What If Children Ruled the World

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I can visualize this specific scene from the movie “The Planet of the Apes”.

Initially, it would be wonderful, but if children faced challenges, they would acquire wisdom from previous experiences. This film portrays a world similar to that of our ancestors who constructed a society from the ground up by studying history. I frequently contemplate how incredible it would be if children held dominion over the world.

The reason for this is quite simple. I had numerous desires and aspirations. If I were an emperor, I would never entrust a country to a child like myself in the past. In fact, envisioning a world where children rule is beyond my imagination.

Children, despite their potential for cruelty, possess greater instinctual abilities compared to adults. During childhood, we frequently feigned kindness out of apprehension towards parental reprimand. Nevertheless, if unencumbered by fear, children would authentically personify the notion of “Les Enfants Terribles” (Jean Cocteau).

As a child, while watching TV news about war, I always yearned for its eradication. The desensitization to violence has become commonplace, and it pains me. If only I had the power of an emperor, I would command an end to all wars.

If it were not possible, I would order that the military consist of animals, specifically pets. Wars are fought by people for different reasons, sometimes due to religious conflicts and other times because of territorial disputes. Pets do not pose a concern. Imagine if pets were engaged in killing each other? People have compassion, especially towards their pets; therefore, if the world’s armies consisted only of pets, war would cease to exist.

Although children are pure and clean, it is crucial to acknowledge that they can be harsher than adults. Before assuming control of the world, children must learn how to collaborate with others through education—an important priority for adults. Personally, I believe that if children were in charge of the world, there would not be a substantial distinction.

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