My Sister’s Keeper Plot Summary

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Kate Fitzgerald was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 2. Her parents, Sara and Brian, were informed by doctors that in order to save Kate’s life, they needed to have a baby who was genetically compatible. They decided to have Anna, who was born as a donor for her sister and has undergone numerous surgeries in an effort to help save her life. Now 15 years old, Kate is experiencing kidney failure and Anna realizes that she is the only potential savior for her sister. Nevertheless, she comprehends that if she proceeds with the kidney donation, it will significantly impact her own life, preventing her from pursuing the future she desires such as having children or participating in sports.

Due to Kate’s illness, Sara neglects to take care of Anna and Jesse, who is Anna’s older brother. Keeping Kate alive is Sara’s main concern. To their astonishment, both Sara and Brian discover that Anna has engaged a lawyer to sue her parents for infringing on her bodily rights. In the film, it is later disclosed that the lawyer accepted the case not for fame but because he also suffers from epilepsy and comprehends the lack of autonomy over one’s own body. This further infuriates Sara as she cannot fathom why Anna refuses to save her sister.

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While undergoing treatment, Kate forms a relationship with Taylor, a fellow leukemia patient. They become a couple, sharing their first kiss and engaging in a sexual relationship. Kate feels saddened when Taylor fails to contact her for several days and confides in her mother about their activities. Sara becomes upset, believing that Taylor only dated Kate for physical intimacy. However, upon consulting a nurse, Sara learns that Taylor has passed away.

The film showcases multiple flashbacks, including one where Kate and her younger sister have a strong bond and spend time together. In this particular flashback, Kate talks to Anna about Taylor. As the end approaches without the operation happening, Kate’s last desire is to go to the beach. Brian decides to take his children and wife to the beach with the doctor’s approval. Sara gets furious upon finding out that Kate isn’t at the hospital due to her overprotective nature. In response to Sara’s anger, Brian announces that she won’t join them at the beach and he intends to file for divorce.

Sara later joins the family at the beach, and they all enjoy one of their last moments together. The judge decides to hold a hearing for the case. During Anna’s speech, Jesse reveals that Kate’s decision is the motive behind Anna’s decision not to donate her kidney. Kate does not want to prolong her life, so she convinces Anna to reject the donation. Sara refuses to accept Kate’s choice, but Brian and Jesse help Sara understand that Kate had been trying to communicate this to her for some time. Kate passes away peacefully in her sleep. After Kate’s death, Campbell Alexander, Anna’s lawyer, presents the Court’s decision: Anna has won the case.

The passing of Kate brings the family together and promotes a feeling of unity. In the film, Anna feels disconnected from her family as she believes her only role is to keep Kate alive, making her feel like an object used for medical interventions aimed at saving Kate. Additionally, Anna is currently in a stage where she longs to discover her own identity and find her place in the world. Kate recognizes that her illness not only impacts her own well-being but also has negative effects on those who love her.

Following Taylor’s death, Kate has lost her motivation to engage with society. Nonetheless, she finds solace within her family as they diligently care for her in light of her illness. Brian and Sara have made efforts to integrate Jesse into the family dynamic, but they discovered his dyslexia late due to their focus on Kate’s well-being. They also strive to involve Anna; however, she perceives herself solely as a tool.

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My Sister’s Keeper Plot Summary. (2017, Jan 27). Retrieved from

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