Virtual Child Theoretical Task

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Run your virtual child and answer all the questions for 8 months, 9 months, 2 months, 15 months, and 18 months (points will be deducted if you have not completed all of these ages) 5. Use complete sentences and correct punctuation and grammar. Your score will be reduced if there are grammatical errors and/or incomplete sentences. 1 . What does the pediatrician tell you at the 9 month physical exam? Provide one example of your child’s emotional/social development (e. G. , attachment or emotional security). Provide one example of your child’s physical development (e. . , motor skills) and provide one example of your child’s cognitive development. How does your child do in each of these domains and is there s reason for you to be concerned with the results of this test? Do not just say that the doctor’s exam says he/she is healthy, but for each of these domains (emotional/social, physical, cognitive), provide an example of your child’s behavior or functioning that shows his/her development up to this age and assess whether you think this level of functioning is normative and healthy. 15 points total, 5 points for providing a specific example of each domain and describing how it compares to typical development) Helga has started physically maturing and has begun to use her body to communicate to me what she ants, such as reaching for things she wants. She is starting to become mobile, which is scary. She is crawling and always on the go. She also shows signs of her cognitive development through simple games we play. She can find hidden things so long as I don’t distract her the middle of her search. She does seem to always look in an old hiding place though.

Helga seems to be very social; she loves meeting new people and being in social environments. She always is a little hesitant at very first when she meets people but she warms up real fast. Helga did well on her test at the pediatrician. He did notice that she has gotten al several times this season and advised that she stay away from sick people and that I should start giving her new foods to test to see if she has any allergies. Her emotional development seems up to par, and pretty typical of her age. She is afraid of strangers (even though she warms up to them quickly, she experiences separation anxiety and cries whenever she feels pain.

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Hello’s motor skills are also normal as she is sitting up, crawling, and standing up (but not walking yet). 2. Describe your child’s communication and language development in the first 18 months. Provide at least 3 specific examples of how your child’s communication Tyler and language development is changing over these first 18 months (these examples should show the changes in communication/language development that are occurring during this developmental period. Based on what we have discussed in class and in the book, is your child developing at a typical or atypical rate?

Do not just say that you think it is typical, but provide specific examples of your child’s development compared to specific examples of normative development that were discussed in class or in the book. (15 points total, 5 points for each example and accurately comparing it to normative examples of placement at the same age). First saw Helga starting to communicate more progressively than just crying or reaching for things around nine months when she started to understand and recognize certain words. Next at 12 months she said her first full word!

She continued to advance in her communication skills as I noticed she began to understand more and more words and even tried to imitate them now. Helga started using the word “me” a lot and is determined to do things herself. Her language and communication development skills are right on track, as it is normal for babies around nine months to recognize words such as ‘toys” or “dada”. It’s also around 12 months that babies say their first full word that isn’t difficult to decipher. Of course some babies say their first word a little sooner or later but it was not out of the norm for her to say her first word around 12 months.

As babies spend more time around other people and hear the parents talking its normal for them to begin to recognize more and more words the more the hear them. 3. What is the object permanence test and what does it tell us about children’s cognitive development? At 8 months, your child takes the object permanence test. How does your child perform on it? Based on Piglet’s research, how would o say your child did on this test for his/her age? In other words, how do we typically expect children to do on this test at 8 months? What error do 8-12 month olds usually make?

At 12 months, when your child takes the test again, how does his/her performance change? Based on Piglet’s research, how might we expect children to improve on this test during the first 18 months? (20 points total; 5 points for describing object permanence; 5 points for describing how your child did at 8 months and how it compares to typical development; and 5 points for describing how your child did at 12 months and how it compares to physical placement; 5 points for describing the common error and how Pigged believed children’s performance changes during this time period).

The object permanence test is a test designed to see if baby’s understand the concept that an object continues to exist even if it is no longer seen. The test usually has to do with hiding an object and seeing if the baby is goal oriented enough to search for it and find the object. It tests to see if the baby understands that if I place an object, such as a toy, underneath a blanket that the object does not disappear. When I first performed this test on Helga she would look for the object and mind so long as I did not distract her in the middle of her search or it did not take too long to find.

She would make the common mistake for always looking for the object in old hiding places and got slightly confused when I would change it up on her. The second time I performed the object permanence test on Helga she showed much improvement. She no longer would become easily distracted and wouldn’t go to the same hiding place each time we played. She got good at searching for the hidden object and I even tried to trick her a few times and wouldn’t put the object under either of the two clothes but instead n my hand and she would still find it in my hand. Whenever I did this she loved it and wanted to play over and over again.

Its typical to see babies make the same mistake Helga did in the 8-12 month stage. It is called the A-not-B error, this is when a child repeatedly checks the same hiding place they found the object the first time and fails to find it when it is hidden in a second place. By 12-18 months babies no longer get mixed up if they cannot find the toy in the original hiding place and now have problem solving skills and find the object if it is hidden in several places. This is exactly how Helga has progressed showing hat she is at an average skill for babies her age. 4.

Provide 3 examples of environmental influences and/or random events that happened to you or your partner during the first 18 months that may have had an impact on your child’s development (this could include things such as change in day-care provider, someone losing their job, illness, etc. ). How do you think these factors might have influenced your child? Based on the textbook and class lectures, provide 2 examples of environmental factors that were discussed that impact children’s early development (in infancy and toddlers). In what specific ways do these actors positively or negatively influence children’s healthy development? 25 points total; 5 points for each of three examples and describing how it might have impacted your child’s development, 5 points for each of two examples from your textbook and describing what impact it might have on child development). My favorite cousin, Melody, came to stats with my husband and me and offered to babysat Helga whenever we needed help. This was a new environment change for Helga because now there were time frames where Helga was not around either of her parents but instead a new person. Melody also slept in the room with Helga, this was another change.

This was a positive influence on Helga because it taught her not to depend on me and my husband as much and become more independent. Staying with Melody taught Helga how to be away from her parents which is necessary as she grows up. A new neighbor moved in who has a child close to Hello’s age; her name is Alexandra. And I have let the two plays together. This is a positive influence. It shows Helga how to interact with others and what reactions are appropriate and not. Think that allowing Helga to have friends and play dates is healthy for her; it is developing her social skills.

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Virtual Child Theoretical Task. (2018, Jul 05). Retrieved from

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