Teaching assistant level

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Summaries the main development of a child from the age range 0-2 years, 3-5 years and 5-8 years. 1. Age 0-2 Main development – physical A baby will first learn to become mobile and support his own body. Around the age of 2 years they are generally walking and running. Intellectually they begin to recognize their careers and develop a memory for actions and sounds. They develop co-ordination and begin to enjoy role play and music. A baby’s language begins to develop from the moment they are born in the form of crying.

They begin to gurgle and coo and then laugh and imitate sounds. Between the ages of 9 to 12 months they are able to respond to simple instructions and know some basis words. By the age of 2 they are quite vocal and have a vocabulary of around 50 words. A baby’s emotional development begins soon after they are aware of other people. They begin to smile at the age of 5 to 6 weeks and begin to recognize their career from around the age of 3 months. They slowly begin to form a sense of self and other people.

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A baby’s social development includes learning to play, self-feed and enjoying music. By the age of 1 they are much more confident. Age 3 – 5 Main development – Creative Between the ages of 3 and 5 a child will develop his/her fine motor skills through various activities; their drawings begin to resemble the intended objects. They become much more balanced and can move confidently. Intellectually they develop inquisitive minds and by the age of 5 can count confidently and recognize words. They become confident speakers and enjoy stories and singing.

Children begin to understand how they feel and explain their reasons. By the age of 5 they are much more able to control their emotions and understand those of other people. A child will learn how to make friends and cooperate with other children. They enjoy socializing and understand the importance of sharing and taking turns. Age 5-8 Main development – emotional and social. In terms of their physical development from the ages of 6 to 8 their balance and agility will have increased enormously.

They continue to improve along with their self-confidence. They are more willing to try new things. They are able to read and write independently. They can use language to describe things accurately and confidently. Children of this age develop a sense of competitiveness. A child can become increasingly demanding and stubborn. Children often vary with their sense of social development; some prefer to spend time alone while others in a group. They soon learn which they are most comfortable with.

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Teaching assistant level. (2018, Jun 01). Retrieved from


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