition. To comprehend this theory, understanding the mantle beneath Earth’s surface layer is crucial. Although direct observation of the mantle remains unfeasible, valuable information has been obtained from deep holes drilled into continental and oceanic crusts. While these measurements do not reach all the way through to the mantle, scientists can deduce its characteristics based on them. The estimated thickness of the mantle is 1,800 miles (2,900 kilometers), and it can be divided into three regions.

The rocky mantle material, despite its appearance of rigidity, can still experience slight deformation over extended periods of time under pressure. This deformation takes place through the gradual redistribution of rock in the crust, for instance when eroded material from mountains is deposited in the ocean. As a result of this redistribution, the mantle gradually adjusts itself to compensate for the change in weight. The core extends from the Earth’s center to approximately a radius of 2,160 miles (3,480 kilometers). However, obtaining information about the Earth’s interior poses challenges and gives rise to uncertain theories regarding its structure. Some evidence suggests that distinct zones exist within the core.

There are differing opinions among scientists about the composition of the Earth’s core, encompassing both its inner and outer parts. This lack of consensus stems from inadequate seismic data. The inner core is a solid and rigid sphere with an approximate radius of 780 miles (1,255 kilometers). Its material has an estimated density that varies between 9 and 12 ounces per cubic inch (16 to 20 grams per cubic centimeter). On the other hand, the outer core’s density ranges from 6 to 7 ounces per cubic inch (11 to 12 grams per cubic centimeter). Extensive research has been conducted on the Earth’s crust, where human life thrives, resulting in a comprehensive understanding of its surface characteristics.

The Earth’s surface is predominantly covered by oceans, making up about 70.8% of the total area. The remaining portion is occupied by continents, although there are still bodies of water such as lakes, streams, and ice present on land areas. In fact, dry land accounts for less than a quarter of the overall surface area. The oceans contain salt, which is a mineral that easily dissolves in water. Over billions of years, salt from land areas gradually dissolves through streams and rivers and eventually reaches the sea. When water evaporates from the oceans and enters the atmosphere, the salt remains in the ocean.

The salt concentration in the oceans is approximately 34.5 percent by weight, equivalent to dissolving three quarters of a teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of water. Land rainfall mainly results from evaporation from the ocean’s surface. Air currents carry moisture inland, and as the air cools down, water vapor condenses into clouds.

The hydrologic cycle, also known as the water cycle, involves the process of raindrop or snowflake formation when droplets combine, unless it is cold enough for snow to be created. In both scenarios, water originating from distant oceans descends to the Earth’s surface. After some evaporation occurs, the remaining water either forms streams or infiltrates into the ground as it makes its way back to the sea. Underground, a significant quantity of water moves and supplies necessary moisture to trees and plants. While both surface and groundwater move towards the sea, groundwater does so at a slower rate. This continuous movement of water in a cycle – going from oceans to atmosphere to land and then returning back to oceans – is what is referred to as the hydrologic cycle.

The oceans play a crucial role in maintaining balance in the water cycle and controlling atmospheric water vapor. They interact with the atmosphere to prevent extreme droughts and floods. Additionally, the oceans act as a heat reservoir, warming up the atmosphere during cold periods and cooling it down when it is hot. The presence of oceans helps regulate temperature variances between seasons and even between day and night. It is worth noting that while land-based farming provides most of our food, only a small portion of continents can be used for this purpose.

Approximately 7 percent of the Earth’s land is arable, capable of supporting agriculture. The remaining areas consist of swamps and jungles near the equator, expansive deserts, rugged mountains, and mostly frozen tundra in the Far North. As the world population continues to grow, it becomes increasingly important to increase food production. Some suggest that oceans could serve as a valuable source of food due to their coverage of over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface and ability to absorb about 70 percent of sunlight. Since sunlight is crucial for farming, it seems reasonable to assume that oceans could significantly contribute to our food supply. However, this assumption does not always hold true because most ocean plants are algae which humans generally do not consume but play a vital role in the marine food chain.

The algae in this pyramid are eaten by small sea creatures, which are then consumed by larger organisms. Currently, humans participate in the pyramid by catching fish at the top. However, the intermediate levels of the pyramid are highly inefficient. It takes around one thousand pounds of algae to produce just one pound of codfish, which is not enough to sustain an individual for a day. To tackle the increasing global population, it is crucial for humans to find an effective method of sea farming instead of solely depending on fishing. Additionally, a considerable amount of land on Earth lacks sufficient water resources and cannot be used for agriculture.

The construction of dams enables the conversion of rivers into farmland, allowing for the utilization of millions of acres for irrigation. Experts propose that fully utilizing all rivers worldwide could potentially increase arable land by around 10%. Another technique to boost water supply is the conversion of saltwater into freshwater, a practice with a history spanning over 2,000 years. Nevertheless, despite technological advancements, the implementation of this method has been both costly and gradual.

The distillation plant at the United States naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, produces over 2 million gallons of water per day, costing $1.25 for every thousand gallons. In comparison, fresh water in New York City costs approximately 20 cents per thousand gallons. Scientists have investigated using nuclear-powered distillation plants as an alternative option and found that they could generate 150 million gallons of water daily with costs ranging from 35 to 40 cents per thousand gallons. These plants would also produce around 2 million kilowatts of electricity. When considering the Earth’s composition, it consists of the crust, mantle, and core. However, another approach focuses on surface regions to provide a simpler understanding of significant interactions occurring there.

The Earth is divided into three regions: the lithosphere, which consists of solid materials like stone, rock, and the planet’s entire interior; the hydrosphere, which encompasses all water on Earth’s surface including oceans, streams, lakes, groundwater, glaciers, and ice in the Arctic and Antarctic; and finally the atmosphere, which includes all gases above Earth’s surface until interplanetary space begins.

As altitude increases, the density of the atmosphere gradually decreases without a clear boundary, making it difficult to distinguish the transition from Earth’s atmosphere to interplanetary space. The atmosphere is composed of various gases, including water vapor. At lower altitudes near the Earth’s surface, nitrogen accounts for 78 percent of the atmosphere, while oxygen, which is vital for all living organisms (including humans), makes up 21 percent.

The atmosphere is composed of various gases, with argon, carbon dioxide, helium, and neon making up the remaining one percent. While animals rely on oxygen, plants depend on carbon dioxide for survival. However, carbon dioxide only accounts for about 0.03 percent of the atmosphere. The weight of the atmosphere exerts an average force of roughly 14.7 pounds per square inch (1.03 kilograms per square centimeter) at sea level. This leads to the formation of high and low pressure regions that impact weather patterns. At a typical cruising altitude of 36,000 feet (11,000 meters) for commercial jet planes, atmospheric pressure is approximately one fifth of that experienced at sea level.

The temperature of the atmosphere decreases with increasing altitude. At 36,000 feet (11,000 meters), the average temperature is -56°C and it remains constant until reaching an altitude of 82,000 feet (25,000 meters). Beyond this point, the temperature starts to rise. The atmosphere is divided into several regions including:

  • the troposphere, which extends up to 6 miles (10 kilometers) from Earth’s surface
  • the stratosphere where the temperature remains stable
  • the mesosphere
  • and finally, the ionosphere starting approximately 50 miles (80 kilometers) above Earth’s surface.

In the ionosphere, molecules and atoms in the atmosphere become ionized and carry positive or negative electrical charges.

In contrast to the Earth’s surface atmosphere, the upper atmosphere undergoes chemical reactions that result in the formation of ozone, a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms instead of two. Furthermore, within this region, molecules are comprised of various combinations of nitrogen and oxygen.

The composition of Earth’s atmosphere varies with altitude, with nitrogen being the primary gas in higher regions. As altitudes increase further, oxygen becomes more dominant. The outermost part of the atmosphere contains helium, a lighter gas. Scientists have identified a boundary known as the magnetopause that divides Earth’s environment from space. This boundary separates the region influenced by Earth’s magnetic field (magnetosphere) from interplanetary space controlled by the sun’s magnetic fields.

The Earth’s magnetic field, acting as a large bar magnet, serves the dual purpose of guiding compasses on our planet’s surface and extending into space. As a result, any charged particle moving through this magnetic field undergoes a force. The solar wind, an ongoing stream of charged particles originating from the sun, is one example of such particles. When these particles come across the Earth’s magnetic field, their trajectory alters. This interaction leads to a slight compression of the magnetic field on its side facing the sun and simultaneously stretches it out into a tail on the opposite side.

The magnetosphere of Earth is comprised of expansive belts that house charged particles orbiting the planet. These particles adhere to a consistent spiral trajectory and are impacted by the magnetic field of Earth. The identification of these radiation belts was a significant achievement in space exploration, accomplished by the American satellite Explorer 1. The motion exhibited by these particles encompasses both a north-to-south direction and a gradual rotation around Earth. Furthermore, heightened strength in the sun’s magnetic field results in compression within the magnetosphere.

The belts of particles that are trapped are getting closer to the Earth, causing uncertainty among scientists about aurora borealis (northern lights) and aurora australis (southern lights). One theory suggests that when these trapped particles come down into the Earth’s atmosphere, they collide with existing particles and exchange considerable energy, which then turns into light. Moreover, approximately 4.5 billion years ago, the Earth’s crust was formed and since then, there have been processes like shaping, destruction, and reshaping of land surface features. Additionally, over time there have been changes in the positions of continents.

Various plants and animals have undergone developments and adaptations over time, with some thriving while others adjusting to new conditions. These events are recorded in the Earth’s rocks, although not continuously in any specific region. Geologists can study rock sequences in different areas to fill in these gaps.

The Earth completes one rotation on its axis every 24 hours in relation to the sun, resulting in a 24-hour period from high noon one day to high noon the next. Additionally, it takes 365.25 days or one year for the Earth to complete one orbit around the sun. While calendars typically indicate 365 days for most years, every fourth year is a leap year.

When observed from the North Pole, the Earth rotates and revolves counterclockwise; however, when viewed from the South Pole, it rotates and revolves clockwise. Despite these changes, it appears that the major features of our planet remain permanent and unchanging.

Throughout recorded history, the giant mountain ranges, long river valleys, and broad plains have remained seemingly unchanging. However, changes occur constantly. One can witness small changes almost daily, such as rivulets of mud forming on the side of a hill during a rainstorm, which move soil from one location to another. Additionally, sudden gusts of wind can blow dust and sand around, redistributing these substances. On rare occasions, more dramatic changes occur. For instance, a volcano may erupt, spreading lava over the surrounding landscape and burying it under a thick layer of fresh rock. Earthquakes also contribute to change by breaking the Earth’s crust and causing portions of it to slide and shift into new positions.

Throughout the brief existence of man’s recorded history, the changes witnessed on Earth have been relatively minute when compared to the formation of mountains or the vastness of prairies. However, this recorded history only spans a short duration within the Earth’s estimated 4.5 billion-year existence. In fact, it accounts for a mere 0.0000013 percent, or approximately 6,000 years. This small portion of time gives us limited insight into the immense transformations that the Earth’s surface has undergone since its initial creation.

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Formation of the Planet Earth. (2018, Jun 07). Retrieved from

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