Problems of Discrimination in Video “This is America”

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This is Sociology Childish Gambino’s subtle background brought not so subtle light to issues otherwise not spoken about by artist today. The video, “This is America” made in 2018, mentioned issues from the early 1900s that are living in the shadows till this day. People do not want to speak of these issues because of the controversy surrounding them. However, Gambino knows in order to create change, we must first shine light to what we must change. He did so with his music video. He was able to portray Jim Crow laws in modern times, racial shooting, and pop culture eclipsing real issues. It shows us that white supremacy is still around like it was in early america. It is real. We must not hide it from the light any longer and initiate change to our society. Jim crows laws were enacted in 1880s to discriminize African American. These laws segregated African Americans from Whites, for example, there were restrooms for white American and separate restrooms for African Americans. During that time, these laws were seen as constitutional, but, “it wasn’t until 1954 and the Brown v. Board of Education case that the Supreme Court declared that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal,” thus ending de jure segregation in the United States,” (Keirns et al. 233). This was shown in the music video whenever Glover’s character made a pose that was similar to a popular pose of Jim Crow. This argues that white supremacy is still ongoing, Charleston shooting in 2015 would be an example of it.

Gambino chooses to portray multiple shootings, like the one in the beginning of the video, throughout the video to reflect America. It shows that there have been multiple shootings throughout American history. Each bringing more and more awareness to the issue of discrimination yet they continue to occur. He is ‘putting out the concerns of black folk, of folks who are voiceless in this world. And I think he wants to present it in a way where it’s as challenging to his audience as it is to those outside on a mass scale,'(Cornish). Gambino is putting a voice to the people who don’t have one. He also portrays all the shootings that took place in the video to be of African Americans. Not once in the video was there a white American shot. Therefore, promoting further the idea that white supremacy still exists. It exists not in the eyes of the public, but in the form of subtle inequality.

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Hiding amongst other issues, white supremacy is still around. We must shine light on it. Hidden in the background of the video, police brutality, gun violence, and social media were portrayed. This wasn’t portrayed easily because it signifide to the audience how easily one can get distracted from the larger picture. Gambino chooses to dance in a distinct way to distract the audience from seeing the truth, similarly in our society today, social media is hiding the real truth behind certain events. This is done to benefit a group of people because if the truth were to be found, then that group of people would be in the spotlight for their wrongdoing. For example, the shootings occurring nowadays are pushed to the side by many people because of continuous distractions of viral dance moves. These dance moves take light away from such tragedies. Reflecting America’s society some of the audience who watched Gambino’s video have just enjoyed it because of his dance, while the other part of the audience have enjoyed it because of what’s hidden behind it.

Not only is white supremacy a problem, but also America as a whole for not responding to tragic events. According to Lyubansky, “It is America, with its racist history and contemporary disinterest in black lives, that takes the lives of black people, even innocent, church-going black people, and continues to smile and dance as though the violence was unworthy of notice,” (Lyubansky 1). We, Americans, have to realize that change starts with us.

We as a whole we can change our view on African Americans and certain race groups if we actually pay attention to what is occurring in America. We must not let the pretty blind us. We do not live in a perfect world filled with viral dances and Kardashians everywhere. We must understand that all minority groups are facing white supremacy. It is real. The first step into changing is acknowledging that it exists. Will you take the first step?

Work Cited

  • Cornish, Audie, and Monika Evstatieva.
  • “Donald Glover’s ‘This Is America’ Holds Ugly Truths To Be Self-Evident.”
  • NPR, NPR, 7 May 2018, -be-self-evident.
  • Keirns, Nathan J., et al. Introduction to Sociology. OpenStax, Rice University, 2016. Lyubanksy, Mikhail. “A Racial Analysis of Childish Gambino’s ‘This Is America.’” Psychology Today, SussexPublishers, 2018,

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Problems of Discrimination in Video “This is America”. (2022, Nov 23). Retrieved from

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