Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases

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According to the textbook Health for Life, 60% of human deaths are due to cardiovascular disease which is caused by a few risk factors. The following factors include: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, age, gender, race/ethnicity, and family history (CDC.com).

The first risk factor I selected was not getting enough sleep. The reason I selected this risk factor is because I only get up to 5-6 hours of sleep per night. A few issues that are associated with the risk factor are high blood pressure, diabetes, and sleep apnea. Some specific habits and behaviors that increase the risk is the excessive use of electronics, stress, and some prescribed medications. The skills that I have learned from the course/textbook that will help me reduce the risk is to limit the time spent on electronics. Health benefits that I can expect that will decrease the risk are less stress, immunity from disease and better health (sleepfoundation.org).

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Another risk factor I selected was not getting regular exercise. The reason why I selected this risk factor is because I do not exercise until the weekend due to the amount of school/college work I may have. “A few issues that are associated with the risk factor are diabetes, strokes, little energy, and osteoporosis” (McConnell 86). Some specific habits and behaviors that increase the risk are not having enough time, no motivation, or no access. The skills that I have learned from the course/textbook that will help me reduce the risk is to manage my time to be able to exercise.

Some health benefits that I can expect if I decrease the risk is a better physical appearance, stronger bones, and better skin health. Finally, the last risk factor I selected is the excessive consumption of alcohol. The reason why I selected this risk factor is because on my snapchat I view numerous of my friends drink alcohol to an extreme when they go to parties. Some health issues that are associated with the risk factor according to MedlinePlus.gov, are liver disease and digestion problems. A few specific habits and behaviors increasing the risk are depression and peer pressure. Skills that I have learned from the course/textbook that will help me reduce the risk is to set a goal to stop or limit the amount of intake as it is referred in the textbook Health For Life SMART goals. Health benefits that I can expect if I decrease the risk is a better physical appearance and sleep.

In conclusion, the three priority lifestyles we have discussed in the course are: eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress. They are important because without them we would be suffering from numerous of diseases like cardiovascular disease. Eating a balanced diet prevents a person from overeating and suffering from diabetes. Exercising regularly maintains a proper body mass and helps a person feel good about themselves. In addition, managing stress is key to being able to live a peaceful life without any heart attacks. Each lifestyle is connected to being able to live a healthy life and be prone to life’s biggest gifts in health.


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Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases. (2023, Feb 17). Retrieved from


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