Lie Pop’s “Fighting South of the Ramparts” Analysis

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Lie Pop has been acclaimed as one of China’s greatest poets of all time during the Tang Dynasty and “Golden Age of China”. Branded as a rebel with nomadic tendencies, Lie Pop was known for his love and adoration of wine and revelry. In 745, he was initiated into the Taoist religion and began to write poems supporting his growing interest in Taoism.

To understand the significance of some of his writings like “Fighting South of the Ramparts”, it is important to analyze Lie Pop’s originality of style and technique as it relates to he Taoist imagery employed in this poem. By advising of his sympathy with Taoism, Lie Pop encourages the readers to understand the human cost of war, and how turmoil can destroy the balance between the universe and humanity, and how one’s spirituality should be powerful enough to break any boundaries concerning the physical and metaphysical world, allowing the unification of people of all social classes as a race and becoming one with the universe.

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To explain in greater detail, when people are fighting and at war with one another, it destroys a society and causes great turmoil and strife cause not only are they at war with each other, but also at war with the universe and nature, destroying the land and themselves because one’s spirituality should overpower one’s desire to participate in disruptive and corruptive behaviors. Taoism is a philosophical and religious practice that stresses the importance of living in harmony, with political and/or social classification being of little to no importance.

The Tang Dynasty engaged in a large number of aggressive wars that involved extensive manipulation of men and resources, which was impolitely against the teachings, beliefs, and practices of Taoism. “Last year we were fighting… This year we are fighting. ” The Tang Dynasty forced the men to participate in warfare, leaving their families and lifestyles behind, never to return home ever again. Lie Pop wanted to express how the continuous discord of the constant warfare was affecting the people as it relates to the human cost of war.

As a result of a man being absent from the home, a family suffers because it lacks guidance, structure, security, and stability provided by a male figure being present. This is an important point s it relates to current society as well because modern-day families are impacted in the same way families were during Lie Pop’s time. Lie Pop felt as if the warfare would cease, society could focus on becoming one with nature and self, with men playing the most dominant role in facilitating this progression. “… Eve no trade but battle and carnage; They have no fields or ploughman. “

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines carnage as great destruction Of life. Although this poem is somewhat condensed, Lie pop provides the reader with a strong sense of what the continuous warfare was ongoing to the land and its people. The continuous strife and fighting kept the universe as a whole from moving forward and becoming prosperous. Lie Pop’s words are significant as it relates to today’s society because the same carnage can be seen in present situations.

Some examples of carnage present within our communities includes but is not limited to crimes against our fellow man, whether it is a black-on-black crime, race related crime, or a crime committed by law enforcement against citizens. Turmoil and chaos creates a rift in society, the people who comprise society, and the uneven balance that is reduced as a result of the disarray.

Understanding the message and ultimate meaning of this poem will strengthen society because eliminating issues that cause turmoil and destruction will allow people more time to focus on humanity and the issues that separate humanity. But only wastes where white bones lie among yellow sand. ” To one who has no prior knowledge or background information relating to Lie Pop’s works, one would gather the conclusion that this is just a poem about bones. More advanced readers would interpret the bones to be symbolic to the spiritual aspect of the poem. Taoism teaches how one’s spirituality should conquer any path that causes disturbance to one’s unity and connection with nature.

In this poem, Lie Pop encourages the reader to recognize that any path begins with an understanding of the origin of the universe. His expression is one of the profound unities of the universe and of the path human beings must take to join, rather than disturb, that unity. This is significant as it relates to society because if one allowed one’s self to search for a deeper meaning of the universe, as Lie Pop encouraged when speaking of bones in his poem, ultimately en can come to some understanding about the meaning of life and about one’s place in the world.

Given the knowledge it contains, “Fighting South of the Ramparts” is a poem that supports every aspect of Taoism. The belief in Taoist philosophy is known as the doctrine of doing-by-not-doing, and it lies at the heart of Taoist practice. Lie pop wrote a poem that expresses that what happens in nature is effortless. This does not mean that there is no struggle, but that events can occur without premeditation; one being the event of warfare.

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Lie Pop’s “Fighting South of the Ramparts” Analysis. (2018, Mar 10). Retrieved from

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