Global Warming Issues

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“The Earth is a generous mother, she will provide in plentiful abundance food for all her children if they will but cultivate her soil in justice and in peace.” -Bourke Coekran. Global warming refers to the sustained increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. In simple words, the phenomenon of warming of the planet Earth is known as global warming.

The chief indicators of the global warming are as under:

  • Ozone Depletion
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Burning of Fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas which release greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  • Rapid industrialisation
  • Motor vehicle exhaust

The climate history of the earth has always fluctuated. There have been Ice Ages as well as the periods of great warmth, like when dinosaurs roamed the planet. So why is everyone concerned about the climate change now? Firstly, this changing climate is man-made. Secondly, the rate and speed at which the climate is changing has never occurred before.

The climate used to change over a period of thousands of years. Scientists generally agree that the Earth’s surface has warmed by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past 140 years. A recent report predicts that the global temperature could rise between 1 degree Celsius and 6 degree Celsius by the ends of this century. That is some serious warming.

One of the biggest issues we are facing now is global warming. Its effects on animals on animals and on agriculture are needed frightening. The effects on the human population are even scarier. The facts about global warming are often debated. But unfortunately, even if we disagree about the causes, global warming effects are real, global and measurable.

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Global Warming Issues. (2018, Aug 19). Retrieved from

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