Wicked the Musical Analysis

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Wicked is a musical that explores the untold story of the witches of Oz before the arrival of Dorothy. The play is based on the novel Wicked by Gregory Maguire and was performed at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia. The show portrays the story of the Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba, who is victimized and misunderstood. The production was spellbinding and the cast did an outstanding job in their roles. The set and costumes were outstanding and added to the mystery of the Land of Oz. The play conveyed many themes and left the audience with joy and satisfaction. The only downside was that some pillars blocked the view of the stage due to the age of the theater. Overall, Wicked was a magnificent play that captivated the audience and left them with a memorable experience.

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Wicked is a musical that was performed at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia. In the days before Dorothy, the show explores the untold story of the witches of Oz and is based on the novel Wicked by Gregory Maguire. The magical play portrays the story of the infamous Wicked Witch of the West and how she was victimized and misunderstood. This production was spellbinding and a magnificent cast enchanted the audience. Elphaba is a female character played by Julia Murney. She portrays the Wicked Witch of the West and appears as a green-skinned woman and a misfit to the Land of Oz She was excellent in her role as Elphaba.

She appeared as an intelligent, strong willed. misunderstood character through her actions. She appears compassionate to her cause which is to save the animals from losing their powers of speech and intelligence in Oz. This character is convincing that she has magical powers and the audience is captivated by her magnificent voice. She relates very well romantically to Fiyero as she sings the lyrics from the song “As Long As You’re Mine”. Elphba changes the tone of her voice to reflect her emotions and deep commitment to Fiyero.

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Her growing friendship and relationship with Glenda is believable as they sing “Popular” and use meaningful gestures and effective blocking. Even though both characters are from different backgrounds, they form a strong bond. Her solos “Defying Gravity” and “I’m Not That Girl” appealed to the emotions of the audience and were powerful. Julia Murney’s performance was outstanding and by the end of the show earned the audience’s empathy and understanding. Glinda, the Good Witch, was played by Kendra Kassebaum.

Her role was outstanding and convinced the audience that she was beautiful, ambitious, and very popular. Her gestures and movement while singing “Popular” brought humor and a lighthearted mood to her relationship with Elphaba. Her high pitched voice suggested that she was flighty at times. Her voice was determined as she tried to secure her relationship to her beloved Fiyero. Glinda brought emotion to her character. She appeared disgruntled when first learning of her new roommate and then desperate when trying to save her new friend, Elphaba.

She is filled with vitality and charm in her role. The set and the costumes were outstanding in the play. They gave an element of mystery and surprise when depicting the Land of Oz. The massive gold dragon with puffing smoke was a focal point on the stage. The lighting added to the mystery of the land and its people. The costumes were glittering and magnificent. Glinda appeared “queen like” in her beautiful gown while the green faced Elphaba appeared lonely and dejected. The lyrics complemented the emotions displayed from the characters.

The characters flew through the sky which was impressive as well. When the witch appeared to melt behind the curtain, the audience was impressed and moved. It would be very hard to suggest change or offer improvements in impressive play. Since the theater is old, some pillars block the view of the stage which can be a problem. The play itself was flawless and very impressive. It conveyed many themes and moved the emotions of the audience. The surprising twist of the ending left the audience leaving with joy and satisfaction of a wonderful performance.

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Wicked the Musical Analysis. (2017, Jan 22). Retrieved from


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