Why I Am Thankful (Doing Anything)

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Two months behind bars and time drifting past as if there is no tomorrow. My prison cell was seven feet in length and seven feet wide. While there, I was almost stabbed by another inmate. I had no freedom, the food was poorly prepared and I always felt fear for my life. I then woke up and realized that it was just a dream. As I stare at my bedroom ceiling I suddenly had a great appreciation for my life, living in Bermuda and my family. Firstly, I am thankful for my life. One reason is that I was born without health problems such as diseases and allergies.

Additionally, I am thankful for the opportunities that have been provided for me. These opportunities are being selected to be a member of Bermuda’s u15 national team. I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish it without my father who has a lot of experience in the game. Also I have been given a chance to visit Washington DC and Costa Rica on school trips. I am fortunate enough to have not only what I need but also want. My family is another reason why I am thankful. My family, particularly my grandmother, instilled in me the manners and respect that I possess today.

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Due to their teachings I have learned to respect myself, authority figures, my peers and others. I am also grateful for all of my belongings that my parents and family have provided for me. I am fortunate to have two people outside of my family who serve as role models and mentors to me. Throughout playing sports, I always have the support and encouragement of my family. They would always tell me to strive to be the best that I can be. My life in Bermuda is what I am most thankful for. The sub-tropical climate means that the temperature does not get too hot or too cold although we have the four seasons.

Bermuda is a beautiful place with numerous beaches and you can swim all year round. Bermuda is a very safe place because you can go anywhere on this island without feeling a threat from anybody. The local people in Bermuda are very friendly in comparison to people from most other countries. They also acknowledge you with a pleasant greeting and always willing to have a conversation. The people of Bermuda like to have lots of fun so they are eager to find ways to party. We have unique traditions such as Cod fish & Potatoes breakfast on Sundays, the May 24 celebration and hot cross buns and fish cakes at Easter.

In conclusion, there are many things I am thankful for. I am fortunate to have been born without any health problems. I have been afforded many opportunities such as being able to visit other countries. I have been taught manners and how to respect others. I am grateful that I have been provided with the necessary things in life. Living in beautiful Bermuda, I look forward to occasions such as the May 24 celebration and Easter which give me the chance to spend quality time with my family. What a wonderful island, what a beautiful life.

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Why I Am Thankful (Doing Anything). (2017, Feb 18). Retrieved from


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