Professional Education in Andhra Pradesh

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Introduction: Pre-Independence Education Scenario in Andhra Pradesh

The education history of Andhra Pradesh goes back to the Mauryan era, when universities such as Nalanda were founded. Nalanda University held great significance not just in India but also across South Asia, drawing students from China, Japan, and Korea. The university boasted a student and teacher population of approximately 10,000 and encompassed an extensive campus spanning 12,480 acres with eight colleges. Remarkably, one of these colleges featured a four-storied building.

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It was one of the earliest examples of a residential and learning complex. After this, during the time of Nizam, Nizam college followed by Osmania University came into being. The professional education in those days included theology, medical, and law. In later years, education in fields like management and information technology also emerged. Post education scenario: The present educational system is influenced by the British rulers. Wood’s Dispatch of 1854 established the foundation of the current education system. Before the arrival of the British, education was a private system.

With the implementation of Wood’s Dispatch, also known as the Magna Carta of Indian education, the entire landscape transformed. The primary objective was to train individuals for managing local administration. The medium of instruction for basic education was vernacular languages, while English was exclusively used for higher education. The British government commenced providing financial assistance to indigenous schools, resulting in some schools becoming government-funded. Following Independence, the responsibility of education fell under the jurisdiction of state governments until a constitutional amendment in 1976 established joint responsibility between the state and central governments.

The Kothary Commission of 1964, led by Dr. P. S. Kothary, Chairman of University Grants, was the most significant development in Indian Education Commission. Andhra Pradesh is renowned for its professional education system and consistently produces a large number of professionals, specifically in IT and engineering fields. The impressive advancement in education can be largely credited to technological advancements experienced in Andhra Pradesh. Moreover, the growth has been driven by the services sector, particularly the BPO/KPO industry.

India must embrace off-shoring to remain competitive, but it must also tackle the issue of producing an adequate number of skilled workers. The primary objective is to expand higher education capacities to meet the growing global and domestic demand. Presently, professional education encompasses various fields such as Medical, Pharmacy, Engineering, Management, as well as specialized courses like Retail Management and Banking and Financial Management. Professional education now emphasizes attaining specific outcomes.

The lack of interest among students in gaining knowledge and their focus on potential earnings after completing their education is discussed in the text. An analysis is presented on how the economic situation impacts educational trends, aiming to understand the education system in AP, identify influencing factors, and address challenges.

The provided data includes statistics on three major professional education streams (MBA, MCA, and Engineering) from 1997-98 to 2009-10. The average intake of students in Engineering per year is also graphically represented for the years between 2002 and 2010.

Interpreting the data reveals a decline in the three major streams in 2001, followed by a significant increase in 2009-2010. A dip in engineering college enrollments occurred in 2005 but was followed by a notable rise in 2010. Overall, these findings suggest that trends have fluctuated over time.

The primary reason for students selecting a specific professional education is the anticipated return on investment (ROI). The technology sector faced setbacks in 2000-01 due to the Y2K problem, causing disruptions across other sectors as well. Additionally, there was a slight recession in the IT sector in 2005. Recent findings reveal that professional colleges in Andhra Pradesh have become a battlefield. Surveys conducted by various coaching institutions offering CAT and MAT coaching discovered a decline of 30-40 percent in MBA students during the year 2008-09. However, this trend shifted in 2009-10 when more students began pursuing professional education with hopes that the recession would soon come to an end. It is recommended that professional education should prioritize generating job opportunities rather than solely serving as a means to secure jobs. Courses such as MBA ought to promote entrepreneurship and offer adequate support for students to showcase their entrepreneurial skills instead of solely focusing on managerial roles.

While the Hyderabad Central University backs this cause, it is crucial for other universities to also participate. The education system for professionals should be independent from political influence. Presently, in Andhra Pradesh, the selection of Vice-Chancellors, who oversee professional education in universities, relies on appointments made by the State government. Conversely, neighboring states like Maharashtra adopt a search-cum-selection approach where a committee of esteemed academicians hunts for exceptional candidates and actively engages in the selection process to choose the most competent individuals.

Students participating in campus, state, or national politics should understand how their actions affect their peers. Unfortunately, due to a recent incident at Osmania University involving the state issue, the university has been blacklisted in the US. As a result, numerous students from Osmania University must abandon their plans for education in the US, despite being innocent. In summary, while professional education in Andhra Pradesh is advancing considerably, it still encounters obstacles when it comes to guaranteeing top-notch quality.

In order to enhance the quality of education, it is crucial to restrict the involvement of bureaucracy in Universities. To accomplish this objective, students should be motivated to autonomously gain knowledge. This methodology is adopted by renowned institutions such as HBS (Harvard Business School), MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Oxford University, and our own universities such as IIMs and IITs. This educational system aligns with the Gurukul form of education. Furthermore, there must be a shift in students’ mindset towards valuing knowledge more than grades.

Andhra Pradesh has the potential to become a leading education destination. While it may not currently hold that title, there is always room for improvement in any field. Here are some references for further information:

  1. Statistical Abstract Andhra Pradesh-2008 by Directorate of Economics and Statistics
  7. “Who Participates in Higher Education in India? Rethinking the Role of Affirmative Action” by Rakesh Basant and Gitanjali Sen W.

P. No. 2009-11-01 November 2009. 8. “Kerala’s Education System: Is More Government the Solution?” By Jose Sebastian ———————- Abstract: – A trend in professional education is primarily driven by employment pattern. When there was a boom in IT Sector MCA, Engineering in CSE and IT were popular. Today the trend is towards management education, with the growing unemployment and the need to be self-employed. The major challenge for professional education in AP today is to be undeterred by politics. “Osmania University is blacklisted in the US”.

In the realm of professional education in Andhra Pradesh (AP), the increasing influence of OU students is causing companies to hesitate in recruiting them. This trend is challenging the traditional education system where students used to hold pens instead of power. The focus of this report is the relationship between expected Return on Investment (ROI) and this shift in power dynamics. The study specifically investigates the impact on three branches of professional education: MBA, MCA, and Engineering. The author of this paper presentation is Bhavani Lakshman Sagar from GITAM University Hyderabad in 2010.

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Professional Education in Andhra Pradesh. (2018, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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