Mutual Reward Theory

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Enhancing working relationships is crucial for personal and organizational functioning, making effective communication a key factor. The intimate connections between colleagues in the workplace give great importance to interpersonal relationships within an organization.

A genuine interpersonal relationship should not involve feelings of exclusion; rather, it should consist of a reciprocal sharing of information, ideas, and knowledge. The individuals involved in the relationship should feel a sense of belonging and actively participate in social interaction.

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According to MRT, when individuals feel that their efforts in a relationship are not adequately rewarded, it can result in morale and productivity problems. Conversely, when equitable conditions exist in interpersonal relationships, we usually observe positive reactions towards management. Equitable conditions also lead to attention being paid to personal and organizational needs, employee emotions, and a willingness to share knowledge.

Establishing and maintaining successful working relationships involves careful attention to ensure all parties involved benefit from a well-established relationship. For a partnership to remain healthy in the long term, both parties must derive value from their contributions. If any member perceives an uneven exchange of giving and receiving, the relationship will start to deteriorate.

When people provide different forms of support to each other, relationships can be mutually advantageous. Yet, if one individual only gives without receiving, the relationship becomes weaker. Hence, when establishing fresh connections, it is essential to prioritize the well-being and happiness of the other person. This principle is commonly referred to as the GOLDEN RULE: treat others as you desire to be treated.

It is important to recognize that every person has their own set of values, leading to a distinctive hierarchy of what they consider important in life. These differing perspectives often lead to conflicting values when individuals are required to collaborate closely. It is crucial to understand that imposing one’s own values on others, particularly in a professional environment, would be incorrect and could potentially violate personal privacy. The actions or beliefs of a colleague outside of work should not impact the relationship formed within the workplace. To cultivate positive work relationships, it is recommended to approach them with an open mind and concentrate on shared interests and goals.

The workforce is undergoing significant diversity changes, and we need to embrace this constant blend of cultures. Within our organization, we have three options for how to respond to this diversity mix.

Having a negative attitude towards individuals from other cultures, particularly those from the dominant culture, is usually ineffective and has the potential to harm one’s professional reputation.

When individuals from a minority culture assimilate into the majority culture, they may lose their unique identity.

Regardless of your position in the organization, adapting to different cultures will improve personal relationships and professional development.

In the past, the United States strived to create a single culture and language, often compared to a “melting pot”. However, it has now transformed into a “great mosaic” of various cultures. It is crucial to evaluate individuals and relationships based on their qualities rather than their ethnicity. We should not judge solely based on appearances but instead embrace each person’s unique individuality. Unfortunately, many people do not follow this principle. Numerous future relationships will involve people from different ethnic backgrounds. If we maintain openness, honesty, sincerity, and a willingness to communicate in Multicultural Relationship Therapy (MRT), our chances of building successful relationships will significantly increase.

Although there may be sexual undertones in working relationships among employees, it usually does not significantly affect productivity. However, it is important to be cautious when these dynamics involve a supervisor and to maintain a clear boundary between personal and professional matters. Nonetheless, there are situations where this distinction becomes unclear. When two colleagues are dating, it can create suspicion and distrust within the workplace, leading to tension and potentially impacting productivity due to perceptions of favoritism and preferential treatment.

Sexual harassment, which is against the law, extends beyond subtle implications. There are three categories of harassment: 1) Verbal; 2) Visual; and 3) Physical. Engaging in any of these actions goes against the law and negatively affects productivity. It is essential to promptly report such behavior to management.

In conclusion, it is essential for individuals to cultivate tolerance, respect, and acceptance towards their colleagues in order to foster positive personal and professional relationships.

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Mutual Reward Theory. (2018, Jun 19). Retrieved from

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