My Personal Philosophy of Nursing

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I see nursing as a vocation before being a profession; I will love and enjoy every time spent to care for my patients, and I will treat them with respect and dignity regardless of their diversity. My philosophy of nursing is to provide the best care possible by combining knowledge, character and to take my education further and keep my skills and knowledge up to date while being compassionate, respectful and empathetic. From an early age, I have maintained a desire of helping others. As a child, that desire was translated into helping my parents with chores. I derive happiness from assisting others in whatever way I can. The altruism of nurses is among the most basic motivators for selecting this career-line (“Job Satisfaction in”, 2020). Even though I am still in school for nursing, I know that it is the right profession for me. I always wanted to associate myself with a profession that would allow me to help others. In short, I get happiness from providing care to those who need it. I like witnessing the positive effects of my help, which is one of the merit of the nursing profession.

Health is a dynamic, holistic process in which the six dimensions of health (emotional, intellectual, spiritual, occupational, social, and physical) are considered as a whole for the well-being of a person. As a nurse, I will work with other healthcare providers to expand my patient’s health potential by promoting health as well as preventing illness and improving their quality of life. In order to achieve great potential, all six dimensions of health must be fulfilled. I believe that to help patients fulfil these dimensions, their ethnicity, sexual preference, and religion must be taken in consideration.

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The environment whether physical or not, has a big influence on the individual and population health outcomes because it can sustain life, but can also create diseases. When Taking a look at a person’s needs as per Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, the first level includes the physiological needs such as food, water, shelter, sleep and pain avoidance (Potter, Perry, Stockert, & Hall, 2017). Only when that first level is completed, the individual can aspire to move on to the next level of need. A nonphysical environment can interfere psychologically in the individual life, by affecting their behavior. For example, a positive atmosphere gives comfort and safety, while a noisy environment creates stress.

Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities; prevention of illness and injury; alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response; and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, groups, and communities, sick or well, and in all settings (Potter, Perry, Stockert, & Hall, 2017) . The nursing theory that aligns most with my perception of nursing is the “Philosophy and Science of caring” by Jean Watson. I perceive nursing as a practice of ethics, formal knowledge, and experience. My philosophy is that nurses must be professionals, with good interpersonal and social skills, and provide trustworthy and compassionate patient-centered care.

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My Personal Philosophy of Nursing. (2022, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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