Why You Need to Get a Higher Education

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The idea of social construct affects the way we live our lives as it plays an important role on the way society has been constructed throughout our time. Social construct refers to the idea that a certain group of people have created or have built social constructs for them to organize their thoughts and actions around it that concept. The concept of education is a type of social construct because it has been created in order to make sure people are promising to have a better and secure future. Education helps us understand the world around us and empowers us to adapt to the way society is built on. I believe that education is connected to the belief that we can achieve success in our lives. We are all meant to believe that having a higher education will secure us with bigger and better jobs with a promise of a higher salary compared to those who have not pursued an education after high school. This is where the concept of education is a social construct because it creates a very competitive atmosphere where there is also a separation of social status. We can go to school and earn a bachelor’s degree and jobs requirements are asking for bachelor’s degree and a pay of minimum wage which makes students go back to school to get a master’s degree. Our education has come a long way over hundreds of years.

We came across barriers of wealth and race, and gender and age. Only a small percentage of people before World War II had went to school to achieve an education. Now, we have people from all ages, races and genders going to school to achieve a higher education and to better their lives and future. There are a lot of different social constructs within the educational system. For example, government plays a big role in our education system and our social policies. K-12th graders are receiving a free public education while those who achieve a higher education must qualify for grants and loans to receive a high education. The government has college students base how much they will receive from their household income (aka their parents’ income) until they turn 24 years old. The issue with this is that some students have a single parent who makes decent amount of money but only enough to pay for bills and food, not enough to pay thousands of dollars each semester to help their child go to college. That is a big flaw when it comes to our government and our education system and policies.

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