Professionalism in the Workplace of Nursing

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In the field of nursing, professionalism is an essential aspect for job retention and distinguishing oneself from other applicants when competing for a potential role. The University of Kansas (2012) defines professionalism as the qualities and traits that characterize a professional, emphasizing the importance of retaining humanistic qualities such as integrity, respect, and compassion in all medical professionals. Regardless of whether one works in a hospital or administration, these three qualities form the foundation of nursing and epitomize professionalism. Integrity entails maintaining ethical standards and being truthful, reliable, and trustworthy in all actions. Respect involves treating individuals with dignity, valuing their autonomy, and exhibiting cultural sensitivity. Compassion encompasses empathetic care, understanding the emotional needs of patients, and providing support and comfort. Therefore, being professional in nursing goes beyond possessing knowledge; it entails consistently embodying these core attributes.

In the nursing profession, professionalism is crucial for job retention and standing out among other applicants. According to the University of Kansas (2012), professionalism is defined as the qualities and traits that describe a professional. Integrity, respect, and compassion are essential humanistic qualities that all medical professionals, including nurses, must strive to retain. Whether working in a hospital or administration, these qualities define the core of nursing and what it means to be a professional.

Integrity involves consistently adhering to the highest standards of behavior and refusing to violate personal and professional codes. Being accountable for one’s actions and prioritizing the best interests of patients are vital aspects of a professional nursing role. Nurses who possess integrity are highly regarded and trusted professionals, ranking highest in honesty and ethics (Pophal, 2013).

Being among the most trusted professions is achievable by consistently following a moral code, taking responsibility for achievements and mistakes. It is not uncommon for nurses to unintentionally make medication errors when they fail to follow the five rights of medication administration.

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Professionalism in the Workplace of Nursing. (2018, Feb 11). Retrieved from

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