Writing for Educational Leaders

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Writing is a beautiful thing to be able to do! There are many styles of writing, but there is one style that is very important when writing for educational leaders and that includes the APA style. When the results are shared with the scientific community, then the research is complete. This can be accomplished in various ways such as formally or informally. However, the traditional median, for corresponding research results, is by scientific journals. The accumulated knowledge of a field is the scientific journal. Recorded in this literature are the findings and analysis, The failures and successes and the aspects of many researchers. It is a good thing these scientific journals are available, because, they help investigators avoid repeating work that has already been done before. And, because of these scientific journals, the researchers benefit from the publication process. When these researchers communicate clearly and concisely in these scientific journals, it contributes mostly to the literature. In this paper, we will examine several considerations that the authors or researchers should weigh when writing for educational leaders!

Keywords: accumulated knowledge, scientific journals, researchers

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How to Write for Educational Leaders

Ethical issues are very important and because they are important, in this first chapter, concerning writing for educational leaders, contains a discussion of ethics. But that is not all, they have expanded coverage of several topics. It is crucial to understand three major things when it comes to writing for educational leaders. First, the types of articles. Secondly, ethical and legal standards in publishing and third, ensuring the accuracy of scientific knowledge.

Okay, let us jump into it!! So what are the types of articles to consider when writing for educational leaders in APA style? Well there are 5 that will be mentioned right now, nonetheless, there are other articles. There are empirical studies which are reports of “original“ research. Literature reviews, which includes research synthesis evaluating materials that have already been published. When the researcher draws on existing investigative literature to advance a theory, this is called theoretical reviews. But what is a theory?? A theory is defined as a system of ideas used to explain something. Methodological articles represent new methodological approaches, or discussion of quantitative and data analytical approaches to the community of researchers. The last one or fifth one is case studies, involving working with individuals, groups a community or an organization. What do think? These are the articles!!

Secondly, ethical and legal standards in publishing. What does EITHICAL mean?? Ethical is defined as relating to moral principles. For example: ethical issues in nursing. We know one must be “ethical”. Nonetheless, when it comes to writing for educational leaders, three goals come to mind: (a) to assure the rights and interest of research participants; (b) to establish the certainty of scientific knowledge; and (c) to assure scholarly property rights. Writers work hard to uphold these goals and follow these precepts that have been well-established by their qualified associations.

Thirdly, ensuring accuracy of scientific knowledge. Remember when you were in high school and you had to learn the scientific method? To refresh your memory, when it comes to the scientific method, observation is key, thus psychologist do not fabricate or falsify data. Authors must possess ethical reporting of research results. Authors also, have to include data retention which means, that their raw data must be retained for 5 years so other qualified researchers can approve their study and results. If the researcher data is not original and has been previously published, this kind of behavior is prohibited. And what is it called? It is called duplicate and piecemeal publication of data. But, the biggest issue when it comes to ensuring accuracy of scientific knowledge is plagiarism. Researchers do not claim the words of another as their own. One must give credit where credit is due. Also, there is self-plagiarism. When authors do not present their own previously published work as a new scholarship.

In closing, just as a nurse must be ETHICAL in the way that she/he handles their patients, writers must be ETHICAL in their writing behavior. It is all about the readers, not the writers. So let us write with enthusiasm and creativity. Have fun writing.

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Writing for Educational Leaders. (2022, Feb 12). Retrieved from


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