How the Government May Have Created AIDS

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The following is a complete verbatim transcription from a recent broadcast of”Network 23″, a program shown on a local Los Angeles Public Access CableChannel.

FULL TRANSCRIPTION FROM NETWORK 23: Good evening, I’m Michel Kassett. This is Network 23. A couple ofweeks ago we had a program on the subject of AIDS, addressing the questionof whether AIDS — the AIDS virus — was created by the government; and I’msure that some people were quite shocked by what they heard. We spent thatentire program relating to you the evidence of a very substantial amount offactual evidence which supports the proposition that AIDS is a syntheticbiological agent that was deliberately engineered by the US government asan instrument of depopulation. This is by far the most controversial anddangerous subject that we have ever addressed on this program, so I wouldlike to review briefly the major points — the most significant pieces ofevidence — that I presented two weeks ago.

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The first point was that in the early 1970’s, Henry Kissinger wrote atop secret document — a National Security Memorandum (“NSM 200”) — inwhich he indicated that “depopulation should be the highest priority of USforeign policy towards the Third World.” This Memorandum which can beobtained from the US National Archives, which was only declassified veryquietly in 1990, was adopted by the National Security Council as officialUS foreign policy towards the Third World. Now, this is a classic exampleof the “secret government” in action, because of none of this was known tothe Congress, and certainly, it was not known to the American people. Didany of you know that depopulation was considered a matter of US nationalsecurity? Did any of you know that for the past 20 years, depopulation hasbeen the highest long-range priority of US foreign policy towards the ThirdWorld? No you didn’t, because it was classified — it was a secret.

I would like to read for you just a piece of this document. It iswritten by Henry Kissinger: “Reduction of the rate of population in these States is a matter ofvital US national security.” National Security Memorandum, HenryKissinger And we even have a map of those areas in which Kissinger indicateswhere depopulation would be desireable. It’s all Third World countries –it’s all brown people and yellow people, of course.

“The US economy will require large and increasing amounts of mineralsfrom abroad, especially from less-developed countries. That fact gives theUS enhanced interests in the political, economic and social stability ofthe supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population can increasethe prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant toresources, supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.”National Security Memorandum, Henry Kissinger Now, when Kissinger says “economic interests of the United States…”he means the interests of US corporations, which are in fact,multi-national corporations, with no loyalty to this country whatsoever.

NSM 200, unlike other government documents on the subject, outlined”international and political and economic implications of populationgrowth…” rather than its ecological or sociological aspects. Like wehave been saying all along, the New World Order is a business, and the USGovernment is in the business of business.

Now, the next document was from the US Senate Library. It is a recordof the Appropriations Hearing that was held in July of 1969, where theDepartment of the Army specifically requested and received $10 million todevelop “a synthetic biological agent that would impair or destroy thehuman immune system.” This is from the US Senate Library. We also madereference to several published articles from the World Health Organization,written about the same time, which advocated similar kinds of researchtoward the development of “a hybrid virus that could selectively effect thehuman immune system.” Like it not, these documents all exist. The Kissinger Memorandum, theArmy Appropriations Hearing, the articles from the World HealthOrganization; these are official records — facts of history — that cannot be disputed.

We also pointed out an incredible coincidence. The World HealthOrganization went into Central Africa in 1972 — into an area that is knownas the “AIDS Belt” — and administered a smallpox vaccination to severalthousands of Africans. This event was followed immediately by the firstoutbreak of AIDS on this planet — a remarkable coincidence — that wasnoted as a Front Page Headline in the London Times, but has never even beenmentioned in the US Media — never even mentioned.

Another startling fact that was never mentioned in the mainstream media– the Hepatitis B Vaccine that was given to several thousand malehomosexuals in New York and San Francisco in 1978. The fact is, everysingle person who received that vaccine contracted AIDS — every single oneof them — without exception. That is what the first American victims ofAIDS all had in common. They were receivers of the Hepatitis B Vaccine.

It is a document fact. AIDS began in America in 1978 in the homosexualcommunities of New York and San Francisco, immediately following agovernment-sponsored program of Hepatitis B Vaccinations. This is allcompletely documented — it is completely true.

In our first program, we made many references to material that you canand should read, such as the Strecker Memorandum, by Dr. Robert Strecker.

Another work called “Who Murdered Africa,” by Dr. William Douglas. And anincredible book called “A Higher Form of Killing,” which documents over 500specific cases of biological experimentation by our government on anunsuspecting public. If you don’t think they do “that kind of thing,” youare simply uninformed.

We also read you an official government report from the Royal Societyof Medicine in Great Britain, in which they state unequivocally that”saliva and blood are vastly more infectious than genital secretions,” and”that AIDS meets none of the criterion of a venereal disease. That despitethe misrepresentations of the American Medical Establishment and theAmerican Government, AIDS is not primarily a sexually transmitted disease.”All of that, according to the Royal Society of Medicine in Great Britain.

That’s a document that we have and we’ll come back to it in just a moment.

We also shared with you information and opinions from manyhighly-respected physicians, like Dr. Robert Strecker, Dr. William Douglas,Dr. Cantwell, Dr. Hazeltine, Dr. Alonso, who all agree that the AIDS viruscould never have occurred spontaneously in Nature. That animal virusescannot jump species, as we are being told they did, as we are being askedto believe happened — when allegedly, a green monkey bit an Africa andprecipitated the pandemic of AIDS. We know as a scientific fact thatviruses cannot jump species, unless they are specifically engineered to doso. And we also know for a scientific fact that the AIDS virus bears noresemblance whatsoever to any virus ever found in a green monkey, but doesbear a total resemblance to cow virus and sheep virus, which have somehowbeen bonded together. The only possible way these two different species ofvirus could bond together would be in a laboratory — something engineeredin a laboratory — and then further engineered to make the jump into ahuman system.

We talked about the Laws of Virology, which state that for every caseof infection — viral infection — that is known and reported, there are 99cases that are unknown and unreported. This means that if we have 200,000known cases of AIDS, then there are 20 million right behind it. 20 millionAmericans who are HIV positive and do not know it. We also shared quotesfrom several doctors who believe that the HIV infection rate has nowreached approximately 100 million people on the Continent of Africa; 30 to50 million in Asia; and no less than 20 million in the United States.

Again, the Laws of Virology state that the rate of infection for aretrovirus, like the AIDS virus, the rate of infection will doubleapproximately every 12 months. Another frightening fact that no one hasbothered to tell us, is that there are six different basic types of theAIDS virus, and that each of these basic types, being what is called a”recombinant retrovirus,” has a recombinant potential of 9,000 to theFourth Power. “Recombinant” means the ability to change and recombine intosomething new, and the calculation 9,000 to the Fourth Power times 6 isliterally in the hundreds of millions of trillions of different possibleforms and manifestations of the AIDS virus. Note, the number calculated is354,294,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 variations of the AIDS virus. Nowthat means that you would need a vaccine for every possible choice that thevirus could make, which is technically impossible; truthfully,realistically impossible. It’s like the influenza virus — there’s novaccine. There are simply too many strains of it, too many differentvarieties, to ever develop a single, comprehensive vaccine.

The bottom line? We are not being told the truth about this plague.

In the words of Dr. Hazeltine in his testimony to Congress: “AIDS is aspecies threatening disease.” Now, I don’t want to appear to bleak or toohopeless. All of these doctors believe that some type of cure is possible,but that we’re going to need a lot more money, and we’re going to have tomove beyond the strangle hold of the Medical Establishment — the AMA. Andsince he lives here in Los Angeles, I’m now going to put the number of Dr.

Robert Strecker up on the screen — I’m going to flash that number for younow. Please put that up, thank you. 213 344-8039. I urge you to writedown this number and to make this call. Please call Dr. Strecker. All youhave to do is call, and he will send you information — important criticalinformation — on the subject of AIDS.

Alright. About 3 weeks ago we played an excerpt from a speech by CraigHulet, and tonight I want to play you something else from that speech whichrelates to the subject of AIDS. For those who do not know him, Craig Huletwas a former advisor to the National Security Council and a formerconsultant to several multi-national corporations, and he has, as they say;”come in from the cold…” — he has crossed over and has spent the last 3or 4 years writing and lecturing on the subject of the New World Order -sharing with everyone who will listen, the breadth and the scope of hisknowledge and experience.

Mr. Hulet knows first-hand the kind of men who are running the world.

He knows what they’re up to and he is trying to warn us. Now, on this listof alternative sources of information, which so many people are writing into receive — you know all you have to do is send in a stamped,self-addressed envelope, and we’ll send you one — the name at the top ofthis list is Craig Hulet. He is an indispensable connection. So, rightnow I want to play for you a small excerpt from a speech that he gave onJuly 25th at the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles. His subject was George Bushand the New World Order, but at the end of the evening, he was asked aspecific question about AIDS, and this is how he responded: “… biological warfare virus by the US Military. Sure… I reallyhate that subject. You know, we’re never, ever going to be able to prove– Strecker, William Douglas — we’ll never be able to prove that AIDS wasdeveloped specifically to reduce the populations of Central Africa, theblack inner cities, drug users, prostitutes and homosexuals. But it justseems strange to me that all through the 1960’s and 1970’s, there werebooks published; the Global 2000 Report to the President, the the Clubof Rome wrote a book on over-population — I must have 50 books onover-population and the need to get rid of a certain large amount of peopleon the planet. Now, they never say which people out to be gotten rid of,but it seems a major coincidence that the same people that are starving inEthiopia, in the Sudan, are the same people that getting AIDS and dying.

By the year 2000, they expect 60 million blacks in Central Africa to die ofAIDS. 60 million! It could be as many as 20 million in America.

Homosexuals, predominantly, and the interesting thing is, it is not ahomosexual disease. It IS a man-made, mutated disease. It had to havebeen man-made. Sheep do not get together and do chemical experiments ontheir viruses. So, a man had to graft this bovine virus, which they knowthat’s what it is, onto a human cell. It had to be made. So we know itsman-made. They know it’s transmitted with the… because they know themost effective device… the best test to discover if you have AIDS… isnot a blood test, it’s a saliva test. Now why haven’t they told us that?” “It’s not a sexually transmitted disease, it’s simply a disease thatgets transmitted. And you can transmit it by sneezing on someone. Whydon’t they tell us that? In the Congressional Record, it says that it canbe transmitted “effectively” by mosquitos. It says so. The Center forDisease Control, in the Congressional Record, says that it is transmittedby mosquitos in Belgrade, Florida — they know it for a fact. Why haven’tthey told us that AIDS is being transmitted by mosquitos? They say it tothemselves in the Congressional Record, why don’t they tell us?” “OK. Here’s my theory. Whether or not AIDS was created for thepurpose of exterminating the very same, coincidentally, same anti-socialelement that the men I did business with for 15 or 20 years, though oughtto be gotten rid of anyways; homosexuals, prostitutes, blacks, etc., and ofcourse, the Black Continent — they want the resources but they certainlydon’t want to feed the people, see? Why is that they are allowing all ofthese myths to be told — the destruction to take place, and they’re doingnothing to stop it? Here’s my theory, and this is all it is — is a theory– that they’ll find a cure when about 1 billion people on this planet havedied from AIDS, starvation and disease — all over the world, all of suddenEli Lilly, who is one of the major corporations doing AIDS research — andcoincidentally, George Bush on the Board of Eli Lilly — when they finallyeliminate huge sections of the population, which is what they always wantedthroughout the 1960’s and 1970’s, because of over-population — it’s called”mitigating the problem.” They feel that AIDS and famine and disease willmitigate the problem of over-population. I suspect that around the year2010 or so, all of a sudden Eli Lilly will announce that they’ve found aphenomenal cure for AIDS, but not until a lot people die. Because like Isaid, it seems a major coincidence to me that the very same people that themen I did business with for years, dislike the most, those people who justhappen to be the ones that are contracting AIDS — happens to be some ofthe ones that are dying in famines, pestilence and bombing into the StoneAge like we just did — I don’t believe in the “Coincidence Theory ofHistory” — I just don’t. I haven’t for a long time because the CIA, theNational Security Council is too brilliantly planned. They plan everythingto the most minute detail. I can’t believe that all of this is acoincidence. That’s all I can say though.” “I’m going to do a White Paper on that one of these days. One of thereasons I haven’t is that if you talk about AIDS, you never get invited onthe university campus — you follow me? So I never address AIDS… for 4years I’ve had material on AIDS that addresses this in some fundamentalway, and some of it was very good documentation, proving some of the thingsthat I just said, but I have never discussed it because of you discussAIDS, I guarantee you, you will never be a speaker on the universitycampuses.” Craig Hulet Once again, I want to say that even though it may not be proved in any”absolute” sense, because absolute proof is impossible in a relativeuniverse, and that’s one of the tricks of the cynic or the skeptic, is thatthey demand absolute proof, knowing full well there is no such thing asabsolute proof, there is only evidence, and a certain point you make adecision on the basis of the evidence — you make a decision which becomesyour belief — on the basis of the evidence. So, on the basis of theevidence, it is my belief, it is my conviction at a very deep level, thatAIDS was deliberately created and implemented by the United StatesGovernment — more specifically by certain individuals, most notably HenryKissinger, Brent Scowcroft and George Herbert Walker Bush, who was theDirector of the CIA at that time, when the Kissinger Memorandum was adoptedby the National Security Council. I can’t prove it absolutely, by Ipersonally believe that Bush was deeply involved — a major player –particularly in the implementation of this epidemic. There’s an article inthe LA Times yesterday that says “Bush Defends AIDS Budget” and “urgesbehavioral changes.” There was a protest demonstration in Kennebunkport,Maine — the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power marched through the tinydowntown area of Kennebunkport. Bush criticized the gay activists for”hurting holiday business” in this picturesque New England resort, for”hurting holiday business.” Quote (this is Bush talking); “To the degree the message hits somemerchant in Kennebunkport, on the best weekend possible, and caused them toclose their doors, I got that part of it, and I didn’t like it.” This isone cold reptile. He goes on to say; “You know why they were here. I knowwhy they were here. They were here because you all are here,” said thePresident to the White House Press Corp. “They were here because they canget television coverage, and to some degree, print coverage, because thePresident happened to be at home.” You see, he is contemptuous, he is contemptuous of the people that havethis disease. A spokesperson for the demonstrators said that most ofBush’s AIDS policy has gone into research on AZT, a drug that they said, atbest, can only slow the progression of the disease. It’s like junk foodfor viruses. As Hulet just said, they don’t want to stop it, it’s”mitigating the problem,” it’s getting rid of the undesirables. When askedwhat he thought should be done about the AIDS crisis, Bush said; “I’m infavor of behavioral change.” Now what is the subtext? What is he saying? He’s speaking to his 80%constituency, telling them what they want to hear, and he is sayingbasically that AIDS is caused by immoral behavior, immoral sexual behavioror immoral drug use. He knows that’s a lie, but he is a liar, so what doyou expect. He’s the master of deception. He was in on it, I have no doubtwhatsoever.

We said we were going to return this document. This is the House ofCommon Social Services Committee, and this is a document prepared by theRoyal Society of Medicine. You can not get more official than this inGreat Britain. And this is what they say: “The scale of the deceptions and misinformation perpetrated byvirologists, clinicians and editors of scientific and medical journalsabout the infectivity of genital secretions, compared with that of bloodand saliva, has been astonishing. In the presence of a new, lethal virus,spreading amongst people, for which no vaccine or cure is in sight, everyperson would assume that scientists have been working day and night toverify how it is transmitted. On the contrary, having assumed for avariety of motives that AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease likesyphilis or gonorrhea, a negligible research effort has gone into thecritical matter of transmission. A few preliminary papers were publishedand their findings have been repeatedly quoted as showing the opposite ofwhat they actually showed. When this was pointed out in letters to theeditors of American medical and scientific journals, publication has beenrefused. No attempt has been made to check or double-check the findings inother laboratories, or to rectify published errors.” “As far as it goes, the tiny research effort into infectivity of bodilyfluids indicates that saliva is far more infectious than genitalsecretions, but that blood is vastly more infectious than either.

Consequently, the idea that condoms can have any significant effect on thespread of AIDS in a nation is utterly preposterous.” This is the Royal Society of Medicine in Great Britain. I’ll continue…

“Governments all over the world are spending millions of poundsdollars, advising their citizens to prevent AIDS by using condoms on thebasis of MANIFESTLY FRAUDULENT misrepresentation of scientific evidence.” You know, if they’re going to spend millions of your tax dollars ontelevised warnings, don’t you think they ought to include cuts and woundsand saliva and breathing it into the lungs, which apparently happens –16,000 health care workers are infected by AIDS. Ask them. Ask the oneswho believe their superiors at the AMA about the costs of ignorance. Youwant the truth about AIDS? Get outside the American Blackout. Get outsidethe boundaries of the so-called “freest nation on Earth.” Back in the 1960’s you know, we used to feel sorry for the Russianpeople, because we knew they weren’t getting the whole picture. Wewondered what that must be like. My god, it was hard to imagine. Well,now we know. Now we know exactly what it’s like, to live in a societywhere crucial information — information critical to our survival is beingcontrolled and suppressed by the government.

The bottom line? Very serious bad guys are in control of your planet.

And the name at the top of the list is George Bush. George Herbert WalkerBush, Emperor of the Earth and Supreme Commander of the Dark Side of theForce.

Well, we’re out of time. Good night. I hope to see you all again nextweek. If I don’t, you will certainly know why.”END OF TRANSCRIPTION OF NETWORK 23 PROGRAM.

The following is a transcript of the DOD1970 appropriations report mentionedabove…

====================================================================== DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEAPPROPRIATIONS FOR 1970====================================================================== UNITED STATES SENATE LIBRARYHEARINGSBEFORE ASUBCOMMITTEE OF THECOMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONSHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESNINETY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST SESSION——SUBCOMMITTEE ON DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE George H. Mahon, Texas, Chairman ROBERT L. F. SIKES, FloridaGLENARD P LIPSCOMB, California JAMIE D. WHITTEN, MississippiWILLIAM E. MINSHALL, Ohio GEORGE W. ANDREWS, AlabamaJOHN J. RHODES, Arizona DANIEL J. FLOOD, PennsylvaniaGLENN R. DAVIS, Wisconsin JOHN M. SLACK, West Virginia JOSEPH P. ADDABBO, New York FRANK E. EVANS, Colorado——PART 5RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATIONDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY——PAGE 129TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1969SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL AGENTSThere are two things about the biological agent field I would like tomention. One is the possibility of technological surprise. Molecularbiology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologistsbelieve that within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible toproduce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturallyexist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.

Mr. Sikes.Are we doing any work in that field?Dr. MacArthur. We are not.

Mr. Sikes.Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest?Dr. MacArthur. Certainly not lack of interest.

Mr. Sikes.Would you provide for our records information on what wouldbe required, what the advantages of such a program would be,the time and the cost involved?Dr. MacArthur. We will be very happy to.

(The information follows:)The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led usto investigate the relevance of this field of science to biologicalwarfare. A small group of experts considered this matter and provided thefollowing observations:1. All biological agents up to the present time are representatives ofnaturally occuring disease, and are thus known by scientists throughtout theworld. They are easily available to qualified scientists for research,either for offensive or defensive purposes.

2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would be possible to make a newinfective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects fromany known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that itmight be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes uponwhich we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.

3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completedin approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million.

4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program. Molecular biologyis a relatively new science. There are not many highly competent scientistsin the field, almost all are in univerity laboratories, and they aregenerally adequately supported from sources other that DOD. However, it wasconsidered possible to initiate an adequate program through the NationalAcademy of Sciences – National Research Council (NAS-NRC).

The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC, and tentative plans were made toinitiate the program. However, decreasing funds in CB, growing criticism ofthe CB program, and our reluctance to involve the NAS-NRC in such acontroversial endeavor have led us to postpone it for the past 2 years.

It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe suchresearch should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method ofmassive killing of large populations. On the other hand, without the surescientific knowledge that such a weapon is possible, and an understanding ofthe ways it could be done, there is little that can be done to devisedefensive measures. Should an enemy develop it there is little doubt thatthis is an important area of potential military technological inferiorityin which there is no adequate research program.

=============================================================================In 1970, they were given their ten million dollars.

=============================================================================The following is a listing of the references used by Dr. Streckerin his video “The Strecker Memorandum”. It also contains the textprinted on the outside of the video box.

VIDEO BOX CONTAINER===================The Strecker MemorandumWith no cure and no effective treatment in sight, by the year 2000A.D. everyone in the U.S. will be infected with AIDS. This videotapepresents the chilling conclusion of 5 years of exhaustive research byDr. Robert B. Strecker M.D., Ph.D.

This is the most controversial videotape you’ll ever see. Dr. RobertStrecker refutes, with documented evidence, virtually everything theso-called experts and Government reports have told you about AIDS. Heasserts in no uncertain terms that: AIDS is a MANMADE disease…

AIDS is NOT a homosexual disease…

AIDS is NOT a vernereal disease…

AIDS is can be carried by mosquitos Condoms will NOT prevent AIDS…

There can never be a vaccine.

Although decades have passed and untold billions have been spent inresearch, CANCER is still with us, the second major cause of death inAmerica.

The most dreaded fear that all oncologists (cancer doctors),virologists and immunologists live with is that some day CANCER inone form or another will become a contagious disease, transferablefrom one person to another.

AIDS has now made that fear a reality and if you think you’re safebecause you’re not gay or promiscuous, or because you’re not sexuallyactive, then you had better watch this videotape very carefully andthen watch it again and again if necessary, until you fullyunderstand what Dr. Strecker is telling you as he takes you step bystep and shows you how this dreaded disease was actually: PREDICTED…




And now threatens the very existence of mankind because IT WORKS!Dr. Robert B. Strecker is a practicing Internist andGastroenterologist. In addition, he holds a Ph.D. in Pharmacology andis a trained Pathologist.

THE STRECKER GROUP1501 Colorado Blvd.

Eagle Rock, CA 90041(213)344-8039 AIDS REFERENCES ===============GENERALGreenberg DS Whatever Happened to the War on Cancer? Discover 1986;March:47Leibowitch, J. A Strange Virus of Unknown Origin. trans. Howard R.

(Un Virus Estrange Venu D’Ailleurs. Grasset et Fasquelle 1984) NewYork: Ballentine Books 1985.

Connor, S. AIDS: Mystery of the Missing Data; AIDS: Science StandsOn Trial New Scientist 116: 19, 49-58,1987.

PREDICTIONLetter by committee on Recombinant DNA, National Research Council,National Academy of Sciences. Potential Biohazards of RecombinantDNA Molecules Science 26 July 1974Anonymous Un-Natural Viruses Nature New Biology 230:65-66, 1971.

Clemmesen J. Summation Comparative Leukemia Research 1973,Leukemogenesis, Bibl. Haematologica No. 40, Ed. Y. Ito and R MDutcher; University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo/Karger, Basel, pp 783-792,1975.

Burnet F.M. Men Or Molecules? A Tilt at Molecular Biology Lancet1:37-39, 1966.

PRECIDENTShah K. AND Nathanson N.Human Exposure To SV40: Review and CommentAmerican J Epidemiology 103:1-12,1976.

REQUESTAllison A C Beveridge WIB. Cockburn E C. et al. Virus-AssociatedImmunopathology: Animal Models and Implications for Human DiseaseBulletin WHO 47:257-263, 1972.

Amos D B Bodmer W F. Ceppelini R. et al. Biological Significance ofHistocompatibility Antigens. Fogerty International CenterProceedings No. 15. Fed Proc 31:1087-1104, 1972.

Higginson J The Epidemiological Program of the International Agencyfor Research on Cancer. In: Seventh National Cancer ConferenceProceedings. Los Angeles: American Cancer Society, Inc. and NationalCancer Institute. pp.679-684, 1972. (Note the map on page 681 as itrelates to the epidiology of AIDS)PRODUCTIONDent P B Immunodepression by Oncogenic Viruses Progr. Med. Virol.


Aaronson S A Common Genetic Alterations of RNA Tumor Viruses Grownin Human Cells Nature 230:445-447, 1972. (An explanation of how toadapt a retrovirus growing in one species to another – in this casehuman)Maruyama K and Dmochowski L Cross-species Transmission of MammalianRNA Tumor Viruses Texas Medicine 69:65-75,1973. (A Study of how toadapt a retrovirus growing in one species to another in vivo)Maruyama K Wagner S H and Dmochowski L Sarcomas Induced in Rats byFeline RNA Virus Bibl. Haemat. 40:93-95, 1975.

Bonnard G D Manders E K Campbell D A et al. ImmunosuppressiveActiviety of a Subline of the Mouse EL-4 Lymphoma Evidence forMinute Virus of Mice (MVM) Causing the Inhibition J. Exp. Med.

143:187-205, 1976. (This paper along with the Iorio paper on theproduction of a viral immunodepressive factor producing AIDS provesthe relationship between Bull. WHO 47:257,1972 and the subsequentappearance of immunodepressive viruses.)PRODUCTION: RELATIONSHIP OF AIDS TO BOVINE LEUKEMIA VIRUSClapham P Nagy K and Weiss R A Pseudotypes of Human T-cell LeukemiaVirus Types 1 and 2:Neutralization by Patient’s Srea Proc. Natl.

Acad. Sci. 81:2886-2889,1984.

Shaw G M Gonda M A Flickinger G E et. al. Genomes ofEvolutionarily Divergent Members of the Human T-cell Leukemia(Lymphotropic) Viruses Cancer Research 45(Supplement): 4553s-4558,1985.

Rice N R Stephens R M Burny A et al. The gag and pol Genes ofBovine Leukemia Virus: Nucleotide Sequence and Analysis Virology142:357-377,1985. (Shows that BLV is highly related to HTLV I)Burny A Bruck G Cleuter Y et al. Bovine Leukemia Virus, aDistinguished Member of the Human T-Lymphotropic Virus FamilyRetrtoviruses in Human Lymphoma Leukemia M. Miwa et al. Eds. JapanSic. Soc. Press. Tokyo, VNU Science Press, Utrecht, pp. 219-227,.

1983. (Demonstrates the close structural and functional relationshipsbetween BLV and Human Retroviruses)Alizon M and Montagnier L Relationship or AIDS to other RetrovirusesNature 313-743,1985Chiu I M Yaniv A Dahlberg J E et al. Nucleotide Sequence Evidencefor Relationship of AIDS retrovirus to Lentiviruses Nature317:366-3368,1985. (Demonstrates a relationship to BLV and Visnaviruses, among others)Sanchez-Pescador R Power M D Barr P J et al. Nucleotide Sequenceand Expression of an AIDS-Associated Retrovirus (ARV-2) Science227:484-492, 1985.

Ratner L Haseltime W Patarca R et al. Complete Nucleotide Sequenceof the AIDS Virus, HTLV III Nature 313:277-284,1985. (The authorsincluding RC Gallo demonstrate the relationship of AIDS to BLV)Van Der Maaten M J and Miller J M Serological Evidence ofTransmission of Bovine Leukemia Virus to Chimpanzees VeterinaryMicrobiology 1:351-357,1976.

PRODUCTION: RELATIONSHIP OF AIDS TO VISNA VIRUSAlizon M and Montagnier L Lymphadenopathy/AIDS Virus: GeneticOrganization and Relationship to Animal Lentiviruses AnticancerResearch 6:403-412,1986.

Sonigo P Alizon M Staskus K et al. Nucleotide Sequence of theVisna Virus: Relationship to the AIDS Virus Cell 42:369-382,1985.

Gonda M A Wong-Staal F Gallo R C et al. Antibodies to CellMembrane Antigens Associated With Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus inPatients with AIDS Science 220:859-862,1983.

PRODUCTION RELATIONSHIP TO BOVINE VISNA VIRUSGonda M A Molecular Genetics and Structure of the HumanImmunodeficiency Virus J Electron Micro 8:17-40,1988.

Gonda M A Braun M J Carter S G et al. Characterization andMolecular Cloning of a Bovine Lentivirus Related to HumanImmundodeficiency Virus Nature 330:388-391,1987. (Relationship ofAIDS to BVV – its “closest relative”)Grote J Bovine Visna Virus an the Origin of HIV British Journal ofthe Royal Society of Medicine 81:620,1988Strecker R B AIDS Virus Infection British Journal of the RoyalSociety of Medicine 79:559-560,1986. (First article in print toaddress how the AIDS virus was manufactured)Seale J Origins of the AIDS Viruses, HIV-I and HIV-2:Fact orFiction? Discussion Paper British Journal of the Royal Society ofMedicine 81:617-619,1988.

Mima C A Vertical Transmission of Viruses Microbiological Reviews45:267-286,1981. (States that an “alleged bovine visna virus” iscontaminating fetal calf serum – thereby implicating all tissuecultures of the world as possible source for AIDS)Boothe A D and Van Der Maaten M J Ultrastructural Studies of aVisna-Like Syncytia-producing Virus from Cattle with LymphocyosisJournal Virology 13:197-204,1974. (Demostrates the morphology of BVVas being indentical to AIDS)Georgiades J A Billiau A and Vanderschuren Infection of Human CellCultures with Bovine Visna Virus J. Gen. Virology 38:375-381, 1978.

(Demostrates the growth of BVV in human malignant tissue, andsuggests that BVV may be a cause of either a malignant or slow virusdisease in man)McClure H M Keeling M E Custer R P et al. Erythroleukemia in TwoInfant Chimps fed milk from cows Naturally Infected with the BovineC-Type Virus Cancer Research 34:2745-2757,1974. (Demonstrates thedevelopment of AIDS in two chimps fed cow virus orally in 1974. TheChimps Died of Pnemocystis carinii pneumonia. Pnemocystis cariniipneumonia had not been reported in chimpanzees up to this time)Note: See article above by Van Der Maaten and Miller on thetransmission of bovine leukemia virus to chimpanzees in 1976Mulder C Human AIDS Virus Not From Monkeys Nature 333:396,1988.

Penny D Origin of the AIDS virus. Nature 333:494-495,1988.

Parks, W P Gilden R V Bykovsky A F et al. Mason-Pfizer VirusCharacterization:A Similar Virus in a Human Amniotic Cell Line JVirology 12:1540-1547,1973.

Grantham R and Perrin P AIDS Virus and HTLV I Differ in CodonChoicesNature 319:727-728,1986.

Wain-Hobson S Sonigo P Danos O et. al. Nucleotide Sequence of theAIDS Virus, LAV Cell 40:9-17,1985.

PRODUCTION: HOW TO MAKE NEW LEUKEMIA OR CANCER CAUSING AGENTS IN THE LABORATORYRapp U R Goldsborough M D Mark C E et al. Structure and BiologicalActivity of v-raf, a Unique Oncogene Transduced by a Retrovirus Proc.

Nat. Acad. Sci. 80:4218-4222,1983.

Rapp U R and Todaro G J Generation of Oncodenic Mouse Type CViruses: In Vitro Selection of Carcinoma-inducing Variants Proc.

Natl. Acad. Sci. 77:624-628,1980.

Rapp U R and Todaro G J Generation of Oncodenic Type C Viruses:Rapidly Leukemogenic Viruses Derived from C3H Cells in vivo and invitro Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 75:2468-2472,1978.

Rapp U R and Todaro G J Generation of New Mouse Sarcoma Viruses inCell Culture Science 201:821-824,1978.

Tsichlis P N Conklin K F and Coffin J M Mutant and RecombinantAvian Retroviruses with Extended Host Range Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.


Rasheed S Gardner M B and Huebner R J In Vitro Isolation of StableRat Sarcoma Viruses Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 75:2972-2976,1978.

PRODUCTION: RECOMBINATION AMONG RETROVIRUSES(THAT WHICH IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN IS INFACT THE VERY ESSENCE OF RETROVIROLOGY)Coffin J M Structure, Replication, and Recombination of RetrovirusGenomes: Some Unifying Hypotheses Review Article J. Gen. Virology42:1-26,1979.

Hunter E The Mechanism for Genetic Recombination in the AvianRetroviruses Current Topics in Micro. and Immun. 79:295-309,1978.

Blair D G Genetic Recombination Between Avian Leukosis and SarcomaViruses. Experimental Variables and the Frequencies of RecombinationVirology 77:534-544,1977.

Wang L H Duesberg P H Mellon P et al. Distribution ofEnvelope-specific and Sarcoma-specific Nucleotide Sequences fromDifferent Parents in the RNAs of Avian Tumor Virus RecombinantsProc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 73:1073-1077,1976.

Duesberg P Vogt P K Beemon K et al. Avian RNA Tumor Viruses:Mechanism of Recombination and Complexity of the Genome Cold SpringHarbor Symp. Quantitative Biology 39:847-857,1974.

Wang L Duesberg P Kawai S et al. Location of Envelope-specificand Sarcoma-specific Oligonucleotides on RNA of Schmidt-Tuppin RousSarcoma Virus Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 73:447-451,1978.

Junghans R P Boone L R Skalka A M Retroviral DNA H Structures:Displcement-Assimilation Model of Recombination Cell 30:53-62,1982.

Iorio A M Barzi A Merletti P R et. al. A Viral ImmunodepressiveFactor Associated With Expermental Mouse Tumors Cancer Research36:3851-3853,1976. (This paper establishes beyond any reasonabledount the relationship between the intentional production of virusescapable of immunodepression and the “REQUEST” for the production ofthe AIDS virus in Bull. WHO 47:257-263,1972. See references and theBonnard, Manders, and Campbell paper above under PRODUCTION.)=========================================================================The following paper, entitled “IS AIDS BIOLOGICAL WARFARE”was sent to me by Dr. Strecker who has no access to computernetworks for the explicit purpose of universal publicationwithout charge or consideration for the purpose of education only.

Further information is available as noted below. The remainder of thisfile is by Dr. Strecker.

IS AIDS BIOLOGICAL WARFARE?THE STRECKER MEMORANDUMThank you for requesting this information.We have a story to tellyou, a very strange story, one that affects you, me, and every other humanbeing on earth. A story that must be taken seriously by the governments ofevery nation in the world because there may not be many humans left togovern by the turn of the century, or shortly thereafter. A story sobizarre, and so sinister that, if it were not for the fact that it is alltrue, it would make a great science fiction thriller. (Interestinglyenough, Lorimar Pictures of Hollywood has purchased the rights to Dr.

Strecker’s life story.)The story begins in 1983 with Dr. Robert B. Strecker, M.D., Ph.D. Dr.

Strecker practices internal medicine and gastroenterology in Los Angeles.

He is a trained pathologist and also holds a Ph.D. in pharmacology. Dr.

Strecker and his brother, Ted, an attorney, were preparing a proposal for ahealth maintenance organization (HMO) for Security Pacific Bank ofCalifornia. They needed to know the long-term financial effects ofinsuring and treating AIDS patients. In as much as this information wasnot readily available in 1983, both brothers began researching the medicalliterature to learn what they could about this relatively new disease. Theinformation they uncovered right from the beginning was so startling tothem, so hard to believe, that it would dramatically alter both their livesand lead them on a five year quest culminating with the creation of “TheStrecker Memorandum,” the most controversial video tape of our time, and aremarkable set of documents called “The Bioattack Alert.”WHAT THEY DISCOVEREDRight there in the medical literature for anyone to read for themselveswas, basically, proof that the AIDS virus and pandemic was actuallyPREDICTED years ago by a world famous virologist, among others. They foundthat top scientists writing in the Bulletin of the World HealthOrganization were actually REQUESTING that AIDS like viruses be created tostudy the effects on humans. In fact, the Streckers unearthed thousands ofdocuments all supporting the manmade origin of AIDS. Meanwhile, thegovernment was telling everyone that a green monkey in Africa bit somenative and started AIDS. As their research continued, it became obviousfrom the documentation that the virus itself was not only created asrequested, but actually DEPLOYED, and now threatens the existence ofmankind because it does what it was designed to do: cause cancer in humansvia a contagious virus. Eventually the Streckers came to realize everythingthe government, the so-called AIDS experts and media were telling thepublic was not only misleading, but out and out lies. The truth of thematter is:AIDS is a manmade disease;AIDS is not a homosexual disease;AIDS is not a venereal disease;AIDS can be carried by mosquitos;Condoms will not prevent AIDS;There are a least six different AIDS virusesloose in the world;There will never be a vaccine cure;And on and on, but…

THE SCARIEST PARTThe most dreaded fear that all oncologists (cancer doctors), virologists,and immunologists live with is that some day CANCER, in one form oranother, will become a contagious disease, transferable from one person toanother. AIDS has now made fear a reality. If you think you are safebecause you are not gay or promiscuous, or because you are not sexuallyactive, then you must watch “The Strecker Memorandum” very carefully.

IF YOU PLAN TO HAVE SEX TONIGHT YOU HAD BETTER READTHISThe most common misconception being foisted upon us right now concernssexually active Americans. We are told that if a man uses a condom thetransference of the deadly virus is virtually eliminated. Nothing could befurther from the truth. Of the body fluids that the AIDS virus is found in,semen is the least. As a matter of fact, in every single study everpublished on the subject, no one has found a significant amount in anyone’ssemen. It just isn’t there in huge numbers. There is usually only aboutone virus per milliliter, a statistically irrelevant amount. One copiousejaculation might produce only one or two viruses. This is substantiatedin the medical literature. But, just for argument’s sake, let’s say allthe medical studies are wrong. Let’s pretend that there are countlessmillions of AIDS viruses in the ejaculation. Are you aware that condomsare riddled with microscopic or larger holes? Studies show that even thesmallest holes found in condoms are two to ten times larger than the AIDSvirus. It’s like shooting a golf ball through a basketball hoop. Condomshave not, will not, and cannot prevent AIDS.

THOUSANDS ALREADY DEADFifty thousand Americans have already died because they didn’t know thetruth about AIDS. Between twelve and fifteen million Americans havealready been infected. One in 60 babies born in New York City is infected;one in 300 college students in America is infected; one in 20 aliensapplying for amnesty is infected, including men, women and children. Theseare just some of the facts you are not likely to hear about from the media.

WHY A VIDEO TAPE?One of the first things the Streckers did was to try and tell their medicaland legal colleagues what they were finding in the literature. Some wereinterested; most were not. Certainly no one was prepared to risk theirprofessional standing by making waves within the establishment. TedStrecker compiled some of the most damaging documents into a report hecalled “The Bioalert Attack” and sent it to every Governor of every state,the President, the VICE-PRESIDENT (now President), the FBI, the CIA, theNSA, and selected members of Congress. He got a grand total of threereplies from three governors; nothing from the government. Both he and Dr.

Strecker were laughed at and ridiculed at every turn. As an example, Dr.

Strecker told the government in 1985 that virtually every person testingpositive for AIDS would die prematurely and painfully. The government saidthat was nonsense. Their figures showed that maybe ten percent at mostwould die from the disease. In 1986, the government said maybe 50 percentof those infected would die, in 1987 they said maybe 75 percent, in 1988they finally agreed with Dr. Strecker that AIDS is virtually 100 percentfatal. We could go on with facts Dr. Strecker unearthed that the “experts”said were wrong and now accepted as the truth. Dr. Strecker, like a goodscientist, submitted paper after paper with his findings to all theprestigious medical journals in America. They were refused. He then triedhaving his findings published in Europe. Again, closed doors. What to do?Dr. Strecker did not feel he could take the time from his practice and hisresearch to write a book. On the other hand, everyone has a TV and nowmost households have a video cassette recorder (VCR). The time involved tomake a video is nothing compared to writing a book, and so the video “TheStrecker Memorandum” was created. It is 96 minutes of the most startling,controversial, and information packed video you will ever see. It disputesvirtually everything the American public is being told by the government,the so-called AIDS experts and the media. In fact, after seeing it YOUwill know more about AIDS than 99 percent of all doctors in America.

MUSIC IS NOTHING IF THE AUDIENCE IS DEAFWith the video made, it seemed a simple matter to advertise it and theworld would now become aware of what it was facing, right? WRONG! Thefact that you are even reading about “The Strecker Memorandum” now is aminor miracle by itself, in as much as TV stations have refused toadvertise it. TV and radio time brokers that sell blocks of commercialtime have refused to sell us time. TV station managers have refused toeven air programs containing interviews with Dr. Strecker. A nationalradio network did an interview with a famous talk show host and Dr.

Strecker and then refused to run it. Virtually every big name networktelevision magazine show and all the syndicated TV interviewers and talkshow hosts have said NO to Dr. Strecker. Big city newspapers will not takeany print ads telling about it, and so it goes…WHY? What is in “TheStrecker Memorandum” that sends a cold chill down the spine of most mediaexecutives?WHY IS EVERYONE AFRAID OF “THE STRECKER MEMORANDUM”?The excuse that we hear over and over is that it is too controversial.

TOO CONTROVERSIAL? They say that this information, if widely disseminated,will cause the public to panic. If someone had poisoned your water supplyand you and your family could die, wouldn’t you want to know about it?Would you panic? Or would you more likely be outraged and try to find outwho did it and punish them? We feel the only persons who might panic arethose scientists who willingly or otherwise created AIDS and are nowpromoting misinformation by covering it up. After all, if you made AIDSwould you tell anyone about it?THINK OF YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS…NOW THINK OF THEM DEADThe number of AIDS infected people is doubling approximately every 12months, and in some areas even sooner. With twelve to fifteen millionAmericans carrying the virus, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist tosee how long we have here in the U.S. Africa has, conservatively, 75million infected; some estimates double that. Brazil as a country is inserious jeopardy because all through the 1970’s they were buying theirblood supply from Africa. On top of that, the World Health Organizationconducted a large scale small pox vaccination program there in the 1970’s(for the full implications of that see “The Strecker Memorandum”).

Southern Japan has about 30 percent infected with HTLV I, the leukemiacausing virus (although you will never hear about that on TV). Russia isnow reporting AIDS as a problem and no one can enter Russia permanentlywithout a current negative blood test for AIDS. Cuba has already set upconcentration camps for AIDS infected and they are full (you won’t see thaton TV either). Haiti of course is ravaged by AIDS; more than 15 percent ofthe people infected and getting worse every day. And so it goes. Virtuallyevery nation on earth with few exceptions (Iran is one) is reporting agrowing problem. It’s on every continent, every subcontinent, and everyisland chain, Atlantic and Pacific. So why won’t the media or governmenttell you these things? Is it too controversial for you to handle? Are yougoing to panic?IS THERE ANY HOPE?Yes and no. NO, if you are waiting for the government to create a magicbullet. As you will see in “The Strecker Memorandum,” part of the problemis that all the various AIDS viruses are “recombinant retroviruses.” Verysimply, that means they have the ability to recombine with the genes of anycell they enter and the offspring or new viruses they form are differentfrom the parent viruses. HTLV III alone (that’s the most common AmericanAIDS virus) has the mathematical ability to change itself9,000×9,000×9,000×9000 times (which is 9,000 to the fourth power). Thecommon cold recombines much less frequently and we haven’t found a cure forit after a hundred years. Besides, does it make much sense to entrust thecure for AIDS to the same people that may have created it? YES, there ishope if Dr. Strecker and a growing number of realistic scientists arecorrect in looking at alternative, nonallopathic, non drug modalities basedon Raman spectroscopy. In fact many experiments are going on now thatoffer great promise. Unfortunately, our government takes a dim view of anytype of treatment for any type of disease let alone AIDS that does notconform to its rigid rules for acceptance, registration, and legalization.

Of course the FDA would definitely like to see an allopathic drug treatmentor cure presented by an ethical drug company or university. Well, we don’tthink that’s going to happen. Because of this attitude, muchexperimentation in America must go underground, underfunded, or out of thecountry entirely. Again, this is explained further in “The StreckerMemorandum.”BE BOLD AND MIGHTY FORCES WILL COME TO YOUR AID ORMIGHTY FORCES WILL COME AND KILL YOUAn ominous personal aspect of this story has been the sudden and unexpecteddeaths of two of the key players. First, Dr.Strecker’s brother, TedStrecker, was found shot to death in his home in Springfield, Missouri, anapparent suicide, on August 11,1988. Was Ted Strecker suicidal? Perhaps.

In the past he suffered from depression and monumental frustration at therelative lack of interest in his findings. Dr. Strecker spoke with him thenight before his death. Ted was cheerful, in good spirits, and lookingforward to certain new developments that promised progress. The next dayhe was found dead, his 22 caliber rifle next to him. No note, no message,no goodbyes to anyone. Very untypical of him. Officially a suicide.

Next. Illinois State Representative Douglas Huff of Chicago was found alonein his home, dead from an apparent overdose of cocaine and heroin, onSeptember 22, 1988. Representative Huff did everything in his power to makethe Illinois State Legislature and the people of Chicago aware of Dr.

Strecker’s work. He was very vocal, gave many press interviews, wasconstantly on television and radio urging people to wake up to the cover-upconcerning AIDS. Did Representative Huff use drugs? Perhaps yes, but onlyoccasionally and recreationally. Was he an addict? No. Would he haveknown how dangerous a massive overdose off cocaine and heroin was? Yes, ofcourse. Cause of death: officially a stroke. Dr. Strecker has seriousdoubts that his brother killed himself. Representative Huff’s associatesdoubt he died accidentally, and yet they are gone. Who’s next?IGNORANCE IS BLISS, OR IS IT SUICIDE?We all know it is easier for a king to have a lie believed than a beggar tospread the truth. Well, we are spreading the truth about AIDS.

Unfortunately, it isn’t pretty. But the fact is you are not being told thetruth by the government or the so-called AIDS experts. The media, forreasons of their own, will not present information contradicting theofficial propaganda. So you can choose to go along with the same people whogave us brain cancer (SV40 virus) as a result of their contaminated poliovaccines in the early 1960’s; a polio like disease from their contaminatedSwine Flu vaccine in the 1970’s; and AIDS from their smallpox and hepatitisB vaccines; or, you can at least make yourself aware of the clear andpresent dangers that we all face by watching “The Strecker Memorandum.”The cost of the tape is nominal, but we submit that remaining ignorant cancost infinitely more.

Thank you,THE STRECKER GROUP_______________________________________________________ __________Mail to: The Strecker Group 1216 Wilshire Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90017I am ordering ____copies of “The Strecker Memorandum” VHS Video at $29.95each plus postage and handling $3.00 for the 1st copy and $1.00 postage andhandling for each additional copy. California residents must add 6 3/4%sales tax (or $2.02).

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How the Government May Have Created AIDS. (2019, Mar 27). Retrieved from

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