Clear Language and Examples in Preschool Education

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Use clear language and examples to discuss and clarify personalized learning goals and criteria for assessing progress with learners. There is a child in my class who is really behind with her reading and phonic skills so I have recently started making her little cards with simple words on such as cat, dog, map etc for her take home every night and practice them. When she has learnt the cards I add a new word for her to learn as well as continuing with the previous cards. I only add one new word at a time as the child finds it overwhelming and difficult to have too many rods she doesn’t know at a time.

When I first done this I sat down with the child and showed her three cards with words on and explained to her that I wanted her to sound out and read the words on the card every night with mummy or daddy. AT this moment I sounded out and read a word on one of the cards to demonstrate what I meant. I told her I was going to ask her every Friday morning to sound out and read the words on the cards for me and if she gets them right I will add a new word for her to learn alongside the words she has and she will get three house points.

On the Friday I assessed the progress she made with the cards and asked her how she felt she had done and if she thought she would remember the word and sounds on the cards. After I had been doing this for 4 weeks I assessed the progress the child had made and whether the activity was effective. The activity was effective but the quantity of cards would be ever growing as I was adding to them weekly so I decided I would take out a card after the child had practiced it and got it correct two weeks running.

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Clear Language and Examples in Preschool Education. (2017, Jul 20). Retrieved from

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