The Negative Impact of Text Messaging

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Text messaging is having a negative impact on our literacy and communication abilities as a society, as it is substituting traditional means of communication like phone calls and letters. A new form of language called Textese is being widely adopted globally. Nevertheless, there are still some people who appreciate and preserve the correct use of language, writing letters by hand and following proper etiquette. Simply picking up the phone to contact a friend or family member can be a simple solution.

Engaging in conversations with others who are physically present may be simpler than anticipated. However, the widespread use of texting and text messaging language has led to a decline in proper English usage, spelling, and sentence structure. Those who heavily rely on text and instant messaging may face difficulties in literacy skills and expressing themselves in writing.

Research shows that text messaging has had a negative impact on our communication and expression abilities. The convenience and speed of using textisms have affected literacy in both children and adults. Mobile phones are now seen as essential, but this may be detrimental to literacy, spelling, and communication skills. Young adolescents especially have replaced landline phones with mobile phones. According to The Mobile Life Report in 2008, 94% of young people in the United Kingdom consider mobile phones their main means of communication.

Works Cited

  1. Children using mobile phone ‘textisms’ in school work. (2013, Nov 21). Telegraph.Co.Uk. Retrieved from Verheijen, L. (2013).
  2. The effects of text messaging and instant messaging on literacy. English Studies, 94(5), 582. Retrieved from
  3. Wood, G., Meachem, S., Bowyer, S., Jackson, E., Tarczynski-Bowles, M., & Plester, B. (2011).
  4. A longitudinal study of children’s text messaging and literacy development. British Journal of Psychology, 102(3), 431. Retrieved from

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The Negative Impact of Text Messaging. (2018, Feb 03). Retrieved from

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