A Great Life at Mom Sixteen

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The most important event in my life took place when I was sixteen. I got my drivers license. When I got my license, my whole life changed. My friends and I started going out more. This was the first time my mother did not have to drive me around. I started going out more with the ladies more because I was able to drive. Driving changed my life significantly. It was on of the proudest moments of my life.

The first time my friends and I got to out was a Friday night. It was awesome. Our night started off at around 8:30 pm. We did not go any specific place. My friends and I just drove around. We went to Caribou Coffee to try and pick up some girls to ride with us. That night none of the girls went with us. My parents changed my curfew to midnight instead of eleven. This worked out good because now I was able to hang out until all hours. When you can first stay out until midnight, it feels like you can just never go home. Most of my friends had an 11:45 pm curfew. After dropping them off I had just enough time to get home on time.

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When I first told my parents I was going out with my friends, they jokingly asked if I wanted them to drive. My mom told me that I was all grown up. I had the chat with my parents about responsibility. They were not concerned with how I drove but how other people on the rode drove. At least that was what they told me. I felt so good knowing that I could go out with my friends and not have to wait for my mother to pick me up. I would not have to ask her to drive and get denied because she did not have time.

When I started to drive, I started asking out the ladies more than before. Now I did not have to ask whose mother would pick us up and drop us off at our destination. The ladies I went out with were people I would have never asked out if I wasnt driving because it was a matter of being cool or not. I would ask out the girls who just wanted to get out that looked good. I had some standards, but they were not that high. I just wanted to drive with a girl in the passenger seat of my car.

When I turned sixteen, times changed because of my driving. I had a lot more responsibility but it was well worth the cost of driving. Driving changed my life dramatically. I wish I were aloud to drive earlier. I still go cruising with the same friends I did on the day I got my license. Now that everyone has his or her license it is a lot different. We go out with a different car every weekend but it is still the same fee.

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A Great Life at Mom Sixteen. (2023, Jun 14). Retrieved from


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