Fast Food Restaurant Advertising Policy

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Types of American diners, according to the Gallup organization, spent an average of 29. 4 to $33. 90 a month purchasing food from fast food restaurants. Bloomberg Businesslike reported the largest fast food firms increased profits in 2009 by cutting costs, encouraging customers to return for newly introduced items and investing in marketing tied to sporting events. Your fast food restaurant has the ability to improve profits using the same techniques. Sponsored Link McDonald’s Mexican Burger We’re Proud Of What Goes In Our Burgers! Get yours today maw’. Faceable. Mom Focus on Value Customers look for a fast food restaurant menu that includes value items, UT avoid cutting your profit level too low with deep discounts, coupons and free offers. “LISA Today” noted in 2006 that most major fast food chains were promoting their expanded value-price menus as the economic crunch and rising gas prices caused consumers to cut back. Value menus typically feature a few entrees, several food products tweaked from the main menu, one or two beverages and at least one low-cost dessert item.

Promote New and Novelty Items Attract consumers with promotions for new items and advertise a range of food teems that appeal to a variety of diners, but balance the special price menu by eliminating too many options. An overly large menu means delay in preparing food quickly and also potential waste. You’ll throw away food for menu items not selling well or waste time explaining to customers the reason the food item isn’t available for the day.

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Too much waste cuts into your profits, and failure to meet customer needs reduces the chance of return business. Promotion of a new food item each month attracts customers looking for something unusual. Food with a holiday theme, including peppermint ice cream for the winter holidays or iced drinks during summer months, attracts customers focused on that single food item. Promote food made with seasonal fruit and vegetables, and advertise your special menu items to increase patronage.

Train Staff for Continuity Quality customer service promotes a pleasing experience for your diners. A smile and greeting from your staff when customers enter the store helps set the tone for the visit and the training required to get employees to utter a simple reediting is minimal. Train your employees to understand how to use the register, and monitor raw material ordering so your restaurant doesn’t run out of popular food items.

Train staff in the use of equipment so the diner’s food is indeed fast, as well as tasty. Keep your restaurant interior clean, and landscape the area around the drive-through window to improve the customer perception of your restaurant. A customer who experiences quality dining is a happy customer, and that means repeat business and leads to increased restaurant profits. A satisfied customer also recommends your restaurant to others.

Use Advertising Tie-Ins Successful fast food promotions in 2010 included advertising tie-ins with sporting events, according to Bloomberg Businesslike. Your customers follow national, regional and local events, and these provide a vehicle for fast food restaurant advertising. Suggestions for tie-ins include selecting an event that best matches your restaurant theme or food menu, or branding packaging products to both promote your eatery and advertise the sporting event.

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Fast Food Restaurant Advertising Policy. (2018, Jun 22). Retrieved from

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