What are the problems associated with child prostitution?

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Everyday millions of innocent children are forced to do jobs, not of their own free will but as a result of poverty especially in third world countries. These children often resort to options of labor or even more extreme prostitution.

So what is one to do when one is poor, young and in a third world country?Everyday millions of innocent children are forced to do jobs, not of their own free will but as a result of poverty especially in third world countries. These children often resort to options of labor or even more extreme prostitution. So what is one to do when one is poor, young and in a third world country?There are several options available to chose from ; asking for essentials materials a food, shelter and clothing from richer people/countries, suffering and struggling to survive or sell their bodies for a little money.Unfortunately many chose this last option, which could be dangerous and harmful to them.

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First world countries should assist in aiding third would countries to eliminate problems caused by child prostitution.Prostitution defined by the “Gage Canadian Dictionary” is “the act of offering oneself or another person to engage in sexual acts”.Education of young child sex workers and their families should be provided by first world countries to give cheap treatment and prevent the continuous spread of dangerous diseases by prostitution. Over the last several decades, a pandemic of highly infectious sexually transmitted illnesses like HIV-human immunodeficiency virusHIV is a cytopathic form of a family of retrovirus, which includes the T-cell leukemia virus.

, have wiped out entire villages and cities.Theses diseases were not at first understood by scientists, but now are.Prevention and Treatment are available but only to those who can afford to pay for them.In countries were the majority of the population is poor and illiterate, education and inexpensive treatment should be given by wealthier 1st world countries like Canada and the United States.

An instance where education has prevailed is the “CDC-Center for disease Control” program which has raised money to inform and give prevention methods with people especially young adults and children at risk to getting this disease. If help is not provided to these people, over one million children will probably die from lack of treatment.Education about various methods of birth control would help reduce the number of children being born everyday by child sex trade workers who are sexually mature.The majority of child prostitutes are females and are between the ages of as young as only 4 years old to as old as 17.

When these females can reproduce, or bare children they are said to be sexually mature average globe age is 10.5 years.In third world countries in particularly Africa, South America and Asia, lack of a proper education and understanding of Human reproduction has lead to increased childbirth rates than more informed countries. This has created overpopulation.

Overpopulation occurs when a town, city or country has too many people to provide for fundamental needs in an economical.It can be and is a problem in Africa, Asia and South America because the more people there are, the lower the standards of living meaning less money which could induce poverty, deterioration of their environment and famine by having less money they may not be able to afford food, which could cause starvation causing death.Small Incorporations like “NOAPPP” National Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting and Prevention in the United States of America are helping to provide general leadership, education, training, information, advocacy, resources and support to individuals and organizations in the field of adolescent pregnancy, parenting and prevention.Informing these specific countries about the various methods of birth control would help reduce their birthrate and raise their social status.

Hopefully in the future, more people will be well-informed about the problems of child prostitution. And maybe solutions will be established on how to deal sexually transmitted diseases and overpopulation caused by it.

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What are the problems associated with child prostitution?. (2018, Jun 09). Retrieved from


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