An Overview of the Origin of Surrealism

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Surrealism began in the early 1920s during World War I and World War II. It was part of the DADA movement that was centered in Paris, Surrealism was created to attack society through scandal. Tristian Tzara was the leader of the dada movement during this time and felt that since people favored war then they did not deserve art so he decided to give it the anti-art and ugliness look. The art, however, became a hit, and instead of becoming the dreadful rebellious art work, people found it to be an instead of anti-art. The style of surrealism is visual imagery from the subconscious mind that is not intended to make artwork logically comprehensible.

Surrealism was divided into two different groups after research by Michael. Bell. One group was the Automatists which were defined as the consciousness in favor of the subconscious. The second group was Veristic surrealist were the means to represent to represent the images of the subconscious with veracity; as a way to freeze images that, if unrecorded, would easily dissolve once again into the unknown(Suarez, Mariu. “History of Surrealism.Web. 14 Nov. 2011). During the 1920’s not only was surrealism created, but there were many discoveries and inventions that were found during this time. On November 2, 1920, the first radio was invented and women got their first vote. September 8, 1921 was the first Miss America Pageant. The antibiotic penicillin was found and insulin for diabetics was discovered.

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A national event of this time was the canceling of all state minimum wages laws, and Nellie Ross of Wyoming became the first woman elected governor of a state. Harlem Renaissance began and in 1922 the tomb of King tut was discovered. Some of the famous artist of the surrealism time were Joan Miro a Spanish painter, sculptor who painted the l-larlequin’s Carnival Andre Breton the founder of surrealism, Max Ernst a German painter and sculpture who was obsessed with birds and painted Loplop, Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter whose famous piece of art was The Persistence of Memory Marcel Duchamp known for The Fountain.

Surrealism and How it is Used Today. Web. 15 Nov. 2011), Surrealism is still growing globally today. It allows artist to show their feelings whether it is dreamy, ugly, depressing, or gritty it doesn’t matter in surrealism it just allows the artist of be free with their thoughts. Surrealism is found in web designs and gives the image of 3 dimensional to create a realistic and strange world. Some of the surrealist artists of today are Lara Jade with Faceless Composition, Henrick painted The Remnant. Surrealist of today have come along way in the digital age giving us new technology along with the entertainment of the web, I can see where surrealism was a positive thing instead of a negative one during World War I and World War II, The people needed a laugh after hearing and living such grim days of war.

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